Laboring Towards Labor Day (CLOSED GRP)

bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
okay i'm gonna start this thread now...we can't do our "first" weigh in until we finish the 4th of july challenge...
once i have our final weigh ins from that thread, i'll add them to the spreadsheet and see how to set up the teams....

depending on how many we have should we have 2 or 4 member teams??? we currently have 19 people who have signed up...thoughts????

i just entered our "current" weights to see what the chart does and it looks like overall everyone is attempting to lose 4-9% during the 9wks.....anyway, give me some input or we'll stick to individuals cause i dont know what i'm doing with the teams lol and i dont want to be responsible for "stacking the deck" unfairly.....

Loss Name
9 BifDiehl
9 bluiz13
9 cmpettey
18 dixedreg
11 FitJ1210
12 Gerkenstein
9 jklm
15 jllipson
9 justyourtypicalgirl
9 kcthatsme
12 kris1085
10 LadyPersia
15 newimproved2011
9 robynrae_1
9 shannonaufman
9 shirley61
9 sonnut
9 thedestar
12 weaziemand


  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    I think 4 would be good. At least if anyone does drop, we would have other team members. 2 people while challenging may not work well if someone's team mate does drop off, for whatever reason.
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    Teams or individuals, either way is good. For teams you could just have your kids pick random names from a hat. That way there's no "stacking" or hard math involved. Lol
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    I think bigger teams would be great, and I think just the random teams would probably be easiest. Looking forward to this group!
  • shannonaufman
    I'm cool with it either way! I like the random idea, with maybe a switch here or there if it looks like the random thing produced uneven teams. I agree, I think 4 is better. Excited to get this started!
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    I agree with the other ladies on 4 teammates. Random grouping is good, or maybe group people by how much they want to lose during the challenge. For example, the people trying to lose the most group together, and so forth (hope this makes sense).
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Woohooo This is truely going to be a challenge for me. I have the running going but not the weight loss. Lets do this!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Anything works for me, individuals or teams.
    I am in!! I will be on vacation a week during
    this challenge but I am going to try and log
    in as much as the laptop allows with good
    connection. LOL

    Good Luck everyone!
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 223
    4 for sure. I don't want to "weigh down" my one teammate since I'm slow loser. :laugh: OK so that was lame. I'm going on less than 3 hours of sleep. The groups should be random. That makes it easier for you and just because someone has a higher goal doesn't necessarily mean they will reach those goals. Plus, just because someone is heavier doesn't mean they will lose faster. I'm proof of that. If you just want to do individual, that's great too. Thanks for all the work you do in these challenges. It's awesome to have the extra motivation and support.
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    I like the idea of 4 teams also .:smile:

    I cant wait to get started!
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    How about alphabetical order in picking teams ?
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    I'm clueless on what's best, but we could just try the teams and find out whether we like teams or not. One thing I do know for sure is that I sure appreciate all the work you do for us! Thanks!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    since everyone from this group is from the other group i will take our STARTING weights from the 4th for july thread....please report your final weight there or here by monday july 4th....i'll update the list and break up the teams based on the goal % lost and then randomly from there if that makes sense???? i'll make 4 member teams and post them on this thread....we'll just keep the one thread going until it rolls over to a new one - not a new one every week...too confusing lol...
  • CrysButcher3
    CrysButcher3 Posts: 322
    I absolutely want in. I'm not in on the other one, so do you want me to just come here and post my weight July 4th? I appreciate everything you do bluiz...I said it before your my h2o hero! :) Thanks for allowing me to join.
  • Sonnut
    Sonnut Posts: 57 Member
    4 for sure. I don't want to "weigh down" my one teammate since I'm slow loser. :laugh:

    I'm a slow loser let's not be on the same team! haha!

    I'll be sure to post my final weight on the other one. Then I'll have to post on the 11th, then again on the 14th to get back on track, so if I miss a week, please know I'm here, I just can't post that week.
  • CrysButcher3
    CrysButcher3 Posts: 322
    :::Waving::: Hi everyone! I'm going to introduce myself... :) I'm Crystal, (my daughters name is Abby thus where I got AbbyGrl) I'm 39 years old, I live in Ohio and like just about everyone here I'm tired of my weight. Motivation/challenges push me to succeed. I do way better when I am competing with others...not sure if its the competitive side in me, but I push myself harder when I have someone on my heels or breathing down my back....I like to walk, actually I LOVE to walk, I noticed when I walked 5 times a week I was dropping the weight. I'm still working on my water intake, but its coming along. Anyhow, I lost 17 lbs this past month alone, so I know I can kick it into gear when I want to...I just like the challenge, a friendly challenge. I'm not a sore loser, I just do better when I have people pushing just as hard as I am for the same goal. :) Thanks for allowing me to participate with you all and I wish you ALL the best of luck in this challenge!
  • shannonaufman
    Abby -- I like the idea of introducing ourselves, so I'll follow suit.

    My name is Shannon. I'm 24 and live in Memphis, TN. I am currently a PhD candidate in Environmental Water Resources... but I was just offered a new job today, so I think I'm going to step away from school for a little while to pursue a career. I was just married in March to an awesome guy. No kids (yet? the jury is still out on the kids thing) but we have an awesome basset hound named Watson. I am on a mission to get healthier and lose some weight. I have recently taken up running, but in this deep south heat, it's not so easy lately. So I've been walking, taking part in zumba at a local church, and I have done some of Jillian Michaels' workout DVDs. I'm really excited about this challenge!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Abby i like the idea of introducing ourselves also
    My name is Kristen and i am 37 from near Charleston West Virginia . I have a great job that i have worked for quite a while and i love it ! My screen name is kris1085 because of 3 of my 4 neices and nephew my oldest neice will be 11 and the middle neice is going to be 9 my nephew and the only boy is turning 6 and my newest neice will be a year on my nephews birthday ! I have been doing Zumba for a while and i love it and i also do some Leslie Sanson walking tapes also ! My mission is to get healthier so that i can always be there for my neices and nephew and i also am looking forward to buying all new clothes too !
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i will also introduce myself even though many of us have been together for a long time i dont think we have ever done this before :)

    i am denise (bluiz13=blue eyes and 13 is my birthday in october)....i am married for almost 8 years with 2 beautiful kids (almost 7 and almost 4)....i work for a high end builder in west palm beach and live in lake worth (south florida).....i have worked for my boss just 3 months short of how long i have known my husband....i have been heavy my entire life that i remember....for most of high school i was probably 160-175??? but i know i was the "heavy" friend in my very large group of friends....i had enormous boobs for my age and FINALLY had a reduction in 2000 just before meeting my was the best thing i ever did for myself besides getting healthy highest weight ever was 263 when i delivered my son in 2004 and when we celebrated his 1st birthday in sept 2005 i stilled weighed 263...after seeing his birthday pics i joined jenny craig the next saturday...i lost over 50lbs in the next 15 months or so and then just got busy with life and not taking care of daughter was born in sept 2007 and in january 2008 i decided it was time to make the change permanently....i started this journey at 253.8 on 1/1/08 and as of 6/25/11 i have lost ticker shows more because i have 263 as my start weight since that was my highest ever....anyway, my goal is to get to the highest end of the "healthy" range which is 145...once i'm there i'll decide where i want to end up....i am finally celebrating the fact that i have lost 85lbs overall and have kept it off and am still losing.....i love my new life and i can't wait to continue living it each day a healthier me...

    welcome to abby and thanks to the rest of you for joining the new challenge...i think having 20 people with 5 teams of 4 is going to be great.....
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good day everyone.

    My name is Kimberly. I live in NEPA. I have been on MFP for 334 days. My internal med doc told me I needed to exercise and lose weight. I have 4 boys. My oldes is a skateboarder on the cartoon network circuit, one at VillaNova and another starting his own business. My youngest is a BS working as a Counselor in training at BS camp. I have always been active until I had a severe Asthma attack and started Prednisone. I gained 75 pounds and have been trying to lose it ever since. I was 100 pounds after my last child; i knew nothing about weight until it affected my heart. I have lost 35 pounds over all. My doc wants me around 135. My last 10 pounds have not come off in over a year. My cardiologist thinks I am the right weight, I just need to exercise daily and drink water. My allergist wants the weight off due my my severe allergies. I am allergic to everything especially foods. So Bloating and water retention are defense mecanisms to my illness'. I workout with my husband almost daily. He has created me into the Commander in Water! I send water shout out daily to remind us to stay hydrated!

    I have found a beautiful supportive community on MFP. Together we can achieve everything!!

    Bluiz...You are an awesome leader!!

    Now enough of me.....Lets get our drink on
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Hey everyone my name is Charmaine I have been apart of the group for a long while I actually think since the beginning. A member of MFP for over a yr now and sad to say I have not yet reached my goal but the thing I stand tall on is I have never quit or given up and that is because I wont stop until it is met!! I am a wife of 13 yrs and a mother of 4 kids. My heaviest weight ever was 186 and I can't even blame it on my kids I did it all on my own getting comfortable in the life of being married with children well I stil enjoy that life the difference is now I want to be the hott mom on the block or should I say MILF hahahaha I joke about that because it wasn't until this yr that I found out what that meant. I have had my share of ups and down this past yr but they are behind me now and I am ready to take off and get this done!! So I am looking foward to being a great help to whatever team I'm on and seeing all of us continue in success!! Let's Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo