Need to lose 50 or more pounds, I bet you can relate!



  • Amberchalon
    Amberchalon Posts: 207 Member
    Oh yes! I want to lose a total of 75lbs--down 13
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    I don't have that much to lose "anymore"... but I am still on this weight loss journey myself.

    In January of this year I weighed in at 242 lbs, I set out to lose 72 lbs to get me in a healthier BMI!!! That was the most I had every weighed in my life... even when pregnant I was lighter!!! So if any one can relate to having to lose quite a bit of weight I sure can! Now that I am only 3.4 lbs away from my goal weight I am BEYOND happy. But this is just the beginning... I still have more changes I want to make to my body, stage 2 of the weight loss journey - focusing on body fat!! So feel free to send me a invite. I post daily challenges to complete, quotes, recipes... whatever I can to keep in touch with my friends on here. And good luck everyone with your journey YOU CAN DO THIS... each day you get closer!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    5ft3 here SW 179 CW 145! GW 125! I started Christmas Eve so I can't complain because I've lost 34lbs so far but wow it does seem like it's taking forever! I still have 20-25 to go.

    Just be patient, keep logging, improving your diet, exercise and you will get there. It took us a while to get up to our 'obese' weight so it'll take a while to work it off
    We can do this and WILL!
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    To be at my "ideal body weight" I have 100lbs to loose... to be at MY ideal (for now) I have around 50-60lbs to loose.

    I started out at 262lbs (5' 5") a few years ago - lost 47lbs (using MFP) before getting pregnant with my first baby. Lost all the baby weight and an extra 5lbs within 6 months; just in time to get pregnant with baby #2! We're getting close to a year later and I've only lost 8lbs of the 38lbs I put on during my pregnancy. I can do - I've done it before - but it seems so much harder this time around.
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    Need to lose 50 or more pounds, I bet you can relate!

    Did you just call me fat?! How dare you!

    I have BIG BONES.
  • Tamiy25
    Tamiy25 Posts: 1
    I certainly can relate! I need to lose about 60 more lbs. Please add me. I could the motivation also!
  • eaemthomas
    eaemthomas Posts: 3 Member
    I absolutely can relate. I have to lose over 200 pounds. I am at my highest weight and actually a point where I am scared for my life. I have my husband on board with tracking our calories and am working hard to keep track of everything. The problem is the lifestyle changes. I can't seem to wrap my mind around it. I know I can lose weight I've done it before. I am just a job that leaves no room for physcial activity which is no excuse but I am struggling to find other ways to get activity in and manage my foods.
  • biznoche
    biznoche Posts: 43
    I need a few serious friends, because at times my committment wanes and my buddies have really helped pick me up! And I will do the same for you! It's rough!! It's taken me 5 months to lose 15 pounds. I'm not complaining, but I thought I'd be much further by now. I still have 45 pounds to go. Ugh! I'll definitely add you!! Anyone else can add me too, I'd love to have more motivating buddies!! :flowerforyou:
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    I need to lose around 97-100lbs....Feel free to add me if you'd like:)

    I'm at 250 now and would like to get to 150-155.

