Stay at home mom with PPD

AJHornik Posts: 58 Member
Hey everyone,
I am 25 years old, my daughter is 7 months. I've been on myfitness pal for awhile but I feel off the wagon. I thought this would be a good time to get involved online for support. I have only accessed it from my phone so far. I am mostly a stay at home mom, and I have Depression. It is very hard to find motivation to do anything, let alone exercise! I have GAINED weight since having my daughter, because I just eat all the time!! I would love to meet people for support and motivation. I hope this doesn't sound to debbie downer, but that is where I am at currently.
Nice to meet all of you :smile:


  • sweetmelissa40
    First and foremost....I'm an OB nurse and if you are suffering from PPD please see your doctor. There is help!!
    Second...I'm Melissa, feel free to add me if you like!!!
  • mindyrosy
    mindyrosy Posts: 38
    Make yourself smile! Look at your little girl and practice smiling. Take her for a walk in the stroller - 3 times a day for 20 minutes each. Act like you are happy - you can do this. You have a beautiful baby daughter and you need to set the example...she can feel your depression - so focus on positive thoughts. Hope this helps and doesn't sound too preachy! You CAN get through this. Healthy eating also improves your mood!
  • HeatherGTaylor
    HeatherGTaylor Posts: 48 Member
    First step is trying to feel good about yourself so welcome back!!! We are here to motivate and support!
  • AJHornik
    AJHornik Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Melissa,
    Yes, I have been to my Doctor recently. I am slowly feeling better :smile:
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi there! I agree that you should see your doctor, or try to find a therapist. PPD is nothing to sneeze at. That said, there are things you can do to help.

    Get outside, every day! Even if it's just for 10 minutes and you just sit on your porch, do it. It will help the depression, and if that's not motivation enough, remember that it's good for the baby too. She will love it! :)

    Get moving, every day! You don't have to "work out." That's hard when you're depressed. So take a walk, or just do a few jumping jacks from time to time throughout the day. Walk up and down the stairs twice in a row. Dance with the baby in the living room. Do some light stretching. All of these things will help you feel better, and you don't have to work up much motivation to do them. Set an alarm on your phone, and just MOVE at least 3 times a day, even if it's just for a minute or two.

    Do positive affirmations. Take a few minutes and sit down and write down all the negative voices you're hearing in your head. It will SUCK, but do it anyway. Whatever those negative thoughts are, write them down. Then on another sheet of paper, write down the opposite, TRUE things. Because you are beautiful, and you are worthwhile, and you need to know that. This part will suck worse, because you don't want to believe the positive things, but you need to do this. Then tape that list up somewhere that you will see it every day -- on your bathroom mirror, beside the computer, whatever. And read it, out loud, at least once a day. You don't have to believe it right now. Just say it. It will help. And any time you feel yourself thinking those negative things, correct yourself by saying the TRUTH out loud.

    Take vitamin D, and a B complex. Every day.

    Drink more water. I don't normally advocate measuring your water, but when you're depressed it's harder to read body cues, so for a start, divide your body weight in half, and drink that number of ounces of water every day. If you drink a lot of sugary, caffeinated drinks, don't cut them out completely, but try to cut them back a little. Sugar and caffeine help you feel better temporarily, but the crash afterward can actually make depression worse. Try to confine your sugary caffeinated drinks to the morning, and drink water in the afternoon and evening.

    Increase your protein intake. It will help give you a steadier energy source through the day to avoid crashing.

    Eat more fruits and vegetables. If you don't like them, try them prepared in different ways. Until you find something you enjoy, try chugging a cup of V8 every day. Those vitamins and minerals are important for healing your body, and when your body is healthy, your mind will be healthier.

    Try to find a CD of upbeat music that makes you feel good, and listen to it every day! No angry or sad songs allowed. Only happy and peppy. :)

    And above all else, keep in mind that this too shall pass, but it won't pass on its own. It's going to be hard work. There's no shame if you end up needing medication. But whether you take meds or not, you will need to put in the effort. And YOU ARE WORTH IT. I promise you that. :)
  • Sig77
    Sig77 Posts: 2

    I am new as well, but wanted to post as I have been where you are. It does get better!! For me, exercise/just getting moving makes a huge difference - if I can get out and walk with my boys or do a video if we are stuck inside, I feel much better that day. And using the food tracker also keeps me on track better because I eat out of boredom and have kept all my baby weight due to this. I managed to lose 25lbs last spring/summer, but put some back on and am hoping this will help me start again. Also, I needed a hobby for myself and to get out once in a while, it is a big transition being a SAHM and you need to care for yourself too!

    Take care,
  • kmg3475
    kmg3475 Posts: 16 Member
    Hang in there! Make good food choices so you have enough energy and don't be too hard on yourself! Your daughter is pretty young. The more children I had (I have 4) the more I found myself wanting to exercise to get away!! :noway:

    The more you move though, the better you will feel. Hang in there and keep looking for support.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Sending you a friend request. =)

    I have a 5 month old daughter (don't the weeks just seem to fly by) and I had PPD with my son, so I feel like I can relate. Remember this: YOU ARE WORTH THE EXTRA TIME.

