paperboy Member


  • Uh... 1.5 hours in the gym is pretty impressive. I seriously don't see how mom's do it... juggling kids, households, and sometimes a full-time job and squeeze in time for themselves to go to the gym, read, etc. You go girl. That's awesome. As far as the salad dressing is concerned, I get it. ... sort of. I get that you…
  • Hey Bella, It took me about a year and a half to drop 90 pounds, sadly I've put about 25 back on because I'm an emotional eater and it's been a tough year. Anyway, I read your post and then checked your food diary. For me, there were a few things that set off red flags. 1. No water. Are you drinking it and not logging it?…
  • OK, so this was the last post I commented on. How is the running going?
  • Hey, I've been running 5Ks for about two years now. That's actually how I lost the bulk of my original weight (70 lbs). I've also run two half marathons in the past six months so you are definitely starting on a good path. Where to find 5Ks... Google 5K and the name of your city. There are a lot of these things around me.…
  • Yeah man seriously. If you're working with a trainer twice a week, ask him. He should know exactly what to tell you to do and how to do it. It's easy for people on here to say, try this or do that, but in truth it will probably be much more effective get your trainer to show you.
  • OMG Lily... that quote in your profile pic... That's my driving force in weightloss. Someone actually used it as an insult to my fat, lazy butt about two years ago... (I just beat him in half-marathon) Welcome to MFP. This site is great. Don't feel guilty about going over your budget. Everyday is a new day. Chin up. Stay…
  • Um... stop telling yourself you screwed up. Don't dwell on the negative. It is going to be so much harder for you to succeed if you're down on yourself. It was one day. In those calories... at most you've gained a pound. You'll lose it again in the next week. This is not a quick trip... this is a long journey. Chin up.…
  • So What - Pink Not Afraid - Eminem How Far We've Come - Matchbox Twenty Womanizer - Britney Believe - Suzy McNeil Survivor - Destiny's Child Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry Harder To Breathe - Maroon 5 Uprising - Muse Girlfriend (remix) - Lil' Mama & Avril Lavgne
  • Steam room is steam. Sauna is dry heat. They make you sweat which helps your body push water and toxins out through the skin. So there is a health aspect in that... but so far as weightloss... it would only be water weight and your body will put that right back on.
  • Good call and good realization sister!:happy:
    in Hi. Comment by paperboy January 2011
  • OK... Cleaning out the cubboard is a great idea... but for someone just starting... That's hard to do because you don't want to waste the money that's been spent on the food right? Yeah, I know I've been there. I'll just finish this box off and I won't buy anymore. But then you do. And then your watching TV and you're just…
  • Depends on the severity of the sickness. Someone once asked me, if you spend a year preparing for a marathon and the day of the race you wake up with the sniffles, are you going to stay home? or are you going to run the race? You don't want to get others sick at the gym. So if it is THAT bad... stay home. If I've got a…
  • The best way to get started... read your labels. All the measuring cups and everything else will come with time. But if you sit down with a box of crackers, you're going to want to know how many you can eat without blowing your budget.
  • @Molly... Good for you. I ran my first half-marathon in November and I can tell you as a former funny fat kid who was never picked for the sports teams... it felt good to finish and realize that goal achieved. There are great running programs and technology to help you on your journey. Send me a friend request and I'll…
  • Bananas... Filling and full of potassium which helps with post-workout soreness. :)
  • I weigh myself everyday and log it everyday. And yes, naked and after peeing first thing in the morning.
  • Welcome to MFP, Ashley. About 2 years ago I was in the same boat. Not comfortable in my own skin, hating the way clothes fit, hating that I was out of breath when I got to the top of my stairs. So I started... slowly... and over the course of a year and a half dropped 75 pounds. Sadly, I've slacked off a great deal since…
  • Just keep moving forward. Don't make excuses for yourself. Celebrate every ounce lost. If you get on the scale and see no change, at least it is not weight you are gaining. Best advice: DRINK WATER. Boost your metabolism and allows your kidneys to do their job. Don't give up on yourself. You are so worth all of the effort…
  • Ashlee is absolutely right. Water Water Water Water.
  • Hi, I was scrolling through the post and saw your entry. If you are seriously looking to run a 5K one day, I'd like to suggest the Couch 2 5K program. It really worked for me and helps you to gradually build up to running for the full 30 minutes. (The first time I ran consistently for longer than 7 minutes I thought I was…
  • My experience has been that the lemon doesn't really do anything but flavor the water your body really needs anyway. The water is what boost your metabolism. The water is what allows the kidneys to keep functioning, etc. etc. etc. If you don't really like the lemon water anyway... save your money and just drink the water…
  • Austrailia, Don't give up on yourself. If you stumble again, post that this is your fifth time you've tried doing this. The important thing is ... don't give up. Keep trying. :) Good Luck. Paperboy!
    in hello Comment by paperboy December 2010