Plantar fasciitis



  • bassanne
    bassanne Posts: 56
    I have it, and just kept going. Hurt like HE>>, but it did gradually get better, and now after 3 months of gym, I don't have many problems with it. Just keep trying and increasing what you do, it will get better. I am sure once I finishing lossing the weight, I won't have any more problems. Hope this helps.
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    I suffered from this problem for years, one day I went to see my Chiro for back pain and he noticed how I was walking and asked what the problem was, I explained - he proceeded to tell me how he could help. WELL DAMN - no more pain after 2 treatments!

    Chiro did two treatments of underwater ultrasound. Best $50 bucks I ever spent.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Mine will act up from time to time, I take aleeve to help the inflamation lots of streching and get some good heel cups for your shoes ( go to a really good shoe store) those ran me around $40.00 but make all the difference!
  • ultim8fury
    ultim8fury Posts: 42
    Seven years and counting for me. I picked up a second hand ultrasound machine from eBay and use that twice a week combined with anti- inflammatories and pain killers. Tried orthotics but found them very difficult to get in with. Tried night splints - no help. Tried cortisone 3 times no long term effect.

    Swimming or just walking in the pool is great.

    I've recently got to a point where I can walk and I'm slowly building up but it's a long road to recovery. Doc originally said 12-18 months so don't expect it to be over quickly.

    Good luck anyone who suffers this has my sympathy. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    i have flare ups of this condition from time to time, and it goes away with stretching, maybe invest in a resistance band to pull the top of the foot towards you

    mine has also radically decreased as ive lost weight
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    You need to see a foot doctor!
  • bday1216
    bday1216 Posts: 4 Member
    Maybe the elliptical machines might help if you belong to a gym. I have the same problem, but I am able to do that, and the stationary bikes. Also, Sketchers makes a shoe called Tone Ups. I have the thong style. It is the ONLY shoe I can walk in with no pain, and believe me, I have tried several!
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    I've had it in both feet and it was awful! Here's what worked for me. 1) Heel that Pain shoe inserts ( 2) taping, 3) ice massage (freeze a small water bottle and use it to massage the arch of your foot for 10 minutes every 2 hrs), 4) Anti-inflammatory meds (over the counter, advil my drug of choice). You can find taping techniques on the internet. Tape every day you think you're going to be on your feet for any period of time. It helps take the pressure off your Fascia so the irritation doesn't get worse and that gives it an opportunity to heal.

    Once you do get it under control look for some foot strengthening exercises to keep it from coming back. I now run in minimal style shoes and barefoot shoes and have no more problems with my feet but its taken years (and patience) to get to this point. Good luck!
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Are you stretching? I was given exercises to stretch my tendon so that I don't have the problem and never had shots.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    ouch I feel your pain or at least I did. Ok so I bought some inserts for my shoes that provided me with more arch support and heal support (even in brand new shoes I needed these). It went away immediately and the cost was $7 roughly at the drug store for some Dr. Scholls gel inserts. Give it a shot. Don't wear flip flops till you feel better. I'm telling you I was back up and at it in days. :) Good luck.
  • cubba213
    cubba213 Posts: 12 Member
    I have had horrible heal spurs, the Dr told me to roll my foot on a golf ball and to sit on the floor with my feet flat against the wall and lean forward, to do this 3 times a day. My spur went away without surgery and I still use the golf ball and stretch my toes up.
    Spurs are calcium and they will reabsorb back into you body if you can get it to break off, what is why he had me roll my heals on the golf balls, this was 10 years ago and they have not come back
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    I suffered from this problem for years, one day I went to see my Chiro for back pain and he noticed how I was walking and asked what the problem was, I explained - he proceeded to tell me how he could help. WELL DAMN - no more pain after 2 treatments!

    Chiro did two treatments of underwater ultrasound. Best $50 bucks I ever spent.

    Also - wear orthotics to support my arches better
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    I had some shoe inserts made. NOT INEXPENSIVE, talking a couple hundred bucks here.
    Felt like I had a golf ball in my shoe, but I got accustomed to it.
    After a couple of months, the pain went away completely.
    I still have the inserts, but haven't used them in years.
    S-T-R-E-T-C-H your arches. While watching TV or working on the computer, roll a Coke bottle between your heel and the ball of your foot. Don't try to smash the bottle, but apply downward pressure as you roll it forward and back. Helps.
  • cubba213
    cubba213 Posts: 12 Member
    Also Avia walking shoes was what he told me ot wear, they are the best for heal problems, J.C. Penny's usually has them on sale
  • kmg3475
    kmg3475 Posts: 16 Member
    I am a runner and I have had 2 major bouts with plantar fasciitis (one in each foot one year after the other). (I also had a heel spur, which are very common, but had fractured the heel spur.) I was even in a cast for 4 weeks (for a tendon tear at the same time).....I was still in major pain after the cast! I tried all of the various fixes mentioned here but was never getting any relief. I even went to physical therapy and that didn't help. I could hardly walk from my office to the copy machine. Right after I had the cast removed and has rested it for so long, I still had pain. My sister-in-law is a PT and she recommended yoga. All I did was hang over to touch my toes (getting an all over stretch) and while sitting crossed one ankle on top of my knee and leaned forward for a couple of minutes. I had no pain for the first time in a year! I have resumed running and have found these not quite so common tips have helped me have no pain whatsoever. I am sure they won't work for everyone but you never know.....I even ran 20 miles in 24 hours in the Ragnar Relay two weeks ago.
    1. Yoga (all over fascia stretch)
    2. Rolling a softball under my calf muscles at different angles (while seated with legs in front and body weight partially supported by arms)
    3. Drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated especially during longer runs
    4. Wearing Birkenstocks (not even all the time)
    I have a whole closet of night splints, orthotics, etc. but have not had to use them at all.
    Good luck! I have felt your pain.
  • kattiek
    kattiek Posts: 83
    Thank you all I have the heel suprs as well and the dr said that I can get the shots but Im not sure if I can stand having shots in my feet. Where would I get one of the night time boots?

    Honestly if the pain is that bad with it you might want to suck it up and get the shots. My husband never complained about them (I think they might have numbed the area but I can't really remember). It's worth it if it gives you comfort. PF is not something to mess around with.

    Also you might want to look into orthodics.

    ETA: I personally would not go the croc route. I've known too many people who have twisted ankles and got hair line fractures in their ankles wearing those hideous things.

    PF is awful! I've 2 flare ups of it the past few years. The latest was this past winter. I was training for my second half marathon and had been running for a while so I don't think that was part of it. I got properly fitted for running shoes and all that. I did however start wearing Crocs to one of my jobs at the time and then my problems started. They were awful to my feet! I know some people that swear by them but they made my life hell for quite a few months. I took 3 weeks off from running but kept weight training. I picked training up again and still ran my race, but it probably wasn't the smartest decision. Stretching, ice, tennis ball massages, and sleeping with a boot helped A LOT. After it heals, scrunching up a towel under your toes on the floor helps strengthen your feet, so that might help keep it at bay. Good luck, I hope it feels better soon!

    PS. In my experience, Birkenstocks have been a Godsend! The only time I didn't feel foot pain is when I wore them.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I've had it for years. Like many of those above, getting out of bed in the morning and walking to the bathroom was excruciating. I ended up going to The Good Feet Store. Dropped a couple hundred on just the hard inserts (I didn't buy the soft ones) and wear them in my shoes all day. I'm not going to lie, they killed my feet for the first week or so. Like another said, it feels like walking with a golf ball in each shoe... very painful. BUT, as your plantar fascia stretches, fixing the problem, that feeling goes away. I don't even feel the inserts anymore. They really have done wonders for my feet.

    Most of my weight loss can be attributed to walking... with plantar fasciitis. Between the inserts and losing weight, the problem is completely gone (although I did go for a month without the inserts recently and I started to feel a hint of the problem returning). I run without the inserts in my running shoes. Now, I still wear the inserts about half the time, depending on which shoes I'm wearing, but I don't feel like I NEED them anymore on a regular basis.

    All of this is to say that while your condition really is painful and makes exercise seem a little more complicated, it doesn't have to be this way. You can still exercise (even on your feet), get results, and have less pain. This will make you even more willing to exercise, and instead of a downward inactive cycle, you can possibly experience a very positive and healthy opposite cycle.
  • esskaym
    esskaym Posts: 10 Member
    I also have PF. I'd suggest making sure you see a podiatrist and have them advise you on the best shoes for you. I was having foot pain during and after my workout until I replaced my sneakers. Orthotics to wear in my non-sneaker shoes is really making a difference as well.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I have it in my right foot. It's gotten better now that I've lost a few pounds. When it does flare up, I freeze a water bottle (3/4 full so it doesn't burst). Then I roll it under my foot. It hurts like heck at first, but after a while the pain isn't as bad.

    Make sure you invest in good shoes to exercise. I have had good luck with Adidas and Saucony. I avoid anything with "gel" in it because it makes my PF worse. I also wear supportive shoes at work and for around the house I have some Nike flip-flops that have lots of padding. I tried the inserts and they made it worse.

    When mine flares up, I just work out despite the pain. But I've been to a doctor who gave me the okay to do this, so please get advice from your doctor on what is best for you.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i had PF and heel spurs. when i lost weight, both problems disappeared. get some MBT shoes, they are expensive, but worth EVERY PENNY..wear them all the time, even though you will look and feel ridiculous. also try some braces to wear on your feet while you sleep. those helped ALOT.

    So encouraging to hear yours went away. This is a huge reason why I am so motivated to lose weight- I am TIRED of hurting!

    to let you know, the MBT's work only if you wear them all the time. i had to wear them for probably a couple of weeks before they helped and wore NO OTHER SHOES NO MATTER WHAT. i even went to a funeral and wore them, had on super long black pants to disguise them.

    the "boots' you can get online.

    both my PF and heel spurs developed during my pregnancy, when i gained over 60 pounds in 7 months. all that extra weight + hormones, etc. and my feet were a mess. i would literally cry walking upstairs to my baby's nursery during the night, it was so painful. i did alot of research and along with the shoes and night boots, losing the weight worked for me. i never have one single pinch or pain. (weight went from over 188 to 124 current)