vkpmusic Member


  • I walked my first 5k...I didn't even try to run it as I have a ruptured disk. It was last week. My time was 59:45. My goal was under an hour. LOL! It was also partially uphill. Congrats to you for getting out and doing it!
  • Bless your heart. Fortunately, the rest of my disks around this one are "in excellent shape", I don't have a reaction to the steriods, and my primary, if sometimes initially doubtful, always gives me the benefit of the doubt and runs the tests. That's why I still drive almost an hour across town to see him when others are…
  • Thanks everyone! I've been walking, although slowly, and I've been thinking about trying swimming, because I love to swim. I was so active before, just in daily schedule, and trying to be healthy, that now I feel unhealthy hardly moving. I know I'm not going fast enough for cardio. But I am starting PT soon, so I will be…
  • 152.9 Woo hoo! Not bad considering the herniated disk and the steriods! :bigsmile: HAPPY HAPPY LABOR DAY! With the ongoing steriods, reduced activity, etc., I'm not going to do the next challenge. But GREAT JOB Everyone and Keep up the great work my Purple pals! Val
  • Heading to DISNEY tomorrow so weighing early! 153 even! :bigsmile: Val
  • Up a little to 155 this week, but A) I am using an old dial scale instead of my usual digital and B) I just had a steriod shot Friday.; So I expect it to go back down next week.
  • Mea Culpa Denise! The battery died on my digital scale Sunday :mad: and I decided to just carry last week's weight until I could get it replaced, but then I forgot to come on here and tell you! :embarassed: Sorry!
  • Sweeping the garage today. Normally that wouldn't count as a work out, but thanks to the herniated disk, it will be the most physical I've been in 2 weeks. Taking it slow, though so I don't overdo. Great job everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • YEAH! Does this mean I get to pick a challenge? My challenge is two fold:: Everyone find/post a meaningful/inspirational site other than this one. I'll start with two. www.greenmonstermovement.com Recipes for spinach and fruit shakes galore and it's what got me eating spinach. You wouldn't believe the energy...and nail and…
  • 153.8 :bigsmile: WOO HOO!
  • I knew it was the steroid shots! DOWN 1 LB to 156.4 WOO HOO! GO TEAM PURPLE!!!!!
  • 157.4 up.2, but I'm pretty suer that's the steroids.
  • 7/4 159.8 7/10 157.8 !!!! WOO HOOO!!! 7/17 157.2 7/25 157.2 Well, at least I didn't gain. This week has been rough. I've literally been flat on my back, on medication and even steroid shots. I'm supposed to have an MRI this week. So I'm amazed I didn't gain. Go Team Purple!
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/3047-700-calories-a-day-and-not-losing READ THIS! I think it is enlightening. Understand that with hypothyroid you will drop weight much slower than someone who does not have this problem. I know, b/c I do. Don't let that discourage you. Just be steady, be healthy, and it WILL come…
  • If it's something I do normally, like laundry. No. If it's something extra intense like spring cleaning. Yes. My reasoning for this is that I'm so small (5'3) that my weight loss calories are at very close to the minimum recommended for women period for regular metabolic function (1200) so if I do something out of the…
  • 7/4 159.8 7/10 157.8 !!!! WOO HOOO!!! 7/17 157.2 Not bad, as I have been down all week with my back, yet again. Gotten so bad that this time I am going to my primary tomorrow to see if he can recommend anything. GO TEAM PURPLE!
  • Ok, one more. This one came right off the MFP boards about a year ago. It's so good, even my husband likes it! Basically she married a southern man who wanted his fried chicken but she didn't want all that grease, so she came up with this.... Oven "Fried" Chicken Ingredients 1 cup PANKO breadcrumbs 1/2 cup freshly grated…
  • I got this off a website called skinnytaste.com and it is SO good! Skinny Sloppy Joes Adapted from Rachel Ray Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes Servings: 7 • Serving Size: 1/2 cup or 1/4 lb • Old Points: 2 pts • Points+: 3 pts Calories: 121.8 • Fat: 3.7 g • Protein: 13.7 g • Carb: 9.9 g • Fiber: 2.1 g 1.25 lbs 93% lean ground…
  • 7/4 159.8 7/10 157.8 !!!! WOO HOOO!!! :bigsmile GO TEAM PURPLE!!!!!!!:
  • Yes! Had Japanese tonight and stayed under my calories! WOOT WOOT! Off to work out! Val PS GO PURPLE!
  • Starting the water now....but since 1 glass is all I need for more than usual, I think I can fit at least 2 in! LOL!
  • Ok, one more water than I normally drink....um, that would be one. As is one would be one more than I normally drink. :embarassed: At least it's an easy challenge! LOL! :drinker: Oh, and team Purple, yes I know I had swiss cake rolls today. Had to get them GONE! Going to the Y tonight! Val
  • HI! I'm Valerie and I'm 36 years old. I had a really bad fall about 6 yrs back and was pretty much on bed rest for 2 months. I lost some of that weight but not all of it. That, combined with my metabolism being messed with about 10 yrs ago meant my body "reset" about 25 lbs heavier than it should be. I joined about a year…
  • Usually it means eating unprocessed food, but I haven't done a whole lot of research into it.
  • I want in to this one! I had to drop last time.... can I ? Val
  • definitely the toning. I can drop 10 lbs with no obvious change. I can drop 5 with the toning and people will ask if I've lost weight. I'm 5'3 btw.
  • It depends. You guys as far as what I eat how, b/c my husband doesn't care. I mean, he doesn't give me a hard time about it but he doesn't cheer me on either. Exercise? Definitely my husband. Again, couch potato, but he sees how much better my back is and that I'm less stressed and in less pain and points that out when I…
  • Enjoy the cake! Enjoy the wedding. Remember everything was catered, so it's not like you're going to hurt anyone's feelings! Have a wonderful day!
  • Two dumb questions, but they need to be asked: 1) Do you have your weight set correctly on your FT4 2) Was it reading a "normal" heart rate before you got started? I can burn 600 calories in Zumba, which is only an hour with a warm up and cool down...so about 30 min. It's absolutely possible as long as the two questions…
  • I find the idea of "Raw" protein powder interesting. Where do you get it? Also, what about some of the ones sold that are organic? They might have fewer ingredients and be less processed....