Laboring Towards Labor Day (CLOSED GRP)



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm really excited to start the new group...woooohoooooooo....
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    I want in to this one! I had to drop last time.... can I ?
  • Sonnut
    Sonnut Posts: 57 Member
    Since we're all getting to know each other, I'll share too! I'm happily married 20 years this September, mother of two teenagers (so far it's good), and like my profile said, I somehow morphed into this middle aged person that could stand to lose some weight. Actually, who needs to lose some weight! lol

    I never weighed over 100 pounds until my senior year in high school. I was 103 when I met my dh, then I started gaining. At age 23 I married, weighing about 120. Still a healthy weight, but the heaviest I've been. So, exercise is foreign to me, I don't enjoy it and I've never had to worry about my weight or what I ate in the past. Fast forward two children later, and my 40's and here I am!

    My highest non-pregnancy weight is 180. I was able to lose my baby weight and got down to 117, but it wasn't in a healthy way (stress & starvation, it's no wonder I gained it back). I joined MFP in January weighing 178 and am finally down to 161. This whole 160's thing has been a challenge, as I fluctuate from 161 to 163 constantly. UGH!

    So, I'm looking forward to getting back on track and losing even more. My goal right now is 140, to be re-evaluated once I get there. I just started a hip hop class this week and I actually enjoyed it (don't call it aerobics or you'll ruin it for me)! I bought exercise clothes today (yea me!) so I can look cute while DANCING (again, not aerobics or exercise).

    So let's do this girls!
  • CrysButcher3
    CrysButcher3 Posts: 322
    Kris I LOVE Leslie Sansone's walking tapes!!! I do her in the winter when I can't get out. Oooooo how I despise the Ohio weather! I love the spring/summer/fall...but winter can stay away! lol.
    I should have told you all what I do for a living, my apologies. I have been an STNA for 22 years, I work in a nursing home close to where I live. (4 miles down the road to be exact) and I work the night shift. *Boo*....but it works best with the children. I'd rather work while they sleep so I don't miss too much of their lives. I'm a single mother of 3 children...Anthony 12, Abigail 9, Austin 8. They are the MAIN reason I'm doing this...I am ALL they have, they have no contact what so ever with their father, so its up to ME to be healthy enough for them so they have me the rest of their childhood lives. I'm approaching 40 years old next goal is to be down to 145 by then.
    With all of that said....I'm sooooo excited to be here on this website...with mfp I have lost 17 lbs in a month. The people here (all of you!) are awesome! My hardest challenge I think is the whole "water" intake...but like I said I'm working on it :) Okay....I'm ready to kick it! Lets have a great 9 weeks!!! :)
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    My turn, my name is Jennifer, I am 38 years oldI was born and raised in Covington, Kentucky, moved to Dry Ridge, KY 8 years ago in September when I married my DH. We have 2 beautiful little girls, Arielle just turned 5 and Brigitte is 2 1/2. I have 2 jobs, the first was full time, but just over a year ago they cut myself and another clerk to part time (hate it), I work for a small city office. After that I searched for a new job, found nothing - love the economy. Even now, the pay would about equal in 40 hours, what I'm making in 20... Then my aunt told me her boss was fed up with their cleaning people and asked if I would be interested. After some bumps the first couple of weeks, It has been great and great income for just 1 night (4 or 5 hours) per week. By January we finally got our finances back in order and stress lessened. Then my DH was asked to join a fitness and boot camp program by a co-worker. We both wanted to, but could only afford for 1 of us to go. Someone there told him about MFP. He and I started logging, he brought home info from his program and we worked together on healthier eating, but separately on workouts... By the end of his program in May we had both hit the 50 pounds lost mark.
    When we started this journey, we both realized we needed to be in better shape for our girls - we reflected on last summer and how we were bench warmers while they ran and played with one another. Now we get out and play with them, I outlasted them both about 2 weeks ago playing soccer (kicking ball around, they call it soccer...) a year ago I would not have lasted 5 minutes! I feel great, but want more - so still on my journey to lose at least 50 more. My goal is 160-170.

    Oh, my pusher and motivator is not my DH - it's my 5 year old who nags me with, "is that in your calories for today?" or "did you exercise today?", "do we need to workout tonight?", "have you lost any more pounds?" - love her and love that at 5 years old she is so bright and caring. Only problem I have - she thinks she needs to lose weight... 5 years old, almost 4 feet tall and only 47 pounds (after eating). Whenever she asks if she needs to lose I laugh and tell her no, she needs to gain. I love my girls and love that they love me getting skinny and want to help!
  • justyourtypicalgirl
    justyourtypicalgirl Posts: 136 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Brandi, I'm 36, born in New Mexico, lived just about everywhere, and now live in Huntsville, AL. I think this will be my forever home at least until the kids are out in the real world. I have a five year old stepson and and my 2.5 year old. They are hilarious and challenging and they are the reason that I'm here. I'm currently working as a contractor for NASA and hopefully we will get picked up for the next contract. I started this journey back in September of 2010 and have lost 62 lbs. The first 50 flew off and the rest has been hard earned. I adjusted my goals to try to jump start this thing if I'm on your team, you might end up hating me at first! My biggest challenge is eating my exercise calories. It's like driving a stick for me....I know HOW to do it, I just can't seem to turn my knowledge into actually doing it. Also, if I'm on your team, you might hate me a lot at the first weigh in as I will just be getting back from vacation. I'm not sure what next weeks holds for me...but I do know what this life holds for me.
    Let's do this!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    you forgot to tell us your name LOL...
    Since we're all getting to know each other, I'll share too! I'm happily married 20 years this September, mother of two teenagers (so far it's good), and like my profile said, I somehow morphed into this middle aged person that could stand to lose some weight. Actually, who needs to lose some weight! lol

