ashleydmassey Member


  • I have noticed this ^, too, on all accounts. There are the few people who will say at some point that you are an inspiration and will want your support. But there are also people who I now feel uncomfortable talking about my "so far" success because I feel they look down on me. It is nice to be noticed but it becomes a…
  • Thank you for this information. I am currently reading a body sculpting book for women and this book encourages women to aim for 12-16% BF, but going no lower than 12% at any time. I am no expert so I've been wanting to find information to counterattack this theory only to read both sides of information and to get fully…
  • I can say absolutely yes to your question. I have GERD and an ulcer as a result of the GERD. I had significant heartburn/pain all the time before I started losing weight. Everything hurts, though, when you have all the extra weight adding pressure to all your body parts. I rarely have any heartburn anymore and if I do,…
  • What annoys me about other people is when people are so consumed with other people rather than owning their own. It doesn't really bother me because seriously, I'm too busy beating myself up over what I've done wrong or could have done better. Haters are haters. Bullies are bullies. Bullying the bully and hating the hater…
  • Personally, I would trash it. I'm a lover of cake, but still... Your friend wouldn't have to know that's what you did. But your body would know if you ate it. You lost last week. Wouldn't you like to lose this week too? It's not a sentimental present that you can hang on to forever. It turns into waste (stored or not) in…
  • Unless a physician puts you on 500 calories a day for very specific reasons, then I would say "no". I'm not an expert. But if you eat too low like that, you are looking at crossing the threshhold of eating disorders. Not only that but you aren't learning to fuel your body as it was intended to be for the long haul---so you…
  • I am constantly planning, but also constantly discovering new ways to eat/love foods. I find the foods I eat now to be as equally gratifying as what I ate before...but without overdoing it :smile:
  • I don't eat "perfect" by any means. (My diary is open for friends) But I do eat far better than I ever have. More importantly, I eat far better portions than I ever have. You know those huge bags of chocolate candy on the grocery story candy aisles? The ones that are like $10 and come mixed up with Hershey Kisses,…
  • Oh the macros. Do yourself a favor, don't focus so hardcore on every crumb right now. I don't look at macros. Many people do. Perhaps the macros are good for different people for different reasons. However, for the sake of getting off the ground and just getting started, don't consume yourself with such details. Honestly,…
  • It is possible that you are trying too much and over-thinking too much. If I tried everything that everyone said, I would go crazy. For every suggestion, there is a contradiction. You cannot follow every single suggestion of every single person and succeed. It's just not going to work. You have to try one thing, if it…
  • Where you start is really, truly one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. You will make it. I try to always say, focus on the actions and let the results work themselves out. Staying motivated is equally as challenging as getting started. Just pushing through and remembering, one bite at a time, one workout at a…
  • Great question! I'm down 60, hoping to push it down 20 more or so. Honestly, I just count calories and have added exercise to my life. Some weeks I might get in six days a week. Other weeks I might top out at 3 days a week. I have just spent two weeks packing/moving/settling into a new home so that three days seems very…
  • You are doing an outstanding job!!! Feel very proud of yourself!!! I love that you added your goals to the post. So very inspiring...!!!! P.S. This is the only season of the year that I miss living in Florida! I'm so over the winter! I imagine running down there has its own obstacles, ay? Great job! Ashley
  • I am not single but I do LOVE Mandisa and I have lost over 50 so far. Still have at least 20 to go, if not more. I'll be happy to be support if you want to add me. (Though I know I don't fit the perfect criteria in the subject) Much luck to you---you can do this! Ashley
  • Exercise actually helps clear up my head cold symptoms. Getting in a brisk walk is an idea. I had to force no jogging when I had the flu...only because I had a really high fever for a solid week. If you have no fever and no chest symptoms, you should be good to go.
  • One of my favorite go-to sweets is sugar-free chocolate pudding with a dollop of lite cool whip on top. You can probably even add a graham cracker or a few teddy grahams and be at that 130ish range. You can add a few dark chocolate chips.
  • I understand the frustrations if someone is blocking up a machine that you are ready to use; otherwise, why does it matter what others are doing? Obviously if they aren't in such position to lose the weight, they are not so concerned with burning as the rest of us. Any movement at all, however, is to be commended. It's…
  • I used to be the same way. I don't sweat as much as "normal" people though. Even when my heart rate monitor shows I am pretty intense, I don't gush like I see a lot of people. But when I do sweat, I actually enjoy it now. It represents the hard work. Be proud of the glisten! Then shower it off. :smile:
  • I am constantly changing up exercise to keep from getting bored. I strongly recommend Taebo. It burns mad calories. It's great for toning. It's fun. Of all the exercise I do, it makes me sweat the most and burns the most calories. The movements are not difficult, but they are certainly effective.
  • For me, I've been on a scrambled egg white kick lately. There's so much you can do with them. Right now, I'm on a kick where I add jalapenos, red onions, and a couple of tablespoons of pepper jack cheese to mine. Sometimes I will add some Co-jack cheese and onions. For a while I was adding a tablespoon of real bacon pieces…
  • ^ I agree 1000%. Experimenting has been the story of my MFP life so far. That and changing things up frequently. Sometimes I will workout six days in a row, some weeks I might do four or five days that week. I change up how much time I spend. Change is constant with me to avoid comfort. Same with calories. Some weeks I eat…
  • I know at 5'2" and around 172 pounds, I was a size 12. Now that I'm 140 pounds, I jump anywhere between 6 and 8 depending on the jeans. I guess we're all different?
  • I tried WW for about 3 or 4 months. I know, not long enough to do much, right? The fact that all fruits and veggies are zero points, and learning that you can eat as much as you want of them and lose weight pretty much confused me. While those particular foods are great for you, and are significantly lower than other foods…
  • I'm in Middle TN. You're welcome to add me if you want to. :smile:
  • My diary is open to friends if you want to add me.
  • You are welcome to add me.
  • ^ Agree! If mine is still going and I'm doing very little, if anything, it will show my heart rate way over 200 beats per minute.
  • That is beyond inspiring!!! Good for you and congratulations!!
  • You are gorgeous! Congrats!!! Oh, and I LOVE your hair!!! :happy: