Pasta, Not Bacon, Makes You Fat. But How?



  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    If abs are a measure of correct-ness..... I vote for Acg. He eats Ben & Jerry's every day.

    One person's sucess or failure does NOT equal a scientific study.

    I do agree with this. N=1. What works for you may not work for me and vice versa. I think that is extremely important to keep in mind--for all of us. :)
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I did Atkins a few years ago, very low carb. It worked for me, and after the first week or so of adjusting to it, I liked it. And it worked. But ultimately, it wasn't something I could live with for the long run...I do like bread and pasta and fruit. It just wasn't the way I wanted to live, long term.
    Now I'm eating much more consciously, but nothing is off limits. If I choose to have a piece of cake, I will have it, enjoy it, and fit it into the rest of my day/week. I'm having a little trouble getting out of the habit of automatically classifying food as risky based solely on carb count...its a mental adjustment. This is complicated by being with my partner, who is diabetic and needs to keep her carbs there are a lot of times when we just aren't eating the same things, or things I get excited about trying are met with a sniff and "well, I can't have that...." Its a challenge.
    Low carb diets seem very counterintuitive...on Atkins you really can eat all that bacon, all that meat, all that fish., and you do lose weight.. I've read studies that say that people are living healthy and keeping weight off living Atkins' way, and if that works for them and their doctors agree, go for it! But I don't choose to live that way.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Insulin…an Undeserved Bad Reputation

    Since it appears no one looked at the article:

    "One misconception regarding a high carbohydrate intake is that it will lead to chronically high insulin levels, meaning you will gain fat because lipogenesis will constantly exceed lipolysis (remember that fat gain can only occur if the rate of lipogenesis exceeds the rate of lipolysis). However, in healthy people, insulin only goes up in response to meals. This means that lipogenesis will only exceed lipolysis during the hours after a meal (known as the postprandial period). During times when you are fasting (such as extended times between meals, or when you are asleep), lipolysis will exceed lipogenesis (meaning you are burning fat). Over a 24-hour period, it will all balance out (assuming your are not consuming more calories than you are expending), meaning you do not gain weight. "

    "One of the biggest misconceptions regarding insulin is that it’s needed for fat storage. It isn’t. Your body has ways to store and retain fat even when insulin is low. For example, there is an enzyme in your fat cells called hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL). HSL helps break down fat. Insulin suppresses the activity of HSL, and thus suppresses the breakdown of fat. This has caused people to point fingers at carbohydrate for causing fat gain.

    However, fat will also suppress HSL even when insulin levels are low. This means you will be unable to lose fat even when carbohydrate intake is low, if you are overeating on calories. If you ate no carbohydrate but 5,000 calories of fat, you would still be unable to lose fat even though insulin would not be elevated. This would be because the high fat intake would suppress HSL. This also means that, if you’re on a low carbohydrate diet, you still need to eat less calories than you expend to lose weight."
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Eating too many calories causes you to be fat. Calories in, calories out.
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    My wife and I get about 300g of carbs/daily because of fruits and vegetables (eat about 4 oranges, a banana, 1 or 2 apples, 2 carrots and vegs in every meals)...that is 3 times the recommended amount and she is too skinny even though she NEVER exercises. She gets also a piece of dark chocolate every day and all our other fat intake comes from fish, yogurts and cheese. I am fatter (about 16%) even though I exercise a lot...that is due to exceptions to my diet (beers, peanuts, socialisation, etc.). Of course we eat bread and pasta, I mean we have a normal life, right? I would never try something I could not keep for the rest of my life...eating no bread or pasta is exactly tht. What is the point to cut them for a month or three if everything comes back when I restart?

    We are not american, it is completely anormal for us to buy processed food. We never went to a fast food simply because we have "french cuisinne" at home. So carbs and fat in pizza are bad, but comon, all friends with 6 pack abs eat bread and pasta!
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    So are you saying 3000 calories of Bacon won't make me fat but 3000 calories of Pasta will?
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    O lost 57lbs in 8 months and never cut anything out or went low carb high protein I regained due yoyoing but I think I lost preety fast and had the energy to do lots of exercise and drop 36 inches too
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    So, this gets really technical (and organic chemistry). Personally I think it's worth watching the lecture in its entirety, however, if not I recommend watching 0:00-9:00 (slides 1-12) & 34:50-end (slides 80-116).

    Mat Lalonde is an organic chemist, and this was a lecture he gave at Harvard in 2011. It examines grains and the impact on the human diet.

  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    The underlying idea is that the insulin spike/drop caused by high carb foods causes you to feel hungry and thus eat more, which the basis for the South Beach Diet, the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet, the Woman Doctor's Diet for Women, and a bunch of others.

    Yes, but add fat and/or protein to that carb and the insulin reaction is drastically reduced - so it's all just junk science any way.

    A balanced diet that includes the foods you love, at a caloric deficit - barring any metobolic disorder - is really all you need to lose weight.

    I see so many of my friends struggling to cut out entire food categories because they think it's a magic bullet. Then they "cheat" and go so wildly overboard. Ultimately I don't see any more success in them than I've seen in myslef eating bread every day and Oreos A LOT.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    White flour and stripped refined grains convert most easily to sugar and cause an insulin response is what I have learned. Check back on health problems in 20 - 30 years for all of the people who love their pastas with/without bacon. That will be the info that everyone needs. Maybe it is true maybe it isn't. All I know is I've played Russian Roulette with food for too many years and I am now choosing to err on the side of caution by going the green veggie route courtesy of .

    To each his own. Enjoy your bacon and pastas! = D
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    White flour and stripped refined grains convert most easily to sugar and cause an insulin response is what I have learned. Check back on health problems in 20 - 30 years for all of the people who love their pastas with/without bacon. That will be the info that everyone needs. Maybe it is true maybe it isn't. All I know is I've played Russian Roulette with food for too many years and I am now choosing to err on the side of caution by going the green veggie route courtesy of .

    To each his own. Enjoy your bacon and pastas! = D

    Italians and Asians have eaten pasta for lot longer then 20-30 yrs...
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    White flour and stripped refined grains convert most easily to sugar and cause an insulin response is what I have learned. Check back on health problems in 20 - 30 years for all of the people who love their pastas with/without bacon. That will be the info that everyone needs. Maybe it is true maybe it isn't. All I know is I've played Russian Roulette with food for too many years and I am now choosing to err on the side of caution by going the green veggie route courtesy of .

    To each his own. Enjoy your bacon and pastas! = D

    Italians and Asians have eaten pasta for lot longer then 20-30 yrs...

    And most of them (native, not Americanized) are not overweight.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Interesting infographic/article. Not sure how accurate it is, but it seems to make sense, so I thought I'd share:

    I drastically cut my breads and pastas when I lost my weight, so I'm thinking there's some truth to this.

    To make it simple...........and the short version that was explained to me by my metabolic Endocrinologist some years ago.

    Pasta causes an insulin response which causes the carbs to be stored as fat.

    Bacon is protein and fat, which does not cause an insulin response in the body. Thus the recommendation of why T2 Diabetics and people with insulin resistance should follow a controlled carb lifestyle.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    You don't have to believe. I'll just reap the benefits and continue to astound doctors with excellent cholesterol/trig/ blood glucose readings and nice, low blood pressure readings as they say, "You're eating mainly meat and leafy greens? Meat with SKIN ON? MARBLED grass-fed steak?! You're a freak of nature!" And I'll just laugh.

    and are you going to substantiate this claim at all?

    "I think it's funny how no matter how much proof there is that carbs, especially refined ones (although all of them to a degree), not fat, cause obesity, people will still shake their heads and stomp around like a three year old who has been told they can't have a lollipop.

    It works for her so it automatically must work for everyone else and we are evil if we eat carbs.

    And now for a pop quiz question: If all snorks are gronks, and all gronks are snoods, are all snoods snorks? :tongue:
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    And now for a pop quiz question: If all snorks are gronks, and all gronks are snoods, are all snoods snorks? :tongue:
    Only if they avoid carbs.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I eat pasta every day and I LOVE IT! I've been on maintenance for several months and never had a problem losing or maintaining while eating my daily carbs. There is no way I will eliminate my favorite foods. I love a balanced diet! It doesn't really matter what you eat, it's how much you eat! Excess calories make you fat! :drinker:
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    This thread is making me very, very hungry!
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Pasta and bread portions in this country are completely out of control. If you eat a sensible portion size and incorporate pastas into a healthy balanced diet, they do not make you fat. Sorry, but millions of Italians can't be wrong. (I'm talking in Italy, not the Americanized super-size-me Italian restaurants). Just like white rice as a staple of Asian diets.

    Everything in moderation and as part of a balanced diet with your calories in/calories out balanced.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    You don't have to believe. I'll just reap the benefits and continue to astound doctors with excellent cholesterol/trig/ blood glucose readings and nice, low blood pressure readings as they say, "You're eating mainly meat and leafy greens? Meat with SKIN ON? MARBLED grass-fed steak?! You're a freak of nature!" And I'll just laugh.

    I'm with you.... everyone wants to argue about it. I say go ahead and argue, while I continue to drop weigh WITHOUT having to count my calories. I go over by 300 to 500 quite frequently and have lost 7 pounds in three weeks. I'm NEVER hungry either. Love it!!!