Weight Loss Pills

Is anyone using weight loss pills with diet and exercise to make their results improve? I'm not even sure that I have lost a pound in over a week. Now I know that weight loss is't always quick, especially since I don't have ALOT of time to exercise (although I am more active) I have restricted my caloric intake to about 1200 - 1300 calories. My measurements aren't changing either. So, I wanted to hear your opinions. What works? What doesn't work? What are you using?

If not weight loss pills... any ideas or suggestions on methods? What is working for you? Details, people, Details!


  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Just my opinion: Trash the pills, up the calories a bit, hit the weights.
  • carolanndekker
    Hate pills...but what has worked for me in the past if you can stick to it is Medifast. I'm not doing it this time because I'm not in the right place for it. I'm traveling a lot for work and have to be able to eat out, etc. I'd rather just eat more and eat healthy.

    But in the past, it's worked for a quick 10-20 for me. I can lose 20 lbs in 2 months if I just stick with it. It's 5 of their products plus 1 lean and green meal (generous lean protein and 3 cups veggies). It truly is no fail if you can do it. That means no wine, no cheating (especially with carbs) -- but also you don't have to exercise to make it work.

    Anything works if you stick with it...it sounds like you've hit a plateau. here's a few plateau busters that have also worked for me.

    1. 5 day mini cleanse: fruit and veggies and massive amounts of water. You can also add lean protein...the point is go carb free for 5 days...but this works best without the protein.

    2. Bump up the cardio and quit weight training if you do it.

    3. All protein shakes for 5 days...try to keep it under 1K calories.

    These are all short term -- and things I've tried without impacting my health. Of course, you really want to do them short term or you'll start screwing with your metabolism.

    Good luck -
  • Iamjulez
    Iamjulez Posts: 48 Member
    I am not on pills. Just was curious. It's the first week for me on this diet, so I'm well aware that it could take quite a bit longer before I see results... it's just everyone else is having such dramatic results it seems and I haven't had any and I'm doing really well diet wise trying to stick to healthy food and stay in calorie goal... plus adding in alot more exercise. :) I guess I just need to up the exercise and drink lots of water!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Throw the diet pills out the window. They have a tendency to affect your mood terribly. The key to losing weight as you already know is hard work. Cut calories and exercise. Forget the pills once you go off them the weight creeps back on. Many of the pills have cardiac side effects.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Short term gain, long term loss. I have tried them all and the only thing that works is MFP
  • aheartbeatsos
    Don't bother with pills.
    I tried them last year (a few different brands) and while they did give me a short term boost the side effects were not worth it.
    The sweats, the irregular heartbeat, the shakes and the morning migraines were not worth however much I lost.
    In the long term you'll be thankful you did it unassisted :)
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Just my opinion: Trash the pills, up the calories a bit, hit the weights.

    ^^ This
  • Karen918
    Karen918 Posts: 47 Member
    Just from personal experience. I lost 50 lbs 12 years ago with a certain pill. It made me have a seizure. Stopped taking the pills, gained every pound back.

    I always try to warn people, be very careful.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I have been on tons of diets and tried weight loss pills. They work for a quick fix minute, and then you are back to square one. Your #1 mistake is calling what you are doing a "diet". If you truly want to lose weight and keep it off, then you need to make a lifestyle change, not go on a diet. Quick fixes, pills and fad diets are usually unhealthy, don't work in the long run, and potentially dangerous. If you put in the effort, you will see results, just be patient and work for long- term goals and results. That is what you will need to do to make yourself healthy and fit. Good luck!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Hate pills...but what has worked for me in the past if you can stick to it is Medifast. I'm not doing it this time because I'm not in the right place for it. I'm traveling a lot for work and have to be able to eat out, etc. I'd rather just eat more and eat healthy.

    But in the past, it's worked for a quick 10-20 for me. I can lose 20 lbs in 2 months if I just stick with it. It's 5 of their products plus 1 lean and green meal (generous lean protein and 3 cups veggies). It truly is no fail if you can do it. That means no wine, no cheating (especially with carbs) -- but also you don't have to exercise to make it work.

    Anything works if you stick with it...it sounds like you've hit a plateau. here's a few plateau busters that have also worked for me.

    1. 5 day mini cleanse: fruit and veggies and massive amounts of water. You can also add lean protein...the point is go carb free for 5 days...but this works best without the protein.

    2. Bump up the cardio and quit weight training if you do it.

    3. All protein shakes for 5 days...try to keep it under 1K calories.

    These are all short term -- and things I've tried without impacting my health. Of course, you really want to do them short term or you'll start screwing with your metabolism.

    Good luck -

    ^ Please don't follow this advice.

    You clearly haven't hit a plateau, as you've just started. It's your first week, you might lose more than expected (water weight) or you might not lose as much as you hoped. There's no magic cure for being overweight. Just keep eating at a moderate calorie deficit and you'll see results, but you've got to give it a bit of time!
  • Iamjulez
    Iamjulez Posts: 48 Member
    It's very interesting to see how many people don't read posts clearly before they post answers lol... Thanks for the few repliers that DID read my post thoroughly and your advice. I was mostly curious to see if anyone WAS using pills... Good to know that people here are getting results out of the hard work and perserverance! :) Then there is hope for me yet!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    When you post a topic titled "Weight Loss Pills" around here the mob comes out.

    I have no advice since I have no idea of your eatting or work-out habits. Sometimes eatting more helps, drink your water and be creative in your work-outs {bench press your kid; squats while cleaning the house; take a daily walk}.
  • hubkal
    hubkal Posts: 125 Member
    I have tried it both ways, with and without pills. The pill solution always brings the weight back when you quit. The LONG and tough truth is that it takes time. TIME TIME TIME. that is the hardest thing to learn and know about weight loss that lasts. Move and get yourself some weights! keep up the good work! Make friends here and vary them, some with more weight to lose, some really active and some that have had great success and you will gain knowledge and such motivation from them~!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Don't use weight loss pills.. they are ALL just a waste of money but there are a few supplements that can help a lot..

    #1 Fish oil
    #2 Folic acid
    #3 Multi-vitamin

    What ever "JesterMFP" said.. is really bad advice all the way around.

    U may lose some weight at 1200 calories, but after a few weeks you are going to have to bump them up and add some exercise..
    30 minutes if you are using light weights and circuit type workouts that get your heart rate up will burn about 300 calories...

    Check out the biggest loser videos, bob harper, jillian michaels or jump into a body pump class at a local gym..

    sw 225
    cw 185
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
  • kimspoor
    kimspoor Posts: 2
    to drink green tea is said to help lose weight.
  • biznoche
    biznoche Posts: 43
    Since you were wondering about pills...I have used pills in the past, I got Phendimetrazine and adipex from the doctor (prescription). They both worked very well to control my appetite because I'm one of those people who has a problem with will power and still eat even when I'm not hungry. Over the counter diet pills never really cut it for me, plus I never knew what was really in them and that kind of geeked me out. Both prescription pills (taken on separate weight loss attempts) took away my urge to eat completely, so I started eating to live- not living to eat. I lost 40 pounds in about 6 months the first time, and 25 pounds in 3 months the second time. The downside to that story is that I felt kind of cracked out all of the time, and had trouble sleeping initially. Also, they are not meant to be long term drugs, so when I stopped, the weight came right back- and then some- just like a crash diet. Sooooo here I am doing good old fashioned diet and exercise. I've lost only 13 pounds in 3 1/2 months, but I feel really good and am learning to eat like I should and be comfortable with it. So, to answer your question...do pills work? Yup. Does that mean you should try them? Nope. In my opinion, not worth the quick fix. I try to stay away from the scale and let my clothes and how I look in the mirror do the most talking, even though it takes time and patience. It beats going "I feel thin today!" and stepping on the scale only to realize I've gained 2 pounds. If you feel thinner, let it ride and feel good about it..you don't need a scale to prove it. Sorry about the book I just wrote. Good luck!
  • Iamjulez
    Iamjulez Posts: 48 Member

    Hilarious! hahahaha... :)

    Thanks for the great advice everyone... after much hard though I did pump up my calorie intake and decided to just work more exercise into my regimen wherever I can. Old fashioned spit and shine!

    I really didn't intend on taking pills anyway, but it was interesting to hear how emphatic the crowd says "NO" :)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    What ever "JesterMFP" said.. is really bad advice all the way around.

    Ok... how so?
  • r_keller
    r_keller Posts: 21
    Is anyone using weight loss pills with diet and exercise to make their results improve? I'm not even sure that I have lost a pound in over a week. Now I know that weight loss is't always quick, especially since I don't have ALOT of time to exercise (although I am more active) I have restricted my caloric intake to about 1200 - 1300 calories. My measurements aren't changing either. So, I wanted to hear your opinions. What works? What doesn't work? What are you using?

    If not weight loss pills... any ideas or suggestions on methods? What is working for you? Details, people, Details!

    You've just gotta give it more time, and be patient :smile: