Runny nose and running: yay or nay?

quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
How does everyone feel about exercising as much when they're sick? When you're sick, your body is already pretty run down, and I feel like exercising will just make it harder to become not sick anymore.

But any exercise is good would (for example) instead of running for 30 minutes, you walk and a brisk pace for 30 minutes.

:sick: To run/exercise with a runny nose....yay or nay?


  • madmickie
    madmickie Posts: 221 Member
    I have read that if your resting heart rate is up then this indicates your body is fighting a significant infection and is already under stress - therefore you shouldnt train.

    An easier way of putting this is 'do you feel like training?'
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
  • neonbear3
    neonbear3 Posts: 1 Member
    I think you shouldn't do any harsh exercise if you're sick, but when I have just a runny nose (no fever or anything else) it helps to walk instead of just staying inside all day (plus you get some extra vitamin D too)

    If you feel like it, I'd say go for a walk, but I don't know about running.
  • catlady100
    catlady100 Posts: 154
    if i'm feeling low lethargic and low on energy I don't. If it's just a runny nose and I'm otherwise fine I would probably go ahead and do it.
  • edena1987
    edena1987 Posts: 66 Member
    20 minute walk. I tried to run with a runny nose (and chest congestion) and ended up with an asthma attack. Walking is low impact and better on your body while you are sick.
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    If you just have a runny nose you should be ok. If the cold is lower, going to chest then be careful

    I've had a small head coal and itchy throat this week and played a pickup soccer game last night, made me feel a lot better!
  • soonernick
    soonernick Posts: 63 Member
    I've been sick twice in a month since starting this new diet/workout program. It's killing me! The first time I workout sick and I lost my voice and had to miss work. This time I will take it easy and just stick to my diet.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Steve Pulcinella on training while 'under the weather.'

    Disclaimer: He says "f***" quite a few times.
  • siwelh
    siwelh Posts: 50 Member
    I read that if it's above the neck, work out, below the neck- rest. I've been following this all winter with great results. I actually advocate a HARD workout if you feel a sinus thing coming on. Every time I feel like I'm getting a head cold, I kick up the cardio and it has seemed to clear it right up. It's worked at least 5 times since October (I have 2 kids in daycare and work with the public so I am usually sick all winter long- except this year!)

    Good luck.
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    Thanks for all the advice! I think for me it's a mental issue too....of knowing I normally exercise, but just can't seem to physically push myself as hard, but mentally want to push myself even harder. :frown: