Trutra Member


  • Well done, i can see a big difference in your face. It almost looks like a different person.
  • After about 15lbs friends started to notice, first those who knew I was trying but very soon afterwards those who didnt. I started to feel a difference in my clothes shortly after that. Also almost immediately I had more energy. As for ME seeing a difference to be honest I still cant most of the time, apart from on my face.
  • Mine was also about that when I started, I ate around 1600-1800 most days and have lost 48lbs since February 9th. Although I didnt make my intake I was eating regularly, did not feel hungry and had plenty of energy. Make sure you track everything, and fit in all your snacks etc, If I could see that I was going to be very…
  • Hi there, I am getting there, but also have a lot to lose. Will add you.
  • Actually "aggot" is a traditional english dish!*kitten*_(food) , so sometimes the delivery can change the meaning. However, I do think that certain words should just never be used at all, and the N word is one. I also get annoyed with the general trend to swear or insult each other in the…
  • Thanks for the support everyone. It does help. I am definitely glad I have come this far and will just try and relax and enjoy it. Plan on doing some photos tomorrow too. I dont intend to keep any of my big clothes at all, not planning on wearing them again! I may keep one for comparison, but that is it!
  • Beer - hate it (glad to see others do too, I thought I was the only one) Diet Sodas (although I can tolerate Sprite zero) Calamari Mango I generally like most foods and will try anything. There are a few foods that I dont really like but will eat (like raw tomato) but the above foods I dont eat at all.
  • I am a nurse, but I am not in the US, so I cannot talk about different designations etc and its advantages and disadvantages. but just wanted to say that I would go for the highest qualification possible as soon as possible as it tends to offer you more and presumably the pay is more. It also gives you more options. Our…
  • I bought a pair of jeans which are 2 sizes smaller than my last pair which were too tight when I started! Also, bought a top which I tried on and it fit in a size 22, when I got it home I realised I had bought the 20 in error. Tried that on and it fit too, slightly tight, but wearable.
  • It is winter here now, so I am really not into the salad thing at the moment! Somebody posted this for a breakfast idea at home in a mug, but I have taken it to lunch at work and it worked fine. It is winter here now, so I dont feel like eating salad at lunch time and this is great. In one lunch container I take chopped up…
  • Well done!
  • In winter I go after work, but in summer I try to go first. I will say though that there are lots of days that I miss out because I finish work anytime after 5 usually.
  • I am a nurse, and when i was training EVERY.SINGLE.ONE of my classmates picked up loads! Good luck in losing it.
  • The yoghurt one sounds yummy, I will definitely try it!
  • I just log the individual items seperately as you have described.
  • People started noticing at about 15lbs, but to be honest I still sometimes battle to see it! I can see the difference in photos and my clothes are definitely falling off, but just looking at myself I dont really see it (apart from my face)
  • I am from South Africa and we have been using kgs for at least 35 years now! As far as I am aware all the Southern African countries use kgs.
  • Well, I was wondering myself until last week, since I really cant afford to buy new clothes . My jeans are falling off me, I bought a belt and now need to put a couple of extra holes into it. The pants I bought for my nephew's baptism in May are also loose. However, last Sunday I was looking for a shirt I needed to wear to…
  • ^^^^^^ this When I speak in Afrikaans or watch an Afrikaans tv show I tend to think in Afrikaans, otherwise I think in English. One of my best friends is Afrikaans and if I have spent the day at her place or with her family, I tend to come home still thinking in Afrikaans and even start speaking that at home. I also speak…
  • I have lost around 42lbs. To be honest apart from my face in photos I can't see it. My side by side photos I think you can see a slight change. My mom says a huge change! Friends (who knew I was dieting) have been noticing since around 15lbs, but at around 30lbs I started having people who didn't know have commented all…
  • I dont like it plain, but do use it for smoothies. I also use it to make a low-fat replacement sauce for lasagne or moussaka. 1 egg to a cup or a bit more of low fat greek yoghurt, beat it together. Pour over food sprinkle low fat cheese on top and bake. Yummy!
  • Good luck, it is possible to do this with hard work. I know what you mean about doctors. Mine neglected to tell me last year that my thyroid levels were still up. Tried to lose weight for 6 months with no success. I eventually went to the dietician, only to have her pull bloods and find my levels were wrong. Wouldnt have…
  • When I fell pregnant years ago, I was overweight and referred to a dietician to prevent me picking up too much. My doctor stated that in the first trimester the baby takes very little so you dont need to adjust your eating at all. It is only as the baby gets bigger that you need to eat more. Unfortunatly by the time my…
  • I go the opposite way and have them sweet, lol. Mash them up, put a little vinegar in and sugar to taste. Eat on toast, or in a sandwich.
  • I also make cauliflower soup in the following way: Fry an onion break 2 small cauliflower up and add to onions add 1-2 cups chicken stock bring to boil and then simmer until cauliflower is soft add half a cup parmesan cheese grated blend It comes out really thick and creamy
  • Oh gosh, this is so me!
  • I have always been told not to eat just before exercising as it makes you sick. I eat about 45 minutes to an hour before if I have to eat and am always fine.
  • I dont think it is such a bad idea especially since it is more of a boot camp kind of thing. We have a few of those around here and they generally only admit you if you have a certain percentage to lose. How is that any different? As far as discrimiation goes at the gym it does exist. Apart from the occasional stare by…
  • I have a bowl of yoghurt with just a sprinkling of muesli to give it a bit of a crunch! Why dont you just have one slice of bread with your egg, add some tomatoes and mushrooms etc to bulk it up a bit