    I'm 5'8
  • 1mrsbennett
    I can totally relate! I just joined this site yesterday, but I've been failing miserably with Weight Watchers for several months (on my 3rd or so time around on WW)... The problem is not with the program I'm on. It's with me. I can easily admit that.
    I've always thought the spokemodels that have lost 10, 20... even 30 pounds have been a somewhat inappropriate representation of the majority of people struggling to lose weight. I want to be one of those who lost 60 pounds, so when I see the people showing off for losing 15 total, I feel like saying "You don't really get it, but good job for you!"
    I guess what we can take from it is, even the 10 or 15 pounds they took off is better than the none I've been able to take off so far!
    I wish you the very best and just sent you a friend request...
  • keolamom
    keolamom Posts: 1
    I can not only relate to ur sizeable goal but, I can also relate to the "eternally thin" person who really doesn't understand what its like to fight this battle. In 2010 (at my heaviest) I weighed 215 lbs. In 2011 I lost 35 lbs then fell off the wagon during the holidays and regained 15 lbs. I got back on track this past February and lost the 15 lbs I had put back on. This journey has been a daily struggle and looking to lose another 30 - 40 lbs can be frustrating. I struggle on my diet and get discouraged when my kids can eat ice cream while I eat a salad. Although I know I need to be patient and not expect results overnight, it is a very slow road to be on. I am with you on this journey and am more than willing to walk beside you when you need me. Aloha from Hawaii. FR sent. :glasses:
  • PhenomeNae
    PhenomeNae Posts: 130 Member
    feel free to add me :) I have 150 (i'm only 5'3") to lose and i feel like i have a long long long way to go. it can be so discouraging... people don't get it how hard it can be to exercise when you're this big. i'm starting to feel better and i'm getting out more, but not feeling "up to par" with the rest of the world has taken its toll. depression, social anxiety, etc... and here i am... i really hope to turn this all around
  • Addibellex
    Addibellex Posts: 6
    I am definitely at home here.

    Almost 80lbs gone (before MFP) and still 60lbs to go until my first goal (160lbs - with MFP).

    Was doing SW for a year and a half but I need tighter control on my food now that my body is getting used to it.

    So started exercising and counting calories, this is my first week.
  • BHRussell
    BHRussell Posts: 83 Member
    75 down...75 to go.I am serious and not to sound korny I thrive on feedback good and bad. Let us work together. Be my friend and lets roll.
  • BHRussell
    BHRussell Posts: 83 Member
    I am with you. I did it once before, had a baby... now it is time to do it again and this time I am going all the way. B my friend, I'll show you the ropes.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Count me in - I'm 40lbs down towards an initial goal of 53lbs. After that, I'm probably going to aim for another 20-30lbs. Which will still put me in the 'medically overweight' category, but should be fairly slim on my frame. So far, it's taken me ten months, and this morning, I looked at the mirror, and despaired, because I've worked hard to get to this point, and there still seems to be such a long way to go. Some days it seems like the unconquerable mountain.
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member
    I hear ya! I'm 38 down have about 15-20 to go. It is a tough thing to do, but worth every daily struggle. It's easier in the beginning. It's prob gonna take me the same amt of time to lose these last 15 that it did to lose the first 38. But I WILL keep fighting the good fight. I will embrace every .5 lb. lost and every .5 inch lost...I mostly embrace how much better I feel mentally and physically. You CAN do's not a's a marathon that you can complete.
  • princessnadif
    Im wanting to loose at least 57 pounds!! only just started but Modivation and encouragement are the best things for me :) im going hard this time. found some awesome work outs on you tube for at home. Im doing one video for 2 weeks then changing on to the next one after 2-3 weeks so my body can face different challenges :) bellow is the link, would any one be keen to do it along side me???

    heres the link
  • DoozerDMB
    DoozerDMB Posts: 129 Member
    I can totally relate! I have 185lbs to lose. Anyone is welcome to add me. Themore support and encouragement we have, the better chance we have of succeeding! :)
  • Going4Healthy
    Going4Healthy Posts: 38 Member
    Need to lose 50 or more pounds, I bet you can relate!

    Did you just call me fat?! How dare you!

    I have BIG BONES.

    Absolutely NOT! I would never call anyone fat.

    All I was referring in my post is the fact that people who have a lot of weight to lose and people who have very little to lose sometimes have a hard time relating to each other. While the challenge seems monumental to both sides, a person who needs to lose a large amount of weight would KILL to only need to lose 10-15 pounds. I know I would.

    I think you might want to re-read my post and the other responses before you jump to such conclusions. Either way, I'm sorry if you took offense to something that was meant as support and encouragement for people like me.