What’s surprised you about your weight loss journey so far



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I have lost many friends cos according to them exercising and eating healthily is "selfish." ummm right :S

    It IS VERY SELFISH!!! the problem is that people dont realise that's not a negative thing. Because they are looking for any reason to look down on anyone who does what they wont!

    If a mother is healthy and full of energy and knows how to make moving fun and eating healthy 'normal'- wont she be a better mother than one who is too scared of being selfish to take care of herself?

    Wont a dad that is strong and can run around and play and fix stuff and toss his kids across the room... more of a benefit to his kids than one that comes home after work, exhausted everyday before eating a high fat meal and passing out?

    If you can be selfish for an hour a day- it wont be just you that benefits. People that take care of themselves are in a MUCH BETTER place to take care of anyone else.

    Cause if you're a mess... what good are you to others?
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    Yoovie - that was a great list!
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    I've learned that I am being a fantastic role model for my kids. When I'm done with a tough workout and I look over and my 3 kids are on the floor doing childs pose with me I just see that I am making an impact on their lives as well.
  • katharos3
    katharos3 Posts: 154 Member
    That I can do it. It has always seemed so impossible, but now I know that I am capable of changing my lifestyle and changing my body.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    thank you!

    Unfortunately, I had to learn every one of those the hard way- except the floppy skin one. I believed what I read ahead of time and made sure not to have that problem ever LOL
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    I have lost many friends cos according to them exercising and eating healthily is "selfish." ummm right :S

    It IS VERY SELFISH!!! the problem is that people dont realise that's not a negative thing. Because they are looking for any reason to look down on anyone who does what they wont!

    If a mother is healthy and full of energy and knows how to make moving fun and eating healthy 'normal'- wont she be a better mother than one who is too scared of being selfish to take care of herself?

    Wont a dad that is strong and can run around and play and fix stuff and toss his kids across the room... more of a benefit to his kids than one that comes home after work, exhausted everyday before eating a high fat meal and passing out?

    If you can be selfish for an hour a day- it wont be just you that benefits. People that take care of themselves are in a MUCH BETTER place to take care of anyone else.

    Cause if you're a mess... what good are you to others?

  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Realizing that Fat isnt the enemy, carbs arent free for all and that I can eat A LOT OF FOOD and still not gain any fat.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I've learned that I am being a fantastic role model for my kids. When I'm done with a tough workout and I look over and my 3 kids are on the floor doing childs pose with me I just see that I am making an impact on their lives as well.

    ^^ the opposite of selfish.
  • biznoche
    biznoche Posts: 43
    The thing that surprises me the most is that I started exercising a year ago- heavily and regularly- without modifying my diet. I didn't lose one single pound...not one...until I started limiting my calorie intake only 2 months ago. I find it odd that getting rid of an extra 1600-1800 (from exercise) calories a week didn't make ANY difference, but now that I'm limiting my calorie intake and tracking my food on here, I realized the insane amount of junk I was eating at work (I don't keep snacks in my home, and I eat mostly healthy meals). I finally found the culprit, so now I'm able to manage my journey much better.
  • Jaw_g
    Jaw_g Posts: 46
    Great post Yoovie! and everyone else!
  • mwicklander87
    mwicklander87 Posts: 8 Member
    1. I have less energy than I did before
    2. I don't feel any different (my mother keeps asking if I feel great now)
    3. It's made my marriage strained because my husband is very obese and has no desire to lose the weight
    4. I don't see the "new" me, I still see flab even though "everyone" tells me I look great
    5. "Everyone" compliments the "new" me except the person who matters most to me, my husband
    6. I'm cold all the time
    1. I can fit into a size 6 which I haven't been able to do since probably middle school
    2. I'm smaller than my mother, something I never thought would happen
    3. I've stopped strictly counting calories because I can figure out a good approximation for what's in the food I eat
    4. I didn't have to give up anything I loved to lose the weight, I still eat chocolate and ice cream and junk food, just in smaller portions (I did give up regular pop...tear)
    5.For the first two months of my journey, I didn't really exercise much and I still lost weight, just eating fewer calories
    6. My previously pregnant with twins tummy is no longer a protruding part on my body (although it still looks a bit like an alien)

    That about sums it up...oh yea and I hate the fact that my boobs and butt have shrunk, they were my favorite body parts :-(
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Long list:
    (1) Sodium doesn't cause you to retain water and it doesn't raise blood pressure unless you're sensitive
    (2) Meal frequency doesn't matter all that much
    (3) Nutrient timing has some merit but takes a back seat to total calories and macronutrients
    (4) It really is calories in vs calories out
    (5) Body composition suffers with a lack of protein
    (6) Insufficient intakes of fat messes with hormones and messes with fat loss
    (7) White bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes aren't bad and don't weaken fat loss
    (8) You can eat processed foods (and a lot of it) and have the same results as a strict diet
    (9) Fasting doesn't hurt your health, body composition, muscle, etc.
    (10) Red meat isn't death
    (11) Most of the fat loss advice out there is just awful and wrong
    (12) The fitness industry is corrupt, confusing, and is the cause for many failed attempts at losing fat
    (13) There are no secrets to fat loss and it's one of the simplest things on the face of the planet
  • btnyegurl
    btnyegurl Posts: 27
    How much my body has changed. I've always had body image issues and I guess I never truly acknowledged how much my weight had gotten out of control. I look at pictures now and see how badly warped the mental image of myself was as opposed to my actual image. Now I look and can see the changes and I'm really amazed by how far I've come
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    That I'm still here on MFP and still working hard for what I want to make that lifestyle change. The old me would have given up two month into my "diet".

    Stay strong, you can do it!
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    The biggest surprise for me is how addicting exercise has become. And the fact that you can lose inches, body fat, clothes sizes, and visibly see a loss but not lose hardly any weight at all. I have only lost five pounds in three months, but I have been taking cardio, lifting, and combat classes at the gym every morning and burn four to six hundred calories per workout, but the scale won't move.

    But my clothes are falling off, I have lost four inches off my waist, and three off hips, (gained two in thighs, not sure why, they are really muscular now, maybe that's why) lost two percent body fat, and can see a big difference.

    So the biggest surprise is that even with no loss on scale, I am still losing. Don't know how exactly, or why the scale doesn't move, but I look and feel much better!
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    Bump... this is an interesting thread...
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    1. People will tell you you're doing it wrong even if you have years of results.
    2. People who are unhealthier than you and can't even run a mile will give you tons of advice you didn't ask for.
    3. When you reach your goal you actually feel a sense of loss.(pun)
    4. Friends will be the first to support you and be the first to let you down.
    5. People on MFP fit both category 2 and 4.
    6.Having cheat meals don't make you gain weight most of the time but makes you want to cheat again which can lead to weight gain.
    7. Excercising is fun.
    8. TDEE, BMR,BMI, HRM all mean very little to me.
    9. Cardio is a great stress reliever..
    10. Everyone has the secret.

    I guess not all of these are surprises but things I learned.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    That nothing's changed.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    thanks for the optimism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!