exercise schedules??

do any of you have exercise schedules? I've been told to do work outs just three or four times a week and then I've been told to do strength training one every other day and cardio the others. So do any of you have schedules? Do you do cardio one day and then strength the next or do you do it all at the same time? Please help.


  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I do Cardio daily and if I need to, I take a day off. Now it is such a routine that if I cant make it, I feel really bad. I also take 3-4 Zumba classes a week!
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    Right now, I'm doing cardio 5 days a week and strength one day a week. My cardio varies: some days I'm doing a HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout, some days I do a longer, normal (but still intense) workout.
  • amyrmca
    amyrmca Posts: 33
    Thank you. I just wasn't sure if I should have a schedule or not.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    bump...i was literally thinking about creating a calendar just for exercise at the gym today.
  • ahanson6
    ahanson6 Posts: 102
    I do cardio pretty much everyday. I'm just now starting to add strength, and I think I'm going to try to do that at least every other day if not everyday.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Depends what your goals are, what kind of time you have to do your workouts - lots of factors! Are you working towards something specific? Fat loss, or cardio improvement, muscle definition (or all 3!)? Do you have an event you're training for - 1/2 marathon, 5K, bike race, etc??

    Personally I like to mix things up as much as possible, or else I get bored. Most people will tell you if you're doing a weight training program to change up the moves, reps, or sets every 4 to 6 weeks so that your body doesn't get too accustomed to what you're doing.

    I also like to do weight moves that work more than one body part at a time in order to get the most out of my workout time... think compound moves like squats with shoulder presses, bicep curls with lunges, chest press on a stablity ball. As far as schedule goes, I aim for six days a week; 3 of some form of weight based routine, and 6 of cardio (so I double up three days a week).

    At the end of the day, you have to find something that works for you - and I think it's less about right versus wrong and more about what makes you happy and what you can keep doing for the long run! :)
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    I just started weight training with a personal trainer so schedule is kind of determined by our appointments for now. After the sessions are over, I will probably be doing Monday/Wednesday weights and Tuesday/Thursday cardio... and then if I can do both at least on either Saturday or Sunday I'd be happy.

    Curious to know other people's schedules - especially specifics on weight training. Do you work on different muscle groups certain days of the week, or do you try to do all muscle groups each time?
  • cherylnewell
    cherylnewell Posts: 2 Member
    I do cardio everyday but some days I do a 10-15 cardio warm-up to get my BPM up then add weights and hit the cardio at the end again. It breaks it up. Keep in mind, when you do the strength, you can do it everyday, but alternate muscle groups to allow yourself a day to rest. Good luck!
  • kmb2522
    kmb2522 Posts: 48
    I like to alternate one day ill do cardio (usually a stationary bike) the next day strength training. If I'm really tired though and don't feel up to the cardio I'll do strength training again. I also walk everywhere so if I don't do cardio I have to walk 20-30 minutes to get to school anyway. I also work at a pool so I swim when I can and take a zumba class once a week. Some weeks I work out everyday other days I don't work out at all. Depends on how I'm feeling and my schedule I try to do what I can when I can.
  • apowell13
    apowell13 Posts: 15
    I do a min of 30 minutes of cardio everyday and weights every other day. On the days I do not do weights, I do 45 minutes of cardio.
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    My schedule is kind of all over the place because I am a SHAM. But I have a rough one mon-fri I do my Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 DvdBefore the kiddies wake up along with whatever other cardio I can fit in. Usually a hill walk with the jog stroller during the boys practices or elliptical once the kids are in bed. I try to get 500 cals burned a day and the video is only about 200 for me. On the weekends is my free time so I get to run without a stroller and no kids so I do an hour and jog as much as I can. I would love to have a more set strength schedule but with three kids and this being a fresh start for me I am happy with what I have because I can be consistent with it.
  • ChickenTuna
    ChickenTuna Posts: 24 Member
    If you are trying to loose body fat, do cardio as much as possible with some added weight training. Look into doing circuit training which is a combination of cardio and weights and is usually done in about 30 minutes. It is an intense workout that gives you both. My workout schedule is running 1.5 to 3 miles at least 3x a week followed by core exercises. On non running days I do circuit training followed by some body weight and core exercises.
  • swenard
    swenard Posts: 101
    I run on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday or Sunday (usually Saturday). On Monday, Wednesday and friday, I do strength training with all compound moves


    Monday - Low row, lat pull-down, military press and abs
    Tuesday - run 5k (3 miles)
    Wednesday - Bench press, tricep pulldowns, bicep curls
    Thursday - run 7k (4.4 miles)
    Friday - squats, deadlifts, calves
    Saturday (or Sunday) - run 10k, going to try 15k (9.4 miles) this weekend, if I get over this cold.

    Every five weeks I change the amount of reps I do for any given exercise for a week to help my body recover then I start the cycle over again using different equipment or exercises, for the same muscles.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Starting out its good to stick with a full body workout routine for 6 months or so.

    I did lifting on MWF and cardio on tuesday and thursday.
    You could also run on saturday or sunday, but make sure to give yourself at least one rest day per work.

    Build your workouts around compound lifts, and then change up your other lifts to hit your muscles in different ways.

    Every workout should include bench press, some type of rows, squats, pull ups (even if you have to use assisted pullup machine)

    Once you get the basic compounds down, pick an excercise or two for each muscle group
    Shoulders: DB Military press, Arnold Press, DB lateral raise, DB front raise.
    Back: Any type of row. Pull ups. Lat pulldowns.
    Chest: Any push motion. Bench press(don't forget to do incline/decline on occasion). Pec flies.
    Triceps: triceps pushdowns, dips (great one)
    Biceps: BB curls would be easiest.
    Legs: Leg press, calf raises, hamstring machines.

    When I did full body workouts I would try to do 2 excercises for each muscle group. Biceps are gonig to get worked during back excercises, and triceps will be worked during chest excercises. But if you want to throw in some isolation work, its fine.
    If those workouts are taking too long, you can split them up into an upper body day and a lower body day.
  • Ive always been told to do a short warm up first, maybe 5min, then weights as it takes 20 min for your body to start burning.
    Then go back and do cardio for 45 mins at least.
    With the weights if you are doing a whole body workout, then ever other day or twice a week depending on how many days you train because you need a rest day for your muscles.
    Its is not good to work the same muscles each day.
    But some people work a particular section of their body , say arms ,leg ,stomach one day so they will do weights each day, as the work a different area each day, and are not crossing over their muscle areas of the body.
    And depending on how many days you have chosen to train if it 3, 4 , 6 of 7 will depend on how much times you want to allocate to weight training .
    Hope that helps you
  • motoxmom1
    motoxmom1 Posts: 85
    I would agree with Smashlee1984 that it depends on what you are working towards. I'm working towards my 1st Sprint Triathlon the end of May and another in June. I started with running organized 5k's and bike races/rides in March. They are both good group training. I try to do an event each weekend. My weekly schedule is M/W/F running 3-4 miles mornings/cycling 15 miles in the evening. T/Th mornings are a toss up bewteen a shorter run or a ride, evenings are 45 minutes of lap swimming. I take off on Sat or Sun, whichever day I don't have a 5k or a bike race. It will all change up May 1st when I begin brick training! Just figure out what your goals are and your workout schedule should fall into place. Good Luck!