Calling all P90X participants!!!


Ok, so I'm on my 5th week of P90X and though I am noticeably getting more muscle and losing fat, the scale just won't budge! I read a blog Chalene posted that even though we are gaining muscle, we should absolutely be losing weight on her program and P90X.
What I did: I calculated my BMR online and came up with 1346 calories per day, and then I get extra calories from my workouts......

I could use any help and/or advise that you may be able to share!

Thanks so much!


  • tombug12
    Hey Skye.. welcome and congrats so far. Now, not sure how or if this will help, but, Im on my 9th week of P90X. So far im loving it. I didnt need to lose weight to begin with, but i did end up losing for now. What I lost was body fat, which was something like 21% which aint bad for a guy. But i lost that quick. Now im back up to my original weight, (145) but its more muscle now. A buddy in the P90 forum gave me this site and its great for tracking calories. My BMR was something like 1800 calories plus the extra for exercise which was the beachbody site, and wanted me at 2860 calories. As hard as i tried i couldnt get that many in 1 day! That is a lot of eating. I dropped my calorie goals down to 2000. Now i at around 2000-2200 and doing better. I will say this, you should track everything and really count your calories. If you dont get enough to eat, you can easily waste away because of the intensity of the workouts. I have been beat down, and I thinks its from not eating enough throughout the day. I wouldnt worry about watching the scale. And dont watch it all the time. You WILL lose body fat and gain muscle. The nutrition is every bit as important as the workouts. Eat, eat, eat!! Just make sure its healthy eating. Good luck and stick with this. You will love it. And if you need anything, lemme know.

  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi Tom!! I need to get back over to TBB. Been busy lately..

    Skye - looking at your diary, you need to change your ratios. Your carbs are way too high for P90X. Go to "MY HOME" and then goals. Click change goals and choose custom. Then, set it to 50% protein/30% carbs/20% fat. It's a big change from what you are doing now, but this will get you in the fat burner phase and it won't last very long. Do this for about a week. You will tell when you need to change because you will hit an energy wall early in your workouts. When you hit it, change your ratios to 40/40/20. This is more long term acceptable. I had the same problem in my first round. I was eating what I thought I was supposed to and lost 5 lbs total. Toned up nicely, but had no real weight loss. This time, by tracking and eating my calories, I have lost 16 lbs and have 3 weeks left.

    Hope that helps!

    Good night!
  • kskye82
    kskye82 Posts: 56
    Thanks so much guys! I just changed my percentages to the 50/30/20. I guess I expect so much more since I never used to work out at all and now I'm doing P90X, you know? I also am not used to eating healthy or really paying attention to what I am eating, so that's all new to me too! Thanks so much for your support!!! I won't let myself get discouraged =D
  • kskye82
    kskye82 Posts: 56
    Ok so after setting my percentages, I only have about 25 carbs left for the day! Does anyone have any good ideas for low card/low fat options?? I am a VERY picky eater =p
  • aliciasjourney
    Ok so after setting my percentages, I only have about 25 carbs left for the day! Does anyone have any good ideas for low card/low fat options?? I am a VERY picky eater =p

    Define picky! =) I changed my eating schedule to approx 233 calories per meal (5-6 times per day). Approx 30 G of protein (plus or minus), NOT over 18 G carbs, approx 5 G of fat. Carbs = Fruit and grain. Unlimited veggies.

    I was on a plataue for 3 weeks, and then dropped 10 pounds after doing this.

    I ate cottage cheese, greek yogurt, LOTS of chicken, fish and tuna.

    What kinds of things do you eat?
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    We do some 93/7 ground beef too, or Azumaya Lite tofu. Egg whites are great too, I will add an egg or 2 to 3 - 5 egg whites for some flavor and fat. Agree with Alicia, lots of chicken.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Did you purchase the entire P90X program or did you get it from "somewhere else"? The nutrition guide in the program spells out many protein options. We use tuna/salmon/talapia. There is lean ground or sliced turkey. Chicken. Tofu.
  • mable10
    mable10 Posts: 39
    Hi Tom!! I need to get back over to TBB. Been busy lately..

    Skye - looking at your diary, you need to change your ratios. Your carbs are way too high for P90X. Go to "MY HOME" and then goals. Click change goals and choose custom. Then, set it to 50% protein/30% carbs/20% fat. It's a big change from what you are doing now, but this will get you in the fat burner phase and it won't last very long. Do this for about a week. You will tell when you need to change because you will hit an energy wall early in your workouts. When you hit it, change your ratios to 40/40/20. This is more long term acceptable. I had the same problem in my first round. I was eating what I thought I was supposed to and lost 5 lbs total. Toned up nicely, but had no real weight loss. This time, by tracking and eating my calories, I have lost 16 lbs and have 3 weeks left.

    Hope that helps!

    Good night!

    that's great advice. i am on my first round of p90x and when i read the nutrition guide, i figured i should consume 2600 calories. this was very confusing to me at first so now i just try to eat the right things. i am going to change my goals now too and see if that helps kick start my weight loss. since doing p90x i've lost 3 lbs in 3 weeks. not great but not bad.