hauer01 Member


  • I didn't do much special either. I kept careful track of what I ate, moved around a bit. It wasn't much the first couple of months, but once I built up some strength, now I look forward to my workouts everyday. I am 43, almost 44. Once I could see everything that I was eating and how little I was really moving, it didn't…
  • I am making these this week-end. Thanks for sharing!
  • Finally got to workout 3. It was much harder than 1 and 2, but still doable. I have to work on form quite a bit. Had a hard time trying to do some of the moves and look at the tv at the same time. Lesson learned. Watch a new workout BEFORE you attempt to do it. :laugh:
  • AWESOME Results!
  • I was born and raised in Beaver Dam! But now I live in MN. But I am still a die hard Packer fan!:drinker:
  • All of the above are great suggestions. I have an issue with Shin Splints. So far, I have done all of my workouts at home and mostly with DVDs. 30 Day Shred, Turbo Fire, Ripped in 30 and now Body Revolution. When they come to an exercise that hurts or is going to hurt me, I modify it. I don't stop, but I make is so that I…
  • I love pears and this may make me love them even more! Thanks for sharing!
  • I am half way through week 2. I am loving it. Although my muscles are sore, but in a good way. She really knows how a pack a punch in a short amount of time :) There is alos a Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Group on this site, it gets new members daily. There are people on there at all different parts of the program. You…
  • How about you travel with a resistence band. Most of the exercises you can replace with a band instead of weights.
  • Do you own Rotisserie Chicken. Take a whole chicken (washed), season, place it on aluminum foil balls in the crock pot and cook for 8 to 10 hours. Tastes just like the store bought ones, but YOU have control on the seasonings.
  • 66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year
  • I have been there too. I hope you feel better soon. I have started with walking, not to strenious. Also some stretching is a good idea. And lots of rest.
  • I've done 30DS, Ripped in 30, Shed and Shred, Shred with Weights and I am currently doing her Body Revolution. I love to hate her. But she gets my butt moving
  • You get that motivation from here. This is NOT easy and it DOES take a lot of work, but if you stick to it, it can be done. Sometimes we get stuck in a rut, eating the same things, doing the same workouts. Day after day looks the same. I have plateau'd a couple of times already (and I am in one now). This is when I start…
  • Your progress is AMAZING! Insanity is not an easy workout. I scares me a lot! You should be proud of yourself every time you hit "play"! Great job!
  • HEllo All! I just completed my first week of JMBR! I am loving it. So far, it reminds me a lot of the 30DS, but I am understanding that she takes it easy on us the first 2 weeks, gets our muscles ready for the hard stuff that is coming later. THere is a group here for Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. There are new members…
  • I use coconut oil for everything. I love it! It is high in calories, but it is very healthy for you. Olive oil is known for being healthy, but once you heat up Olive Oil, the goodness of it goes away and it's just oil. Coconut Oil, however, maintains all of its good qualities when heated.
  • Yes, Jillian is not kind, but she is effective. I did the 30 day Shred when I first started working out, so at that time I had NO upper body strength and very little stamina. It was hard for the first couple of days and a bit painful, but in a good way. I would recommend it. She completely changed the shape of my body. I…
  • http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=249048 I have made the Califlower Pizza Crust. Above is a link to the recipie that I used. It was ok. Not the greatest (for my taste). I rather use a what grain tortilla as my base, I can get the big tortillas for 80 calories and then top it with what ever I am hungry…
  • ^^ This and enjoy your day.
  • I loved the 30DS! I agree with the others, the first couple of days, you probably will be sore, but just keep going it gets better in a hurry. Every time I do one of Jillian's DVDs, they change the shape of my body (in a good way). I recommend that you take measurements as well as your weight, before you start and then at…
  • I got plenty of doggie kisses while doing the Supermans, crunches and Donkey Kicks. :)
  • I know that I am a bit behind, but I finally received my DVD's yesterday and did workout 1 & 2 last night and this morning (respectively)
  • I Fuged a bit when I put in on there (last year), now I am about 20 lbs lighter than what it says.
  • Home made Bean with Ham Soup and a 1/2 Whole Grain Pita with sliced low sodium Ham and a Sargento Co-Jack cheese slice.
  • Just make then yourself! They are really easy to make and then you can control how much Sugar and Salt and chemicals are in there. I make them and then freeze them in individual portions It comes out of 162.7 cals per serving (about 1 cups worth) Sodium is 284.4
  • Hello! I used to live on Diet Coke alone. Nothing else. I now only drink water. It absolutely feels better to just drink water. No way I would ever go back. I quit Diet Coke and all soda about a year ago and have NO desire to have one.
  • I just ordered this program yesterday (so I haven't started yet, hopefully I'll get it sometime next week). I found it on http://www.collagevideo.com/ for $99.00 with the resistance band. From what I am seeing there, each one of the workouts is between 27 and 37 minutes. So, definately doable on a tight schedule. Part of…
  • Thank you so much! I have been stuck in a cooking rut, so getting some fresh ideas will be great!