

  • Are you going straight vegetarian or lacto-ovo vegetarian? If you can have the eggs, this recipe is a regular at our house. The recipe calls for two eggs per person but I stack my tortillas and just have one egg on top which takes the calorie count down to below 400 per serving.…
  • It works like a charm! My husband was a huge doubter even after he saw me do it. He decided to give it a go and guess what? It worked for him too! I went from C25k to competing in Sprint Triathlons in 6 months!
  • Just spend a little extra $ and get the Center Cut Bacon. It's great and low in calories! At 25 per slice you can have two or four and an egg!
  • Hi All! After being on myfitnesspal for quite sometime and doing four sprint tri's last summer I just found this group! My name is Wendy, I'm 44 from Kansas. My first Tri was in June 2011. It was the goal that I had set when I decided to lose the weight and get in shape. Working towards it kept me motivated. I finished…
  • Has anyone tried this with a brownie mix instead of the flavored cake mix?
  • I was at Target last week and saw the Yonanas machine. I wanted to try it so I bought it. I have been putting frozen bananas in both my food processor and blender for some time and been happy with the results until now. The Yonanas is amazing! It comes out just like soft serve! The other fruits do have an icy texture but…
    in Yonanas Comment by motoxmom1 July 2011
  • It made a HUGE difference for me! I went through C25K and just kept it up after. I make a point to participate in at least one organized 5k each month to keep me running! My legs are ripped! I also added road cycling in March as I'm training for a Sprint Triathlon. That has really helped to chissel my lower body even…
  • I would agree with Smashlee1984 that it depends on what you are working towards. I'm working towards my 1st Sprint Triathlon the end of May and another in June. I started with running organized 5k's and bike races/rides in March. They are both good group training. I try to do an event each weekend. My weekly schedule is…
  • Try Ragu Light Parmesan Alfredo Sauce, tastes great with a fraction of the calories! 60 calories per 1/4c serving! I have not come across a recipe for a lighter Alfredo that has less calories or that tastes as good!
  • Lowfat chocolate milk is the perfect balance of carbs and protein for post workout muscle recovery and really helps to satisfy me!
  • Stubb's BBQ Sauce 30 calories per 2 TBSP serving! 0 fat 4g sugar (super low for bbq)!
  • WooHoo! You should be very proud of yourself! All of your hard work is paying off! I have already started doing local 5k's. My first "official" long ride is a fundraising event set for April 16th, 15 miles. All of this working up to my first Sprint Tri on May 7th!
  • Kimiel & Mrsward: That's one reason why I'm so confused at the numbers. I've got the almonds/walnuts, olive oil, oatmeal, whole grains, and avacados covered. nph1960: I drink a glass of lowfat chocolate milk everyday post workout, don't eat yougurt though (hate it). I would consider my cheese intake to be low to moderate…
  • Hello from Manhattan! Good luck on your journey!
  • Green Bean Fries! Toss with olive oil and sprinkle with grill seasoning. Roast at 425 for 20 minutes. Yummy!
  • I'm on W7D2, never would have thought I could run for 25 minutes straight! Such an amazing program!
    in C25K Comment by motoxmom1 January 2011
  • 2 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs 2-3 TBS Chipotle in Adobo (finely chopped with the sauce) 1-2 tsp Chili Powder (depending how spicy you like it) 3/4 C Salsa salt and pepper to taste Put all in the crockpot, low 4-6 hours. Shred with two forks and enjoy with tortillas, taco shells, buns or however you like it!
  • Put them in the Crockpot with 1/2-3/4 C Salsa, 2 TBSP Chipotle in Adobo (chopped), and 1/2 tsp Chili Powder season with salt and pepper. When cooked shred the chicken with two forks. Makes great tacos, enchiladas, burritos etc...
  • I really like Ragu's Light Alredo. 60 calories per serving 1/4 Cup.
  • Just finished W5D3! What an amazing feeling! Who would have thought I could ever run 20 minutes straight? Swimming 30 laps staright with no break as well. Next week goes to 40 laps on my swimming and Week 6 of the C25K!
  • I was supposed to start Week 4 yesterday but we got 6" of snow. I broke down this morning and added the gym to my current pool membership so I now have an indoor track to rely on.
  • Way to go!!! I'm a week behind you, I hope I have as much success with the 20 minute run as you did!!! You have to feel empowered!
  • It is a running program that over 9 weeks (or longer if needed) takes you from couch potato to running a 5k. It's great!
  • If I can do it anyone can! I am on Week 4. I did Week 1 two weeks in a row, then did Week 2, did Week 3 for 2 weeks. I didn't have any problem going to Week 4 and there is a BIG jump in the amount of running from Week 3 to Week 4. Stretching, good shoes and not tying them to tight is very important. I would get shin…
  • meanness67 you were right about Week 4, it was a big jump up in the amount of running. I did it though! I have to say I was pretty proud of myself. I plan on doing a Triathalon (the short course 300 yard swim, 8.24 mile bike ride and finish with a 5k run) in June. The only thing holding me back was this running but thanks…
  • Starting Week 4 today!
  • Just finished Week 3. Thinking I might repeat it after what you said about Week 4. I might just give Week 4 a try and if the 1st one is too much then I'll repeat.
  • The only meal I ever really ate out was lunch. I have had a lot of success using the Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice and WW Smart Ones for lunch. A lot of people will say they are too high in sodium but they are significantly less then that of a fast food meal. When I first started I kept them to 300 calories or less. When I…
  • My soon-to-be born GrandDaughter! I want to be able to run, jump, climb and keep up with her all day long!:heart:
  • Thank you! I guess I was reading more into it than I should have. I always try to eat all of my exercise calories so I'm good to go!