    No matter how long it takes you, you can learn to work some time into your day for you and only you and hopefully it will help make you feel a little better.
  • sweetmelissa40
    Hi Melissa,
    Yes, I have been to my Doctor recently. I am slowly feeling better :smile:

    FANTASTIC!! Now, from a person who has been diagnosed with depression, let me just say....get out in the sunshine and walk. Learn to breathe again. It will get easier every single day. You WILL feel better, I promise!! Depression/anxiety SUCK and people who have never experienced it think you should just be able to change your attitude to feel better. SOO not true!
    Please listen to your body and take whatever corrective measures you feel benefit you and your family.
    It's a tough journey but you can do it!! :smile:
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    I had PPD after having my child... My husband was deployed to Iraq and I was so alone. You are not alone! There is an end to PPD, there is a light at the end of the tunnel... My little kept me going. Take the positive energy she sends to you:) I poured myself into fitness and health and naturally handled my PPD. My doctor wanted me on Anti depressants and some people do need them. But I got what I needed from exercise. My daughter is almost 2 now and it too a good 18 months but I'm so much better now. Add me if you want to:) this places a great support system!
  • khorudko
    khorudko Posts: 5
    My son is 7 months old. I have struggled with PPD with my last two babies (I have three). I totally understand where you are at right now. When I was nursing I self medicated myself with food. The worse part is, the more you eat to feel better or fill the boredom the more weight you gain. Then you feel worse about how you look and it just seems to spiral out of control. I am also a clinically trained pharmacist. You can add me if you like if you need to vent or ask questions.
    One of the best things you can do is contact your public health and ask if there is a support group for new moms. I think this was key in preventing/minimizing PPD with my first child. As hard as it is to get to the meetings when you feel like we do, it is very liberating and empowering to know there are others out there who are going through the exact same issues as you.
  • sweetmelissa40
    Hi there! I agree that you should see your doctor, or try to find a therapist. PPD is nothing to sneeze at. That said, there are things you can do to help.

    Get outside, every day! Even if it's just for 10 minutes and you just sit on your porch, do it. It will help the depression, and if that's not motivation enough, remember that it's good for the baby too. She will love it! :)

    Get moving, every day! You don't have to "work out." That's hard when you're depressed. So take a walk, or just do a few jumping jacks from time to time throughout the day. Walk up and down the stairs twice in a row. Dance with the baby in the living room. Do some light stretching. All of these things will help you feel better, and you don't have to work up much motivation to do them. Set an alarm on your phone, and just MOVE at least 3 times a day, even if it's just for a minute or two.

    Do positive affirmations. Take a few minutes and sit down and write down all the negative voices you're hearing in your head. It will SUCK, but do it anyway. Whatever those negative thoughts are, write them down. Then on another sheet of paper, write down the opposite, TRUE things. Because you are beautiful, and you are worthwhile, and you need to know that. This part will suck worse, because you don't want to believe the positive things, but you need to do this. Then tape that list up somewhere that you will see it every day -- on your bathroom mirror, beside the computer, whatever. And read it, out loud, at least once a day. You don't have to believe it right now. Just say it. It will help. And any time you feel yourself thinking those negative things, correct yourself by saying the TRUTH out loud.

    Take vitamin D, and a B complex. Every day.

    Drink more water. I don't normally advocate measuring your water, but when you're depressed it's harder to read body cues, so for a start, divide your body weight in half, and drink that number of ounces of water every day. If you drink a lot of sugary, caffeinated drinks, don't cut them out completely, but try to cut them back a little. Sugar and caffeine help you feel better temporarily, but the crash afterward can actually make depression worse. Try to confine your sugary caffeinated drinks to the morning, and drink water in the afternoon and evening.

    Increase your protein intake. It will help give you a steadier energy source through the day to avoid crashing.

    Eat more fruits and vegetables. If you don't like them, try them prepared in different ways. Until you find something you enjoy, try chugging a cup of V8 every day. Those vitamins and minerals are important for healing your body, and when your body is healthy, your mind will be healthier.

    Try to find a CD of upbeat music that makes you feel good, and listen to it every day! No angry or sad songs allowed. Only happy and peppy. :)

    And above all else, keep in mind that this too shall pass, but it won't pass on its own. It's going to be hard work. There's no shame if you end up needing medication. But whether you take meds or not, you will need to put in the effort. And YOU ARE WORTH IT. I promise you that. :)

    What an awesome reply! In your effort to inspire inspired me!!
    Thank you for sharing!!!!!

  • AJHornik
    AJHornik Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you all for your replies!! You have put a little fire under my butt, baby girl and I are going to go for a walk soon! You are simply amazing!
  • linhmaimac
    linhmaimac Posts: 148 Member
    Hi AverysMom,
    I'm new to MFP also and had my second baby in March. Lets be friends and support one another. I can empathize with ya!

    E-support helps tremendously, especially during middle of the night feedings.

    - Linh

    P.S Would love for all moms to add me!! :-)