Keep Gaining????



  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    You're not eating any where close to enough calories. All you are doing is succeeding in slowing you metabolism even more. Never eat under 1200 calories and if you exercise eat those calories back. That is how you stoke you metabolism and get you body burning calories so that you can lose fat. Good luck.
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    You're not eating enough.

    From looking at your diary it seems you are almost always a few hundred below 1200 for the day, that's not healthy.

    When you don't give your body enough food it is going to store fat like crazy because it's thinking you're stranded out in the desert with no food in sight

    I looked at your calories and you are not eating near enough calories. Plus what you do eat, is a lot of processed food which has far less nutritional value. i recommend making sure you get the bear minimum of 1200 calories plus your exercise calories. Add lots of veggies, fruit, lean protein and whole grains. I'm positive if you did that, you would see the weight start dropping off.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member

    You're not eating even close to what you should.

    As per MFP -

    What are Net Calories?

    We set your nutritional target in Net Calories which we define as:

    Calories Consumed (Food) - Calories Burned (Exercise) = Net Calories

    What that means is that if you exercise, you will be able to eat more for that day. For example, if your Net Calorie goal is 2000 calories, one way to meet that goal is to eat 2,500 calories of food, but then burn 500 calories through exercise.

    Think of your Net Calories like a daily budget of calories to spend. You spend them by eating, and you earn more calories to eat by exercising.
  • siwelh
    siwelh Posts: 50 Member
    I get what people are talking about re: starvation- but that should not make you GAIN, not like you have anyway.

    If you are completely honest about what you are eating and your scale is correct- you need to see a doctor- asap. I would get a number of blood tests- including those for thyroid and pregnancy.

    Good luck! Hoping its just a crummy scale!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I get what people are talking about re: starvation- but that should not make you GAIN, not like you have anyway.

    If you are completely honest about what you are eating and your scale is correct- you need to see a doctor- asap. I would get a number of blood tests- including those for thyroid and pregnancy.

    Good luck! Hoping its just a crummy scale!

    it DOES make you gain.

    Time and time again i see threads like this posted almost everyday. Someone comes on here and eats 900 calories a day for weeks and then they're so angry that the scale is going up.

    People think if they eat less then the weight will fall off quicker and that is simply not how the body works. When the body isn't getting enough calories it holds onto as much fat as possible for as long as it can.

    Yes obviously over time if you continue to starve yourself you will lose weight like crazy and in a very unhealthy manner and more than likely the person will destroy their metabolism.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I get what people are talking about re: starvation- but that should not make you GAIN, not like you have anyway.

    If you are completely honest about what you are eating and your scale is correct- you need to see a doctor- asap. I would get a number of blood tests- including those for thyroid and pregnancy.

    Good luck! Hoping its just a crummy scale!

    it DOES make you gain.

    Time and time again i see threads like this posted almost everyday. Someone comes on here and eats 900 calories a day for weeks and then they're so angry that the scale is going up.

    People think if they eat less then the weight will fall off quicker and that is simply not how the body works. When the body isn't getting enough calories it holds onto as much fat as possible for as long as it can.

    Yes obviously over time if you continue to starve yourself you will lose weight like crazy and in a very unhealthy manner and more than likely the person will destroy their metabolism.

    But it doesn't. That makes absolutely no sense at all. If you severely under eat your metabolism slows and you become more efficient at using the calories available, but you don't gain weight. Especially not if you have a fair amount to lose. It just isn't possible.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I get what people are talking about re: starvation- but that should not make you GAIN, not like you have anyway.

    If you are completely honest about what you are eating and your scale is correct- you need to see a doctor- asap. I would get a number of blood tests- including those for thyroid and pregnancy.

    Good luck! Hoping its just a crummy scale!

    it DOES make you gain.

    Time and time again i see threads like this posted almost everyday. Someone comes on here and eats 900 calories a day for weeks and then they're so angry that the scale is going up.

    People think if they eat less then the weight will fall off quicker and that is simply not how the body works. When the body isn't getting enough calories it holds onto as much fat as possible for as long as it can.

    Yes obviously over time if you continue to starve yourself you will lose weight like crazy and in a very unhealthy manner and more than likely the person will destroy their metabolism.

    But it doesn't. That makes absolutely no sense at all. If you severely under eat your metabolism slows and you become more efficient at using the calories available, but you don't gain weight. Especially not if you have a fair amount to lose. It just isn't possible.

    How does that not make sense?

    Our bodies are pretty good at fighting famine considering supermarkets haven't been around all that long.

    When the body isn't getting enough food it stores every little bit you give it so that you can stay alive longer.

    Like i said if you continue to starve your body then yes it has no option but to let you slowly die, but that takes quite a long while so in the mean time it's going to do it's best to keep you alive by storing everything you eat and considering the scale is tricky business anyways, it's going to show a gain
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Looking at the diary I agree with others that you aren't eating as much as you should and what you are choosing to eat is probably not as great for your body as something more fresh and why is breakfast a pill and a cup of coffee? In the morning your metabolism is more at its strongest so you can afford to have something that is about 300-500 calories and then for the rest of the day have stuff thats about 250-350 calories. Bring in more fruits, vegetables, and fresh food in general and I think it would help you begin to lose weight again.
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    I ran into this already myself. For me what I found out was you have to eat around your 1200 calories no matter what! It doesn't have to be right at 1200 but close. When you are eating less your body freaks out and will start hoarding weight. "starvation mode"! This is easy to fix you start eating your 1200 calories a day. When I put myself in starvation mode the scale still didn't move. So I had a cheat day. I ate some cheeseburgers one week and then two more later that week. Still following my 1200 calories. Then I ate as healthy as I could around it. Guess what happened? I started losing weight again.

    Our bodies get used to what we are doing to it. So to keep it doing what we want, we have to change things up a little bit. I found this out on my own. Some people say to eat less to kick your body into losing if it gains or stays at the same rate for awhile. This is not true! If your eating under the calories your supposed too.

    Eat 1200 a day, and have a cheat day. I promise you, the scale will start moving down. I could not figure it out either. Eat food high in fiber, protein, it wheat eat grains and so forth. Eat what is healthy for your body. Veggies some fruits! Turkey, chicken you get the idea.

    I have found a wonderful bread brand name is Arnold grains and more double protein bread. This stuff is awesome! It's a good source of fiber. Has 19g of whole grain per slice and 13g protein per 2 slice. Calories 110

    Anyway changing what I was eating and adding this bread. I have more energy and the scale has went down. I also made my workouts longer. For me I know why I put on weight and my weight was playing a yo-yo game. I wasn't eating enough! I was on WW too and eating what I thought were healthy snack. I was so wrong!

    My advice make a few adjustments, like I did and you will start seeing results again! So get yourself out of starvation mode! Your body is hoarding everything you eat. I didn't think it was possible until it happened to me! If you need help email me:) You will be okay hun...
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    You are eating processed foods.... hardly any fruits and veggies and you are eating under your calories. You may think you are doing well eating only 900 calories when MFP is telling you to eat 1200.....but you aren't

    At your age (please don't take offense as I am 49) weight training will help to boost your metabolism. I lift weights 4 times a week alternating between upper and lower body.
  • tsjourney
    tsjourney Posts: 156 Member
    Thank you for all of your comments, they were very helpful! I do need to increase my calories and eat more fruits and veggies. Coming from someone who ate whatever they wanted for many years and TONS of it, it was difficult at first to get into a routine of trying to eat healthier AND lower my portions tremendously. I may have lowered it too much and now am full faster. Will take the advice and add more food and try really hard to eat when I get up (that's tough for me, usually wait until I get to work and eat oatmeal somewhere around 10 am). I do log all of my drinks, I only drink water now and coffee. My bloodwork recently came back ok, so shouldn't be any issues. Thanks again :-).
  • siwelh
    siwelh Posts: 50 Member