siwelh Member


  • +1 and
  • Great job! You look amazing- Happy Birthday!
  • Eggs have been key to me losing almost 90 lbs. I try to limit myself to one yolk a day (most of what I have read still says more than that might be a problem), but I will have 4 whites with one whole egg a day. Eggs, greek yogurt, cottage cheese and lite string cheese are my 4 "secret weapons"!
  • I was full of crap. I started taking probiotics and was slightly less full of crap. My system got used to the probiotics and just as full of crap as before. In other words, my plateau has returned with a vengeance. Not that I'm that concerned with it. I'm so close to my goal that I could just as well up my goal as keep…
  • I agree. I also say lots of protein, little sugar, reduced carbs and a ton of water. And like Bob Harper says, I always go to bed hungry.
  • My net is set lower than recommended(1050), so I do eat my exercise. Also, I think it is very important to have an accurate number of calories burned- I use the Polar FT40 HRM, which is really good for calories. If I use a regular HRM, the machines at the gym or what mfp says, it is not accurate.
  • I agree with this. If you are eating clean, working out (I highly recommend strength training, btw) and going at the lb a week pace, you are losing the RIGHT weight- the fat weight. Those who starve or work out too much and/or don't eat clean might lose more for awhile, but they will lose muscle, and in the end, the weight…
  • Wonderful news! It just keeps getting better!
  • When I started, I my net was 1200 a day. Now that I am much, much smaller, but still have maybe 8 lbs to go, I am at 950 net. I eat back my calories (use the Polar FT40 for accurate calorie determination) and have taken a couple of "maintenance weeks" (where I up my calories to just maintain, not lose) to give my body a…
  • I wondered the same thing, I'm a 2 at Target, so I wondered what I would be at Old Navy- I was also a 2. Needless to say, since I was a 14 in Dec, this was pretty freaking awesome!
  • You literally brought tears to my eyes! Congratulations, you look amazing. Thank you for sharing!!
  • I agree with Lauren, 100%. btw, I felt like I couldn't do much cardio either- b/c of my breasts- but the Enell bra was a miracle. I've lost almost 90 lbs and I don't think I could have done it without that bra! Though now I have c cups and don't need the Enell anymore (whoo hoo- I can now buy bras in a store!!) Keep at it,…
  • No, it was the DXA for Body fat composition like here: The software determines body fat %.
  • Yes and no. How's that for an answer? What I mean is, the more fit you get, the less a particular workout can do for you. When I started back with running, I could burn 350 calories running 3 miles. Now I'm lucky to burn 250, and I'm running so much faster. Likewise, I used to burn 700 calories in an hour of spinning, now…
  • Be careful. I've had some bad personal trainers. I've had two talk about themselves non-stop! I don't want to be friends with my trainer, I want to work out. Hard. Which leads me to my second problem: My trainers have usually been too easy on me as well. Finally, one ended up being an all around creep and I walked away…
  • I had 2 c-sections as well. I went from 210 when I had my youngest 21 months ago, to 131 today (5'3). I still have a pouch. One thing to keep in mind, while I am in the "healthy" BMI range, I'm not there my a lot. 131 is not even mid- way in the healthy BMI range for our height. My BMI is 23.2 and healthy range is…
  • I'll do it for sure next year- just remind us. Great job, btw!!
  • I'm completely with Celeigh12. I was a drive thru addict. It became much more habit than hunger and I would actually get a pavlovian response when I saw a fast food sign! Anyway, I did what she did, and now fast food is for true road trips only. I have one exception- Subway. I always order very healthy there and feel that…
  • I read that if it's above the neck, work out, below the neck- rest. I've been following this all winter with great results. I actually advocate a HARD workout if you feel a sinus thing coming on. Every time I feel like I'm getting a head cold, I kick up the cardio and it has seemed to clear it right up. It's worked at…
  • 5'3, small/medium frame SW: Gave birth to my son at 210 CW: 137 GW: 125-ish I'm a size 6 now and pretty happy with that- not sure if 4 will be too small. I want to lose a few more inches around my middle and build more muscle. It's hard to say what my goal "weight is"- I just know I want to get rid of as much fat around my…
  • I looked over your diary and IMO you are eating really well. I am assuming you weigh your foods and use a quality HRM for calculating calories, so we can eliminate the possibility of "user error" ;) in determining calories. If that's not the problem, then 2 things come to mind: 1) Work out a bit more- try intervals for…
  • I agree- and agree with strength training.
  • YMCA or really early before they get up.
  • I gained about 10 lbs in less than 2 weeks after running a half marathon that I was NOT prepared for. I think I destroyed a lot of muscle on that run and I over ate several days after- causing the gain. It took me about 6 weeks to loose that weight! Also- always store a scale laying flat and with nothing on it. Putting it…
  • Update?
  • I say it is not the end of the world. I am of the opinion that- in the long run- it's good to have a crazy day every now and then. You should think of it like this- you have the fuel for a really great work out today! Work out really hard and know that it can be a good thing to keep your body guessing. You might be…
  • A few things may be going on: 1) It is my understanding that when you are working out a lot and building muscle- you will retain water a little more. I guess that to build muscle, you actually tear it and it recovers bigger and stronger- but off the bat your body holds on to more water as an aid to this repair. Your actual…
  • I get what people are talking about re: starvation- but that should not make you GAIN, not like you have anyway. If you are completely honest about what you are eating and your scale is correct- you need to see a doctor- asap. I would get a number of blood tests- including those for thyroid and pregnancy. Good luck! Hoping…
  • You look great- strong, confident and happy! Congrats!