    I never weighed over 100 pounds until my senior year in high school. I was 103 when I met my dh, then I started gaining. At age 23 I married, weighing about 120. Still a healthy weight, but the heaviest I've been. So, exercise is foreign to me, I don't enjoy it and I've never had to worry about my weight or what I ate in the past. Fast forward two children later, and my 40's and here I am!

    My highest non-pregnancy weight is 180. I was able to lose my baby weight and got down to 117, but it wasn't in a healthy way (stress & starvation, it's no wonder I gained it back). I joined MFP in January weighing 178 and am finally down to 161. This whole 160's thing has been a challenge, as I fluctuate from 161 to 163 constantly. UGH!

    So, I'm looking forward to getting back on track and losing even more. My goal right now is 140, to be re-evaluated once I get there. I just started a hip hop class this week and I actually enjoyed it (don't call it aerobics or you'll ruin it for me)! I bought exercise clothes today (yea me!) so I can look cute while DANCING (again, not aerobics or exercise).

    So let's do this girls!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Shirley as you can see. I live in Ontario, Canada, although I am an American
    ciitizen who just happened to marry a Canadian. I have been married for 37 years and have two daughters
    28 and 30. My current joy is sailing our new/old boat as you can see by the picture. I work as a Receptionist
    for a law firm in the states.

    I have been on the roller coaster weight loss scene for some time now. Although before I married I weighed
    115 lbs. I am a Weight Watcher lifetime member and did try to get back to that group with no success and
    no motivation. So a coworker of mine told me about MFP and here I am. It will be one year next month since
    I started this journey. I am a slow loser since I am 62 years old. So I guess you can put me with the slow
    losers :tongue: I exercise everyday and I have also joined a walking challenge on here. I do DVD'S, Wii Fit Plus,
    walk and lift weights too. I am new to the Red, White & Blue group since May. Lately my weight has been up and down
    but trying to get it to go down further. We have alot of get togethers at our sailing club so it has been a challenge
    to keep the weight going down. I leave for vacation soon so another challenge is before me. So far I have lost 21
    pounds on this program and will still be doing this journey for some time.
    I hope we do this together because I am looking forward to it.

    I am also going to give you my final weigh in today for the R,W, & Blue : 172.2 :bigsmile:
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Well my turn, My name is Robyn I am 32 years old and have no children. My husband and I have decided to not to have children. We love our nieces and nephews, oh and don't forget the great dane. I work 3rd shift 7 days on 7 days off, 10 hour shifts. I work at the local hospital in the lab. We are small enough that I am the only one in the lab for 8 hours. I also work close enough to work that when it is nice out I will bike back and forth. My schedual is horrible for my diet. I do so well when I am at work than on my 7 days off, its like a free for all.
    I love Zumba, I have been going 2 x per week for about 9 months now. Right now we don't have classes because of the holiday, so I think that is part of the reason my weight is up right now.
    I also love to ride my bike around the back roads.
    I have to get back to work I will finish later.
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    Me next. I'm Natalie. I'm 44 and married now for 23 yrs to a great guy. We have one daughter who's 14. I'm a little terrified of the teen years (because I remember mine!), but so far, so good. My mom lives with us. She'll be 85 next month. She can be...challenging! We all live happily ever after in Virginia on a couple acres surrounded by trees. My husband and I totally love where we live.

    I started this journey in January of this year, along with my husband. We've both done pretty well so far and he looks great. I think he's down 44lbs. What we are doing is counting calories and playing with the Xbox Kinect... oh I mean working out with the Xbox Kinect. That thing is so much fun and there is no way either of us could have come this far without it.

    Love this website and looking forward to this challenge.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i have everyone's goals....we have 21 participants so i was thinking maybe 3 teams of 4 and 3 teams of 3????
    i must have your start weight by 7/4 - if you do your weighin earlier and want to report it sooner that is fine too.....our weigh ins will be due by the monday of each week but again you can report it anytime between thurs and mon....i dont want to "make" anyone change their weigh in day.....once i have everyone's start weights i'll be able to see what percentage each wants to lose and will decide on how to make the teams....hope you all have a great 4th of july weekend....

    AbbyGrl72 229.30
    justyourtypicalgirl 196.90
    LadyPersia 141.00
    shirley61 172.20
    sonnut 162.40
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    I guess that leaves me! haha

    I'm Sarah and am 26 years old. I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 7 years in August (yes, we were 19 when we married; not the smartest decision ever, but definitely not the worst). No kids, would like to keep it that way for a while, but when we do have kids we want to adopt at least one child. I do have an 11 year old Sheltie/Retriever mix (in the pic). We've only had her 1 year and she's my first pet ever so I'm madly in love with her. I work as an admin asst in human resources for a school corporation in Indianapolis, IN where I live.

    You can read more about how I gained all the weight on my profile, but I started making changes to my life in April 2010 and joined MFP in May. Have not lost as much as I wanted or hoped I would have by this point, but I'm still losing. I'm learning that changing your life is a lot harder than I first thought. It's taken me a long time to make changes stick (like working out consistently or eating salads). But now I'm so fired up and can't wait to hit 250! That's my shortest long term goal (make sense?) because it's a very common weight limit for fun active things like zip-lining or horse back riding and I want to do those things soooooooooo badly.

    Very excited about the new challenge and the teams! Hope to be in the 250s by the end of it!
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 223
    Hi! I guess I will introduce myself too. I'm Christine. Yeah, no interesting reason for the log-in. I'm 33 years old and have been married for 11 years. If you ever want to hear our meeting story it is awesome! I have 3 beautiful (inside and out) daughters, ages 7, 4 and 19 months. I work part-time nights as an RN at a children's hospital in Salt Lake City, UT. My true passion is traveling and being adventurous. I have lived in both Norway, where my dad was born, and Russia. I have traveled much of Europe, would like to visit new places but that will have to wait until I have the funds and older kids.

    I've struggled with my weight all my life. Honestly, I remember being self conscious about my weight in the 5th grade. I danced and ran track in high school, was probably 145-150 and felt huge. I did Weight Watchers a few times and even made it to goal once. My highest weight is 212. I'm loving MFP and know I'm in it for life. I had gestational diabetes with all my kids and really don't want to be a diabetic. I mix it up with my exercise routine. I walk on an incline, run, weight train at the gym. At home I do Jullian Michaels 30 Day Shred and Zumba on the Wii. I love hiking and live in the perfect place for it. Right now I'm working on losing the weight I gained being pregnant with my 7 year old. My ultimate goal is to be 145-150 again. I lose slowly but work really hard. I hope my team members don't get frustrated with that.
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Bluiz Im up two pounds now 143. Sorry:(
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    I'll introduce myself too. My name is Destiny, I'm almost 24 and I'm a stay at home mommy to a beautiful girl who is 14 months. My husband and I have been married for almost three years, and we live in eastern Utah. We have two miniature schnauzers and a shih tzu who are our other kids :) I've been overweight for as long as I can remember. I remember being in 6th grade and being about 105 lbs. I remember being in 7th grade and my mother telling me "wouldn't you be happier if you lost some weight?" I remember being in 9th grade and eating meal replacement bars with my friends at lunch because my mom found another crazy diet that she wanted to try. She's overweight too, and I feel like even way back then she wanted to use me as a diet buddy. Anyway, I was never able to lose a whole lot of weight. In late '08 I weight about 196 lbs. Shortly after that I started exercising about 4 times a week at the physical therapy department of the hospital where I worked, lifting weights and walking on the treadmill. I got down to about 185 lbs, but then I got pregnant. About 4 months after my baby was born I was down to 178, but I was stuck there. I hated it. I didn't want to be the same kind of mom I had. I didn't want to sit on the couch and watch her play. I didn't want HER sitting around because thats what she saw me doing. In the middle of January this year I found MFP and it has really helped me change so much. I've lost about 20 lbs since then, but I still have another 20- 25 I'd like to lose. Summer has been really hard for me to stay on track this year, because of family reunions, and having family visit for long periods of time. I'm hoping this challenge will help me refocus and get back on track.

    I'm afraid that I've gained quite a bit of weight this week, but I'll post my official weight on Sunday. My dad, sister, and I are signed up for a 5K tomorrow morning! Hope you all have a safe and fun weekend!
  • weaziemand
    weaziemand Posts: 89 Member
    My turn, my name is Arlene, I am 43 years old and I am married to a wonderful husband and we have three teenagers. (God help us)! The oldest girl is 19, our son is 17 and the youngest daughter is 15. Can you say expensive car insurance. I work for the government in the clerk's office and do printing, election work and whatever else they ask of me and I love my job. We live in southeastern Wisconsin in a city called Fond du Lac, it's about 60 miles south of Green Bay and about 60 miles north of Milwaukee. We love watching our Wisconsin sports teams. I have been overweight most of my life. I did lose 50 pounds about 6 years ago and then my mom passed away and I started all of my bad habits again. It's now time to take control of my life and lose these last 45 - 50 pounds. I know that a support group like this will definitely help.

    Now the bad news, I'm up 1 pound. That puts me at 182.2 for the start of the new challenge. I got called away for a family matter last week. Can you say a lot of stress and eating out all the time makes for weight gain. I'm back home and ready to get back on track.
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    I hope everyone is having a great holiday week end!

    Denise I'll be weighing in tomorrow.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    My weight this morning is 157.8
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 223
    192.2 This morning. :smile: