running shoe advice?



  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Get fitted. If you can't do that, try looking online at THey have an interactive tool that will help you "fit" yourself... or at least get in the ball park. There might be other websites out there that do the same thing, this just happens to be the one I know off the top of my head.

    If you're having specific foot, leg issues, you could see a physical therapist or podiatrist for more specific advice, but if you're just looking for shoes, start there.

    Good luck!

    ETA: if you're looking into minimalist shoes (Nike Free Run, Vibram Five Fingers, etc), be sure you do your research. They work for some, not others. You should change your running form in any of those shoes and toe running isn't for everyone. They aren't a bad choice, but a lot of people seem to get them just b/c they seem cool. If you're going to go that way, make sure you educate yourself on what you're getting.
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    It probably is because your shoes are done. I just read an article that recommends a stiffer shoe for those with arch support problems. My inner ankle has been hurting. Probably because I've been trail running in regular running shoes without a lot of arch support. I have pretty flat feat and I think my left food pronates a little, so the ankle is not happy. Definitely get fitted if you have that service available. If not, even the people at any sports store can be helpful in helping you choose a good shoe for you.
  • Mandy_Pandy
    I'm a runner with flat feet and LOVE me some Brooks and Mizuno! Yes, go get fitted if you can though! Good luck!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I wrote a letter to Nike complaining why they discontinued their awesome air zoom running shoes. I told them exactly why I LOVED those shoes for road running and why i felt nothing they offer at the moment comes close to making up for the features lost by stopping the air zoom.

    It was about 4 pages long LOL...3 weeks later, they sent me 3 pairs of air zooms,running leggings and live strong jackets for running, and asked if i'd be willing to try new models and prototype designs for them in shoes and running apparel.

    i will be a nike *kitten* for eternity.

    LOL winner!!!! - that was the reply from my hubby as I just read out your posting to him.

    Seriously, you were meant to do that, right place, right time and you were there!! If they had not stopped making those air zooms, you would not have written to them and in turn would not have had the chance to test out their stuff!

    Seriously wonderful how things often work out :D
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    Go to a running store and get fitted... I had done a good job of what type of shoe to wear however I was about half a size too small. I even went half a size bigger than I normally do, but I needed to be a whole size bigger. I am using brooks right now. While my feet are not wide, they are a little wider than normal and brooks fits me better for that.. Asics are a little narrow.
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    I went to a running store to get fitted for shoes and it helped A LOT. The next time I needed shoes I ordered the same ones for way cheaper on Amazon since I knew they worked :) Runners World magazine has an awesome shoe guide online too! The right shoes can make a world of difference... good luck finding the right fit!
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    The best advice I was given and did was go to a running store to get fitted.


    Double this - I have been running for 2 years and had been fitted before by a running store and tey actually had me in the wrong shoes, a size too small. So this new guy put me on the treadmill and video taped me running and was then able to recommend the correct shoe for my arches and how I run. I will be trying them today. BTW - they are Brooks ravanna.
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    I use New Balance, they are excellent running sneakers with extra width in the toe area (good if your feet swell while running) or my Vibrams. But in the Vibrams I have to run different, they aren't a sneaker. My calves kill me after running in Vibrams, I don't use them all that often.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I wrote a letter to Nike complaining why they discontinued their awesome air zoom running shoes. I told them exactly why I LOVED those shoes for road running and why i felt nothing they offer at the moment comes close to making up for the features lost by stopping the air zoom.

    It was about 4 pages long LOL...3 weeks later, they sent me 3 pairs of air zooms,running leggings and live strong jackets for running, and asked if i'd be willing to try new models and prototype designs for them in shoes and running apparel.

    i will be a nike *kitten* for eternity.

    That is so cool!

    That is great.

    I have always worn Nikes!!! But like many have said I would go get fitted.

    But the nike dual fusions I own (2 pairs) are super comfortable...I have footgasms when I wear them!!
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I had a pair of Asics for years and I was in SO much pain when I was running.
    Not because Asics are bad shoes but because they were SO old. They were in good condition, just old.
    I went to a running store and got fitted.
    I tried Saucony and had to return them two days later.
    I got a pair of Adidas Glide (one of my profile pictures is of my shoes) and I LOVE them!

    My best advice is to go get fitted.
    And run for more than 30 seconds on the treadmill the store has.
    I didn't and had to go back for the Adidas.

    Just make sure they're comfortable.
    And get new socks too!
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    My last two pair were fitted at the local running room. The first pair were Asics and a stability shoe. I have plantar faciitis and very wide feet and high high arches. These shoes felt very klunky too me. My friend who has been running long distances for many years tells me he changes his shoes every 3 months and never wears them for anything but running. If he doesn't it bothers his kness.

    Another friend went to a privately owned local running shoe store. She will access your gait and feet for a fee of $40. Our running friend really didn't like this place and says this woman takes advantage of people with her runs and training programs. She's way more than other places. My friend then went to the Running Room where I went and they told her that her shoes were exactly what she needed and they were still fine so that made me feel great about them.

    When I went in for my second fitting I asked about the stability shoe...and said why do I have a stability shoe...this guy reaccessed my need and could see the wear on the Asics and determined I really didn't need the stability and I got a pair of Brooks Glycerin. Seriously love these shoes. Running is so much better. So I guess is feel comfortable with the person assessing you. Don't pay extra if you don't have to.
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    My running shoes are done, and I am in desperate need of a new pair. I need something with good arch support, the arches of my feet have recently started hurting me, but this might be due to the fact that I have broken down my old pair of shoes? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
    Also, feel free to add me, I need some supportive friends! Thanks :)
    Definitely this. I finally bought my last pair from a running store and my feet have never been happier!! I suffered from plantar fascitis and heel spurs and now they don't bother me too much at all.
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    If you're interested...try minimalist shoes, but as someone said earlier, transition slowly if you go that route.

    I run in Vibrams or a pair of Nike water shoes. I made the switch to minimalist shoes 7 months ago after injuring myself by wearing shoes to "correct" some things. Just ran my first 1/2 marathon in March and have no more knee, shin, back, etc. issues.
  • biznoche
    biznoche Posts: 43
    I just went to a running store to get my new ones, the staff was very helpful.
  • Mira710
    Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
    Definitely get fitted. While you are there, try on a pair of K-Swiss tubes. SO comfortable!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Find out what kind of feet you have, either by some research or by getting fitted if you have a shoe store near you that does that. Find out if your arch is high, normal, low or flat then get the type of shoe you need from there.

    For example, I have next to no arch in my feet, but I have a normal stride. So I need a very cushioned shoe that is either motion control or stability. I LOVE Asics for this type. They seem to feel best. I got fitted for a Saucony but I am takin those back tomorrow cuz I found another pair of Asics that feel way better. If this is you, look for shoes like Asic Gel-Evolution, Gel-Frantic etc
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    I wrote a letter to Nike complaining why they discontinued their awesome air zoom running shoes. I told them exactly why I LOVED those shoes for road running and why i felt nothing they offer at the moment comes close to making up for the features lost by stopping the air zoom.

    It was about 4 pages long LOL...3 weeks later, they sent me 3 pairs of air zooms,running leggings and live strong jackets for running, and asked if i'd be willing to try new models and prototype designs for them in shoes and running apparel.

    i will be a nike *kitten* for eternity.

    That is awesome!!! Makes me like them even more now :)
  • samhelen
    samhelen Posts: 98
    I barefoot run in Vibram fivefingers -- however, if you're used to running in a traditional running shoe it takes time to transition into barefoot running -- should only run in them for a mile every other day and then over the weeks work into longer distances -- the reason people get a lot of pain running in barefoot shoes is because they tend to try to do similar distances to what they were doing in traditional running shoes but when you're barefoot running you're working muscle groups you haven't used as intensely in traditional shoes... granted that probably hasn't answered your question.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Asics Gel-Frantic are my happy shoes, and I have high arches.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I love rebook zigtech tr, They are absolutely the most comfortable pair of shoes ever. They got rid of my shin splints just by working out in them.

    I'm buying a pair of these! SO glad to hear this before purchasing.. I was looking into them and now I'm sold.. LOVE them!