Laboring Towards Labor Day (CLOSED GRP)



  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    Go RED TEAM!
    Starting Weight: 173
    Goal Weight: 155

    7/05: 173
    7/11: 171.0
    8/09 171.4

    .4 loss! You will think you will lose so much weight after fasting 16 hours, I guess not. I'm observing fasting for the whole month of August from 4:00am to 8:00pm nothing to eat and drink in between. So no exercise for me as I have to conserve my energy during the day time. I cancelled my session with the trainer yesterday as i could barely walk. So Good luck to my team mates and the rest of the group.
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    Hooray to my blue team - we are finally getting our butts in gear and it paid off this week! WooHoo Blue!!!!

    Congrats to everyone else who lost this week too! Everyone is doing good - and even if not, don't be hard on yourself, you can get yourself back into gear! You just need the willpower and commitment to do so - we still have 4 weeks left - let's all go kick some butt!!!

    I agree 100 %!! WTG girls!!

    Lets keep it on a roll BLUE team!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Thanks Jennifer and Sonja for the support :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Destiny How's it going?
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    YEAH! Does this mean I get to pick a challenge?

    My challenge is two fold::
    Everyone find/post a meaningful/inspirational site other than this one. I'll start with two. Recipes for spinach and fruit shakes galore and it's what got me eating spinach. You wouldn't believe the energy...and nail and hair growth! I was challenged by a friend, who is a holistics consultant to try it. YUCK I thought...spinach and banana? But I tried it and LOVED it. Lady weight lifter with a blog. This woman is amazing!

    2nd everyone SLOW DOWN (Gasp! I know, right?) SLOW DOWN for 5 or 10 min a day and think about all the wonderful ways you are blessed and all you have accomplished. :bigsmile:

    THUS endeth the challenge
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Congrats Blue Team
    Congrats Biggest Loser!!!

    Congrats Teal team for kicking my butt when I need it

    And Many Many Thanks to Denise!!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    yes, i'm sorry i forgot to ask you to pick a challenge....thank team you guys can add to our challenges too since you're team won the week also....

    my two recommended sites are....
    this is great blog with amazing recipes that are healthy but flavorful.....
    this is a site that will help you pick music to set up your pace to walk/run/ can figure out which songs you want or should have in your play list to get you to a specific speed for your workouts....
    one more cause this one is great from a woman who has lost and kept off 135lbs...besides the amazing recipes she shares, i love her spirit when she writes....i wish i "knew" her.....
    YEAH! Does this mean I get to pick a challenge?

    My challenge is two fold::
    Everyone find/post a meaningful/inspirational site other than this one. I'll start with two. Recipes for spinach and fruit shakes galore and it's what got me eating spinach. You wouldn't believe the energy...and nail and hair growth! I was challenged by a friend, who is a holistics consultant to try it. YUCK I thought...spinach and banana? But I tried it and LOVED it. Lady weight lifter with a blog. This woman is amazing!

    2nd everyone SLOW DOWN (Gasp! I know, right?) SLOW DOWN for 5 or 10 min a day and think about all the wonderful ways you are blessed and all you have accomplished. :bigsmile:

    THUS endeth the challenge
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    OK, so honestly haven't checked it out yet, but going to be learning a lot more about it in the upcoming weeks with the program I am joining locally, so thought I'd go ahead and share it. Actually in my program, I will be receiving the book too... Tosca Reno's "Clean Eating", here's the website:

    Also a site to help track your exercise by type, distance and time - I found through another friend...

    Thanks for this challenge - I find my 5-10 minutes when everyone else is sleeping, so much more peaceful then :happy:
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    Valerie I like your 2 part challenge. (BTW Congrats on being the biggest loser this week! :drinker:)

    Here is my contribution....

    The site is new to me I was just added recently to their mailing list. Mark Sisson's daily musings on health, nutrition, fitness, the health industry and the low-carb, paleo, Primal lifestyle. A good standard!

    MFP is the BEST! :heart:
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 223
    My weight was a little down this morning so I'm cautiously optimistic this plateau is over. Is it boring for me to recommend I love it. I liked it on Facebook and I get awesome articles on my home page. The other is It's a great resource if you ever want to take up running.
  • justyourtypicalgirl
    justyourtypicalgirl Posts: 136 Member
    Looks like the green team isn't going to have to kick me off after least this week:)
    I'm down four pounds...two of that is probably just water that bumped me up last week...but I swear I will take is where I can get it!!

    7/1/11 196.9
    7/11/2011 198.9
    7/15/2011 198.9
    7/22/2011 198.4
    7/29/11 196.9
    8/5/11 198.9
    8/11/11 194.9
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    no one was every kicking you off silly girl lol....great job getting back on track this week...i'm really looking forward to posting my loss this week to as i went up last week too.....this week i'm down but i'm waiting until monday to report hoping it goes lower ;)
    Looks like the green team isn't going to have to kick me off after least this week:)
    I'm down four pounds...two of that is probably just water that bumped me up last week...but I swear I will take is where I can get it!!

    7/1/11 196.9
    7/11/2011 198.9
    7/15/2011 198.9
    7/22/2011 198.4
    7/29/11 196.9
    8/5/11 198.9
    8/11/11 194.9
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    No one is kicking you off our team. ( Green ) We can use all the help we can get.

    Great news you are down. I will wait a few days to weigh in still hoping I
    go down a bit more.

    By the way, I have been consuming the Green Monsters for some time. Spinach,
    Blueberries, banana, whey powder, Silk Vanilla Light Soy milk. That's the way
    I get my spinach in too. I love the taste.

    Okay Green Team only a few weeks left to get our butts in gear.

    Good Luck to all !!
  • CrysButcher3
    Looks like the green team isn't going to have to kick me off after least this week:)
    I'm down four pounds...two of that is probably just water that bumped me up last week...but I swear I will take is where I can get it!!

    7/1/11 196.9
    7/11/2011 198.9
    7/15/2011 198.9
    7/22/2011 198.4
    7/29/11 196.9
    8/5/11 198.9
    8/11/11 194.9

    Oh yea...I think Green team is gonna take it this week girls....I'm down 2 so far...not weighing in however until Monday...but I would say we have a comeback coming!!!! ;) You rock Chik! Told ya...just a little bump in the got this! :)
  • CrysButcher3
    Lack of sleep....*You rock Chick!* ::Rolling eyes:: I really need to get more sleep.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    OK guys so here is the current update on our moving status.....we now have a destination once we arrive in NC we pick up the keys on next Fri. Praise God kids will be semi settled before the first day of school on the 25th that was my biggest worry to have them settled in and now we will be. With the housing situation secured!!! Just wanted to share and also workouts are going well eating has been rocky eating out a lot :-( so I am going to get back going with that. One last thing check out my new motivation pic really love this one so very true! Keep working hard everyone!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Corn Roast on Saturday night, no big deal.
    I can pick and choose.

    There is a Peach Festival in Town on Saturday during the day.
    I will do some walking although I am experiencing some pain
    in the top of my leg, I think I pulled a muscle. I will try and walk
    tonight if I can.

    I will be at the boat this weekend so I will not be logging in.

    My weight is back down again I was hoping to log in tomorrow for
    the weight but no can do.

    I will try hard to drink my water and walk as much as I am able.

    Not exercising today but I do have a lot to do before I leave today.

    Soooo, I guess I will give my weight my Monday as best as I can.
    Sorry, team I am usually not home on the weekends to try and be
    disciplined. We shall see what Monday brings.

    Keep up the hard work, do your best !!!!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    My weight was a little down this morning so I'm cautiously optimistic this plateau is over. Is it boring for me to recommend I love it. I liked it on Facebook and I get awesome articles on my home page. The other is It's a great resource if you ever want to take up running.

    good job!!!
  • Sho_Rowell
    Sho_Rowell Posts: 104 Member
    I'm back after a two week hiatus! Stayed off the scales, and wa- La, down 5 lbs in 2 weeks.
    180.8 this week! Whoop whoop!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Two sites I like are

    I am thankful for so many things and it's always great to stop and recognize them!!

    Thanks for the challenge
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Gonna weigh again Monday but today I was 178 and I'm working hard this weekend to keep it there.
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    WTG Denise!