

  • YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you all made me laugh too! Thanks soooooo much for the encouraging words! And I feel SO much better knowing that I don't HAVE to follow a workout schedule with any specific plan! If I can make my own, I am MUCH happier! I want to switch and not be chained to a specific workout…
  • You are exactly right! And I use a heart rate monitor for at least the first time I do a new exercise so that I have an accurate basis for each time I do that workout for calories burned =D
  • Are those chocolate 56 calorie Rice Cakes at most grocery stores???
  • You guys are all AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I can't thank you all enough for making me feel like I'm not alone and that everything will be ok again! iust HATE that I do this every time I have a small success! It's like self sabotage! Ugghhh! Thanks again though you guys! Very inspirational!
    in Crap!!!!! Comment by kskye82 August 2011
  • Thanks for your input everyone!!!!!!!!! I actually found some stuff called Sweetleaf Liquid Stevia and they have a few flavors. It's zero calories and uses Stevia to sweeten. I ordered the vanilla and am hoping that helps!
  • Awesome replies posted here! Thank you all so much!
  • WOW!!!!!!!!!! I really can't thank you all enough for the advice and personal stories and triumphs!!!!!! All of you really make me feel like this is a battle that I CAN win! There are a lot of you that I would love to be friends with on here for support and motivation! If you would like, please feel free to send me a…
  • Thanks guys!!! I changed it and am much happier now haha!
  • thank you!!!!!!!!!
  • Keep hangin in there! I'm on my last phase of the program! I didn't lose anything my first month so I had to adjust my calorie intake. And yes, you will be sore and still work those muscles. It's actually the best way to break through the soreness! If you want, feel free to add me!
  • This made me laugh hahhahaa! Thanks for all the suggestions! I think I will go with the One a Day Women's Active =)
  • I am currently doing P90X, so my workouts are a pretty good variety. As far as calories, I take in about 1500 per day (sometimes more, sometimes less). And yes, I do agree that one week with no loss is not a plateau, but I guess I got freaked out because it's the first week in about a month that I had no loss.....
  • Friday is a great day to do it! I personally do weigh ins first thing Saturday mornings =)
  • Thanks so much everyone for the advise! I'm so new to paying attention to my food intake and logging everything! So I'm just trying to figure everything out! I'm going to try to not over stress about the carbs because I do in fact get very tired when I cut a lot out, so I will just keep striving for healthy meals and…
  • Ok so after setting my percentages, I only have about 25 carbs left for the day! Does anyone have any good ideas for low card/low fat options?? I am a VERY picky eater =p
  • Thanks so much guys! I just changed my percentages to the 50/30/20. I guess I expect so much more since I never used to work out at all and now I'm doing P90X, you know? I also am not used to eating healthy or really paying attention to what I am eating, so that's all new to me too! Thanks so much for your support!!! I…
  • I really like the Pure Protein bars. The Smores and the Peanut Butter Marshmallow are really good and only 180 calories!
  • Awwww I'll cheer for ya! I just sent you a friend request =)
  • Thank you so much everyone! That really gave me a better feel for what is going on :happy:
  • Rule #1: Muscle burns fat! Stick with a program or routine that has strength training and cardio. Alternating these throughout the week. Lifting weights actually gives you a cardio effect anyways. Don't shy away from the weights they will be a huge asset in your weight loss and toning up journey! Programs like P90X and…
  • Thanks guys! I appreciate it :flowerforyou:
  • I just went through this 2 weeks ago and solicited tons of people and did lots of research! I ended up with the Polar F7 and LOVE it!!!!! Good luck!