Crashing and Can't Stop! Help!

I'm running into so many issues, MFP members!

Last weekend, my girlfriend left me completely out of the blue. I was so depressed that I couldn't eat, sleep, or function. I cried and sobbed for hours on end, and I was fed certain medications to calm me down and make me sleep. During my grieving process, I didn't eat healthily or exercise. Fortunately, my girlfriend and I got back together a few days ago; so everything is fine.

However, I was told at work this afternoon that my friend's mom (who happened to be a really popular Geometry teacher at my local high school and a former 8th grade teacher at a local school) passed away this morning due to breast cancer. I grieved again, though nowhere near as much as I did when my girlfriend left.

On top of all of this, I moved home to a stressful environment (I live in the residence halls of my university during the school year); and the home-cooked food and sweets and mountains of soda are SO tempting.

Finally, my GPA is not where I want it to be, which is more stress and grief.

As a result, I haven't exercised in almost two weeks; and I keep overeating my calories. I'm crashing, MFP! Any advice or suggestions?


  • CherylAnne1988
    just jump back on track, so you had a couple bad weeks, i did too! it will happen you just need to set your goals and run for it .. pack your meals, get diet caffeine free sodas, dont stress over it you can get back on track at any moment,
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I'm sure other people will go the cuddley route, but I won't. That sucks, all of it, but it is all also life an you can't use life as an excuse to not take care of yourself. See them for what they are, excuses for you to get off track, and then don't let that happen. You just have to want to be healthy more than you want to wallow in self pity. I believe in you, you can be strong and get through it all!
  • Ariberri9
    Ariberri9 Posts: 206 Member
    just jump back on track, so you had a couple bad weeks, i did too! it will happen you just need to set your goals and run for it .. pack your meals, get diet caffeine free sodas, dont stress over it you can get back on track at any moment,

    Thank you! I am trying my best, and I am slowly getting back to my old MFP lifestyle.
    I'm sure other people will go the cuddley route, but I won't. That sucks, all of it, but it is all also life an you can't use life as an excuse to not take care of yourself. See them for what they are, excuses for you to get off track, and then don't let that happen. You just have to want to be healthy more than you want to wallow in self pity. I believe in you, you can be strong and get through it all!

    Thank you for being so honest. I do feel immature for handling my situations so poorly, and I am trying my best to turn it all around.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    All you can do is your best, and if you have a weak day just accept it and move on to a better day. I think acknowledging that you are allowed to have bad days is a big part of it, don't let dieting be another thing in a hectic life. It's just food, it's just exercise, it doesn't define you, don't let it control you.

    I feel like a fortune cookie repeating every fortune that the cookie making factory had
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    Try using your exercise as a way to escape the stressful stuff. When I need time to clear my head or i'm feeling really upset or angry, that's when I force myself to take a walk or something. Even just walking around my neighborhood for 20 minutes a) gets me some fresh air, b) gives me a chance to either clear my head or think of ways to solve a problem, and c) helps boost endorphins and vitamin D to make me feel better.
  • biznoche
    biznoche Posts: 43
    I just came off of a week of being "off the wagon" myself...also some stressful life events. Here's what helped me...maybe you can pull some inspiration from it.
    1) I looked back at when I first started doing this and remembered how hard it was to have the willpower to turn down all of the crap that is always available at work...but I did it. And I was really proud of myself. And then I realized that I was probably consuming 500 calories less per day, sometimes more which was a huge motivator. Pretty soon things were much easier to turn down. I looked back on all of that and it helped me realize I was capable of doing it again.
    2) If you're not already on Pinterest, I suggest you join and utilize the fitness category. There are a lot of really inspiring and motivating tidbits from simple quotes to mini workouts to diet tips and recipes that have helped me tons! I'm still going through the "withdrawal" of my binge last week so I've been craving (unnecessary) snacks. I just surfed Pinterest instead and it helped me not eat!

    Remember, even a short burst of exercise a day is beneficial. It can also help get your mind off of your problems...and escape. But don't beat yourself up..Just try harder!

    You're're going to mess up. It's ok. Obviously you're reaching out for help- that means you are really want to reach a goal, you don't want to fail. I think you have more strength than you think you do!!!! Good luck!
  • Ariberri9
    Ariberri9 Posts: 206 Member
    All you can do is your best, and if you have a weak day just accept it and move on to a better day. I think acknowledging that you are allowed to have bad days is a big part of it, don't let dieting be another thing in a hectic life. It's just food, it's just exercise, it doesn't define you, don't let it control you.

    I feel like a fortune cookie repeating every fortune that the cookie making factory had

    Thank you so much. I'm trying my best to get back in my mindset...I had a healthy breakfast and a healthy lunch today, and I plan on working out today. I'm getting back on track...I'm determined to be fit for my first trip to the beach ever. :-)
    Try using your exercise as a way to escape the stressful stuff. When I need time to clear my head or i'm feeling really upset or angry, that's when I force myself to take a walk or something. Even just walking around my neighborhood for 20 minutes a) gets me some fresh air, b) gives me a chance to either clear my head or think of ways to solve a problem, and c) helps boost endorphins and vitamin D to make me feel better.

    I just get the urge to lie in my bed in the dark and watch TV or play on my computer...but I need to get over my bad habits. Luckily, I'm starting that today.
    I just came off of a week of being "off the wagon" myself...also some stressful life events. Here's what helped me...maybe you can pull some inspiration from it.
    1) I looked back at when I first started doing this and remembered how hard it was to have the willpower to turn down all of the crap that is always available at work...but I did it. And I was really proud of myself. And then I realized that I was probably consuming 500 calories less per day, sometimes more which was a huge motivator. Pretty soon things were much easier to turn down. I looked back on all of that and it helped me realize I was capable of doing it again.
    2) If you're not already on Pinterest, I suggest you join and utilize the fitness category. There are a lot of really inspiring and motivating tidbits from simple quotes to mini workouts to diet tips and recipes that have helped me tons! I'm still going through the "withdrawal" of my binge last week so I've been craving (unnecessary) snacks. I just surfed Pinterest instead and it helped me not eat!

    Remember, even a short burst of exercise a day is beneficial. It can also help get your mind off of your problems...and escape. But don't beat yourself up..Just try harder!

    You're're going to mess up. It's ok. Obviously you're reaching out for help- that means you are really want to reach a goal, you don't want to fail. I think you have more strength than you think you do!!!! Good luck!

    I started Pinterest this morning, and just LOOKING at the Fitness board made me want to work out. I am PUMPED to go exercise today! Best of luck to you, too; and thank you!
  • riadastfu
    riadastfu Posts: 69
    Use every hardship thrown your way as motivation. If your life is spinning out of control, the one thing you CAN control is your diet and exercise.
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    So you fell off the wagon a couple weeks. Those weeks are in the past and all you can do is get back on NOW! It sounds like you have had a pretty good day. One day at a time. Plan out your meals if need be for a while so that you get back into the habit because ultimately that it what its about. Developing good habits. :) finally. Allow yourself some forgiveness stressing about what can't be changed will only allow you to continue to stress about it.