kmg3475 Member


  • That is so great! Congratulations! What a positive reward.
  • I agree with the earlier post. In my Nutrition class I teach that endurance athletes need 1.3-1.4 g/kg body weight. Resistance trained athletes need 1.6-1.7. A sedentary person is only 0.8.
  • I just had quinoa bites and they were delicious! It seems like the same recipe as posted.
  • I am a runner and I have had 2 major bouts with plantar fasciitis (one in each foot one year after the other). (I also had a heel spur, which are very common, but had fractured the heel spur.) I was even in a cast for 4 weeks (for a tendon tear at the same time).....I was still in major pain after the cast! I tried all of…
  • Great ideas so far! When you are running think of all the people who are literally sitting on the couch. I am a pretty good runner but I NEVER look at anyone and think they are going too slow. I know how hard it is! I have not done the Couch to 5K but I imagine it is great. You can also run/walk until you get more…
  • I would echo the sentiments of getting fitted (by having your running analyzed and testing many shoes) at a running store. (Make sure they have people who know what they are doing.) That will help to ease the pain of the price. I usually spend $90-110. Sometimes they have discounts. It doesn't hurt to ask. When I was…
  • I completely agree with the leaning forward. You can adopt this now in your current shoes (but will have to think about it) and then transition into your new shoes. I changed my running style after many bouts plantar fasciitis. This ends up with me taking shorter strides also, with no effect on my times, and I have been…
  • I remind myself I am always glad I did after the workout is finished. I NEVER say, "Oh, that was a mistake." It is so worth it to get it over!!
  • I have the Vibram Five Fingers but never made the transition to them. (They feel great running in grass uphill!) I have had issues for a couple of years with plantar fasciitis. BUT..... I have been injury free thanks to modifying my running style. I lean slightly forward and take shorter strides. So now I run midfoot and…
  • Hang in there! Make good food choices so you have enough energy and don't be too hard on yourself! Your daughter is pretty young. The more children I had (I have 4) the more I found myself wanting to exercise to get away!! :noway: The more you move though, the better you will feel. Hang in there and keep looking for…
  • Peanut butter banana smoothie: 8 oz. almond milk, 1 scoop Trader Joe's protein powder (chocolate or vanilla), 1 T. peanut butter, 1 t. psyllium husks (fiber) and a small banana (frozen in slices). I use a hand blender and whip it up in seconds almost every morning. 320 calories.
  • Unfortunately yes......can you do a long run on the weekend and only eat out once? I am all about saving my calories for later in the day (which I know is not ideal but it's better than not saving them and then still eating just as much later!) A long run would put you a lot closer to 1000 calories of extra fun.
  • That is exactly what I would suggest. You don't want to be too hot. Maybe a visor to keep the rain out of your eyes!
  • I would say make sure your calories are not empty calories. And I agree with the sodium post. Avoid packaged foods as much as possible!!
  • I set my goals for 1 pound per week but am usually getting under that so am losing more like 2 pounds. I am exercising almost daily and choosing nutrient dense foods (except for my daily wine....).
  • I set a goal of 1 pound per week but if I am under I will lose it faster. So, I could exercise and not eat to lose it faster or I could eat those extra exercise calories, still be going towards my goal, but the day will be a little "easier" because I won't have to be so strict. So, exercises rewards are either you lose…