greengold Member


  • I use mine for bulletproof coffee too, when camping because it takes up so much less space than a blender in the camper would, although sometimes at home too because it's so quick to clean. But I blend in a large bowl and then pour it into the mug. I find that trying to blend in a mug seems to suck the blender down and it…
  • It hurts, but kids' honesty can be a great motivator. When I was fat, my granddaughter, who was around 2 at the time, one day innocently pointed at my belly and said "baby in there". Mind you, I was well into menopause...and it still took a few years to get on it, but I never forgot that when I was finally losing 70lbs a…
  • I assume you are asking because you are planning to buy a pair - it's very individual. If they are for running, especially, go to a real running store (not a big chain like ****s or Olympia Sports) and have them evaluate your gait and make suggestions that are based on your feet and gait. That could make the difference…
  • Try a bit of pickle juice when the cramping hits; used by athletes, many who swear it works. You don't need a lot (and your stomach couldn't tolerate a lot anyhow) - anywhere from a few sips to maybe 3oz. Just the "juice" from a jar of pickles - I have used the liquid from Vlasic kosher dills and it seems to help.…
  • Damn, you kids all run really fast! I'm much slower than y'all, but at 55 and running for 2.5 years, I'm reasonably happy with my own progress: My 5k PR pace was9:49 mpm; half-marathon was 11 something mpm (ran it in 2:37:19), ran my first marathon last Sept in 5:51:13. This year my goal has been to "break the 30's": 30…
  • I have been using an FT4 for 2 1/2 years now; I did upgrade to a Garmin 410 (much more expensive) for outdoor stuff (running, hiking, snowshoeing, etc) but still use the FT4 for indoor workouts (Zumba, treadmill, weight training) and have been pleased with it. I've had to change the battery twice and have found two things…
  • So how did it go - running or run/walking your first 5k race? Let us know!
    in First 5K Comment by greengold April 2012
  • 50 minutes is not bad for your first time running the distance! If you keep at it, I promise you will get faster! Also, there is the race-day magic: we always run a bit faster during a race - I think it;s just all the excitement. Be careful not to start off too fast so you don't burn out; start at the back of the pack so…
    in First 5K Comment by greengold April 2012
  • I like to mix a tablespoon of chia seeds with peanut butter and dip a banana in it - makes a good pre-running fuel that digests easily. I think - though this is not conclusive - they may be giving me a bit of an energy boost when I run as well. (hard to tell becasue I usually also have caffeine (coffee or chocolate covered…
  • It's not clear from your post whether you have any running experience at all - if you don't, a half marathon is a BIG nut to crack for your first race. You would be better off starting with a few 5k's and build up. The biggest cause of injuries in runners is doing too much too soon - take it from me, I wrecked my knees 13…
  • Way to go!!! What a great feeling! Next: the fun feeling of walking into the plus-size section of the store and realizing you no longer need to shop there! (you're almost there!)
  • My sense of this is that it doesn't make a difference in the long run - especially if you are only weighing yourself once a week or so. If you are up or down by as much as 600 calories in a given day and weigh yourself the next morning, you will most likely see a difference (there are other factors affecting daily weight…
  • Read "Marathoning for Mortals" by John Bingham and Jenny Hadfield; they have 20-week plans for run/walking and running a marathon - and the book itself is very encouraging for those of us who are slow and steady "penguins" as John Bingham refers to himself:…
  • I'm running my first half marathon this weekend - so I know we are training similar distances right now! :-) It might be that your quads are weak - most women's are, especially if we sit alot (i.e have a sedentary job or spend lots of time online). The demands of the long run are stressing your quads beyond their strength…
  • frozen fruit - frozen raspberries are particularly good, as are frozen banana slices. If you have an ice cream maker, try making fudgesicle ice cream using chocolate pudding and lowfat milk ( it takes slightly less milk for ice cream than pudding). You can use other pudding flavors too - just be sure to get the "cook and…
  • that is awesome! keep track of your time - just so you can see how you improve - not to compare yourself to anyone else. If you keep at it - and even more so, if you do some strength training (lift weights 2-3x/ week) you will improve so fast you will be amazed! Also: I wish I knew when I started that it was also ok to…
  • Wow -getting your A1C down to 5.3 from over 11 in a year! (the weight loss is impressive too!) - but that does give me hope! I know that as long as I can keep it in the 5's I won't have the diagnosis, and more importantly, the consequences - both of my parents had strokes so I have a clear and very unpleasant vision of…
  • Wow, how great to see all this encouragement in just a couple of hours!!! mrsjenningsjr - Playing the numbers - what a great idea!!! Rileamoyer - Nice ride on your ticker! (I ride too, but currently don't own a bike - have ridden for years though!) I see you are also at 52 pounds down; if I go from my highest weight, which…
  • I have a Polar FT4, which I love. I find that most of the time, the machines do sound more optimistic about the calories I've burned, but sometimes it's a bit less (not as much though - usually only around 20-30 calories.). On the other hand, I found that I burn MORE doing some things I usually do, like barn chores!…
  • sorry - I didn't check back in here for awhile! Here is a link to a good BMR calculator: Also recommend this podcast - down-to-earth, good information, and they also post interesting links on their website...
  • ok, here's another one: hogging multiple machines and then getting pissy if someone wants to use one of them. I admit, I will use two at a time (i.e. leg curl and leg extension) and hop between them for supersets WHEN THE GYM IS NOT BUSY AND NO-ONE IS WAITING and would give up the one I'm not on if someone came over. My…
  • Oh yes - King Corn - I was going to mention that movie as well. Definitely worth it! Really eye-opening as to what Big Agri-business is doing to our food
  • Good film - with some really hard to watch moments. We are fortunate to live in the country where we can raise our own pork, beef and organic veggies (for at least 3/4 of the year - ahve to buy some in the winter) and can trade or easily buy local free-range chicken, eggs, venison and turkey. Besides the immediate ethical…
  • this is fascinating - thanks! Now I am beginning to wonder about eating specific things in order to have particular effects - I have no doubt there is a whole science of eating for physical effect out there. the diabetes connection is also interesting to me; my parents were both diabetic and a high daytime sugar (with no…
  • use REAL maple syrup - 1 tablespoon has 52 calories, it has some good nutrients in it, and once you get into the real thing, you will never want to eat any of those fake colored sugar-syrups! Plus, a tablespoon may feel like enough when you have the real thing.:smile:
  • I am 5/2" and currently weigh 151; started at 192. goal weight is around 140 and eventually would like to firm up to a nice 20% body fat ratio at that weight. MFP set my calories at 1200, which struck me as too low; I changed it to 1400 (plus exercise calories) and have been successfully losing an *average* of about a lb.…
  • great - thanks for the replies! I, too, like to sweat and don't really feel like I've worked out if I don't. I'll try the talking as a guide; offhand I would say I am still in that range because I also don't like to push myself to the point of feeling sick, which is what happens when I get winded (sprinting, etc)
  • Definitely the guy who racks a whole bunch of weights (some of them almost too heavy for me to move) on the machine, then has to get up and go use other equipment between sets while I sit there and wait and wait. Yeah, I'm soooo impressed....
  • I just use a "weight training (general)" value of 146 calories for 30 minutes - can't remember if I found it on here or googled it, but it seems to work for me (I continue to lose weight at the same rate while figuring in those extra calories burned). I think you may be able to get a better idea if you wear a heart-rate…