Does c25k really get easier? What kind of results have peopl



  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I currently weight 212 pounds and just finished Week 2 Day 2 last night, it does get easier - by the end of week 1 I was ready to move up as it was no longer a challenge. I Do it Mon,Wed,Fri and do other carido and strength on my off days. What I was told by my friends that have done it is if you do not feel ready to move up a week don't take your time until you are comfortable and then move up.

    Just remember to listen to your body, it will tell you if it is ready or not.
  • Steffi330
    Steffi330 Posts: 110 Member
    Yes it will get easier, give yourself time though. Repeat weeks if necessary. I am on week 9 and can run 3 miles, it's a great feeling!!

    Edited to add....It amazes me I've come this far, back in the beginning I couldn't even run the 60 seconds!!!!

    That is awesome!!! Congratulations!
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    I think you should stay away from C25k for 6 months...simply because there are plenty of chances you will put too much efforts into this and will not find the energy to get back to your jogging. I was over 100kg and I can say the begining is hard. The best way to run is to become addicted...and nobody is addicted to effort. When I started to run, I would go for 10-15min very slowly. I repeated it and 2-3 days later, I was jogging (compared to my speed now, this is walking as fast as you can) 30 min. I was already happy of myself. When I run, I keep in mind I look for nice sensations, no hurting. I always stop whiile I have extra energy left, so that I already wish to come back the next day. It is definitely impacting greatly weight loss but remember that the person who goes often and slowly will have much more results than the exhausted ones (even though I later used C25k and learned to reach satisfactory exaustion) who drop of every 3 weeks. Running has to be a pleisure, not a killing exercise. I started around my house but always go to the forest now. After 6 months of easy trainings, I was abble to run a 20k...I can now regularly run 2h at heavy pace as long as I have music in my ears (otherwise my mental tells me I am too exausted to keep he speed)
  • zakismom
    zakismom Posts: 15 Member
    C25K is an awesome way to get started. Just remember to listen to your body and if you feel like you need to 'stall' at a certain point to let your body 'catch up' then certainly do that. I wish I had found C25K when I started running, I just did it blindly but now run half and full marathons - even weighing as much as I do. Many of the people on my running forum started this way and have had great success.
  • ChunkyFunkyMonkey
    I want it to stop raining so I can go out and do it! ARGH!!!

    Any other tips someone just starting should know?
  • jahenafer
    jahenafer Posts: 3 Member
    I am on week 3, workout #7. Before starting this program, I could not run for a minute straight. I do the program 3 times a week and have definitely seen improvements! Make sure to stretch before and after. Good luck!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I want it to stop raining so I can go out and do it! ARGH!!!

    Any other tips someone just starting should know?

    You can run in the rain and it can be fun at times.

    If you get a cramp on your side, try putting your hands in the air and breathe deeply.

    If you get a cramp in your shoulder it is usually dehydration.
  • MrsMuffinRun
    Hi I am on the second week. This is my third attempt really. Back in October I started and realised that, after 8 years of being full time mummy with no exercise, that I wasn't as fit and strong as I thought. So I concentrated on doing 30-40 minute brisk walks 3 times a week. Then I started again just after Xmas and it was going good for 2 weeks. Then I hurt my knee! I was gutted, thinking I had completely blown it. But I waited for my knee to recover and think it was partly due to messing around with my 4 year old more than the actual running. So I started again and so far, it seems to be third time lucky though the snow is putting a bit of a spanner in the works! I don't have a huge amount of weight to lose so that probably helps, but I think strengthening my legs up by walking went a long way to getting me ready. I also have the 30 DS and I am only using it on days when I can't get out for a run due to really heavy snow. Otherwise, I think the C25K is enough for now. I am always taking at least one rest day in between and this works for me, otherwise I get overtired and want to eat loads. Friend me if you like, I am only a week ahead and I love reading about anyone else who is doing the same programme :-) I've got a long way to go but I really want to be able to do a 5K run, however slowly, by the spring!
  • jhungate
    jhungate Posts: 95 Member
    I started with it and now average around 40 miles a week. Have run around 6 5k races, a 7.5k, a 10k and am training for a half marathon. It works!
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    I am on week 1 still, just did my 4th session of it last week (I'm doing 2 weeks of each "week" of the program) I'm 237 lbs and it has definitely gotten easier...

    Really I'm more then in my 4th session, however I only count these 4 because I couldn't do the whole run the first 2 times I tried. I have definitely gotten better.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    It amazes me how much I struggled in the beginning of C25K, but I've completed it and have moved one to Ease Into Bridge To 10K. I chose the Ease Into one only because my legs are sore from the other workouts I do. Never, ever, ever did I think I'd become a runner!

  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    I did week1 day1 today and I am AMAZED that I did it. There was a part of me that thought I would die halfway through and not complete it...but I did it and never stopped! Although I had jelly legs at the end I didn't feel completely spent either. There's more in me, I can feel it. However, I'm not going to go mad - I'll take my time and do what the nice lady on my ipod says to do.

    On the days I'm not doing it I'm doing 30ds also, but not on the same day - the c25krunning, the 30ds jumping jack, skipping, butt kicks etc. are a recipe for an injury - to my mind anyway, it's too much for a beginner (me).

    But I'm still completely psyched that I managed it...I can't even remeber the last time I ran - maybe at school and I'm now in my 30's!!
  • Lady_Kayla
    I am on week 1 day 3 (tomorrow) I have 69lb's more to lose. I am 5'2 to give you some idea of how over weight i am! I was surprised the fist day i did the whole 30 mins I really pushed myself through those voices in my head telling me I couldn't do it. I didn't stretch BIG MISTAKE. I was really sore on my thighs and shins. I didn't do so well on day 2 as not only did i have sore muscles it had gone from 5 degrees cold to -4 and I couldn't breath so well. I will do day 3 tomorrow and see how I go but if I can't do the whole 30 mins I will be repeating week one. This isn't a time trial for me, long term I would like to lose weight, get healthy & be able to run 3/4 times a week to keep in shape.

    Thank you to whoever pointed out that shoulder pain was caused by dehydration.... that makes sense!