

  • If you don't have an account on Pinterest, I highly recommend getting one. Not only have I found countless great snack recipes, but I have made about 6 healthy main dish meals from recipes I got on there that were all winners. In addition to that, I've gotten some really motivational and stellar fitness tips!
  • Thank you! Will watch later...Work may frown upon me watching it here! lol
  • No, but I am very close to several people who have this same problem. Some people are just naturally smaller framed, and us "bigger" ladies are just jealous of that because we struggle too. I can indulge in 6 beers and a hamburger one night after being healthy all week and it entirely undermines all the effort I have put…
  • This happened to me many years ago. I know this sounds really weird and sorta psycho (I assure you I'm not), but I would take long walks every day and just run these conversations with him through my head: What I'd say to him if I saw him again. What I could have said differently during arguments (I call them argument…
  • User IOzzO posted this earlier today and I think it will help you: When you've eaten too much and you can't write it down, And you feel like the biggest failure in town. When you want to give up just because you gave in, and forget all about being healthy and thin. So What! You went over your points a bit, It's your next…
  • Wow, did you make that up? It's amazing! You should submit it to Weight Watchers magazine or something! I'm going to print this out and put it on the bathroom mirror...One of the first things I face each and every day. I think it really captures the struggle we all face every day, and it's motivating and liberating because…
  • Couch to 5k programs are great for beginners, but you have to be careful. I've heard a lot of people complaining of injury. They don't lay out that disclaimer that you need to listen to your body. Or that you shouldn't try to run as fast as you can at first, you should work on endurance first, then speed. Speed causes too…
  • it doesn't seem like you "keep giving up." It sounds to me like you keep NOT giving up, since you keep trying. Sometimes even if you are struggling badly with self control and motivation, the fact that you keep trying and keep getting back up after you fall sounds like you are destined to succeed. It may take you a year to…
  • Hi, I'm from PA too! Harrisburg area. I turn 36 tomorrow! I have lost close to 20 pounds, but have 30 more to go. Welcome to MFP, it's a great way to get support. You cann add me if you'd like! :flowerforyou:
  • Kiki, Puss-Puss, and Boo Boo. And today is baby Boo's first birthday! Meow!:heart:
  • I do something called "oil pulling", but I use sesame oil. Either is acceptable. You lightly swish the oil in your mouth for 20 minutes and it will pull the toxins out of your body. I don't do it every day, but on the days that I do I have crazy amounts of energy! Try googling it- I thought it sounded wierd when I heard…
  • No, I don't. :blushing: And it's not a good thing. It means I don't have to hold myself accountable for what I've eaten.
  • I struggle with this very thing all of the time. I always hated programs that fed you that line of "it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change." If you have to exercise self control, cut back on your food intake, deprive yourself of certain foods, and force yourself to exercise...anything that is not routine for YOU....ITS A…
  • That's GREAT!!! I got really bad shin splints when I started so I know how discouraging it is when an injury occurs. Especially when my running partner got so far ahead of me in training and I felt like a failure. Keep up the great work, your persistence will reward you (and obviously has!) :wink:
  • Are you on Pinterest? I've gotten tons of amazing healthy recipes off of there, and started following a few people who post healthy recipes similar to my tastes. You could try "" if you really want to learn how to eat in balance. It's free and teaches you how to eat balanced meals according to the food…
  • I love it! Congrats!!
  • Hi! Man, all of these introductions are very inspiring, and there are so many great people in here already! I can't wait to read about the rest! I don't really have much of a story...I'm 35 years old, married (for 8 years TODAY!) and I have just steadily gained weight over the past 10 years. 80 pounds to be exact. I don't…
  • I need a few serious friends, because at times my committment wanes and my buddies have really helped pick me up! And I will do the same for you! It's rough!! It's taken me 5 months to lose 15 pounds. I'm not complaining, but I thought I'd be much further by now. I still have 45 pounds to go. Ugh! I'll definitely add you!!…
  • I've noticed with myself that even one cheat day where I really over do it can erase all of the good I've done for the week. Not that you shouldn't enjoy yourself when you attend social events, but you might want to try to plan ahead a little better. I feel bad because I know how you feel with the pictures. Maybe you…
  • I only have a few friends on here, but they are "quality" friends that really motivate me. I've been on here for a couple of months now. This is a great site, but like any other social media site you'll see a lot of B.S. like married men trying to pick up women, people ranting about their mother-in-law and how she won't…
  • I just came off of a week of being "off the wagon" myself...also some stressful life events. Here's what helped me...maybe you can pull some inspiration from it. 1) I looked back at when I first started doing this and remembered how hard it was to have the willpower to turn down all of the crap that is always available at…
  • I just went to a running store to get my new ones, the staff was very helpful.
  • Since you were wondering about pills...I have used pills in the past, I got Phendimetrazine and adipex from the doctor (prescription). They both worked very well to control my appetite because I'm one of those people who has a problem with will power and still eat even when I'm not hungry. Over the counter diet pills never…
  • All of the original members of ELO. I gotta mention though, even though the only thing that's dead is the band, not the members- I'd LOVE to see the Police. They need to do a reunion tour and just play all of their early sh**. That would be most awesome.
  • I'm a caucasian American. There are a million negative things I'd love to say about America, but I will just stick's such a beautiful place with so much to's a shame we don't pull our heads out of our a***s.
  • There are many but two of my favorites are the lesser known "One Crazy Summer" and "Better off Dead." LOVE early John Cusak!!!
  • The thing that surprises me the most is that I started exercising a year ago- heavily and regularly- without modifying my diet. I didn't lose one single pound...not one...until I started limiting my calorie intake only 2 months ago. I find it odd that getting rid of an extra 1600-1800 (from exercise) calories a week didn't…
  • I'm looking for more friends too! The support is very helpful and I love that everyone here has the same goal in mind, and many have the same struggles and can help me through the bad days! Good luck!
  • I really liked mine at first and noticed soreness in different muscles. I wore them for a year, and I think after awhile they didn't really work anymore. Eventually it got to the point where I couldn't wear them anymore because they were starting to hurt my legs, and not in a good "feel the burn" sort of way. I don't know…