Certified_Femail Member


  • eewwww gross SPIT bean sprouts
  • hummmm ya know there is a delete program button under control panel, press start button first, then control panel, then under programs you hit uninstall, waaa laaa no more my fitness pal. You can just never have to see the little guy or gal in the left hand corner, see him or her, he or she is orange leaping in the air…
  • O i wanted to see the pix. They are gone? I have lost about the same and need to lose atleast 10 or 15 more. Goood job
  • i love grapeseed oil mayo its dalish
  • Are you sure you are not losing inches? That same thing happened to me and i saw my clothes getting lose so i tried not to get upset. I know i need to remind myself to drink water latley also, so not sure if you need that reminder also. Good luck
  • @ jb....yes you can missy, i believe in you so you believe in you also.
  • WOW im impressed and deff inspired. I am so proud of you. You amazingly look soooooo much younger. Weird how weight makes you look aged. Just think how many 5lb bags of potatoes you were carrying. about 16. Can you hold 16 even if they were in a back pack? Think how your body is relieved and your feet. I have lost almost…
  • O wow yea your looking great. congrats and i always thank people who put their pictures up. Its a brave thing to do. thank you
  • I would like to reply to the burning in your foot. I have had pllanter fasciitis and it caused me burning in my foot but not ankles. I had inserts made by a pediatrist and it went away. Then it started again about 10 years later and i went back and he said it was prob my weight gain so he remade the inserts and it went…
  • wow thats just amazing. Your chin is gone. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. I always love seeing these types of pictures its very encouraging. You look great, bow bow bow
  • Awwww im glad to see you here. All i know is i was watching the morning show and someone came out skinny and they showed us her pic before and after. First thing out of her mouth was she joined my fitness pal. Her name is Tammy and she motivated me because i only had 30 or 35 to lose and i think she had lost over a hundred…
  • Pullright where is there info on fasting that you would recommend? I envy your job lol. I had a trainer for about a year and i was in the best shape of my life. This was about 5 yrs ago. So thats my goal lose the 20 or so more pounds and am starting the gym this next week. wasnt able to go to the gym for over a year cuz of…
  • hummm im think that if thats you in that picture flying in the air doing the splits maybe thats why your to skinny! And doing that at 40? Thats funny. Welcom to fitness pally wally. I understand your situation. I do know some also has always been very skinny and when he started to gain a few pounds it went to his belly…
  • you kno w i did the very same thing right at first and paniced untill i realised there is a big differen ce from the sugar of a apple andsugar of a candy bar. So i personally took off the sugar counter because i feel there is good sugar and bad so if i know im eating good sugar no worries. Think about it how sad to have to…
  • wow congrats. What a differenct. Thank you for sharing you pix. Thats the truth too what you said about putting ourselves first. We seem to put everything infront of us. Our children husband friends house whatever it may be and we neglect us. Thing is us is the best gift we can give our children husbands and ourselves.…
  • hi there i just wanted to say one thing that may help is to plan your meal the day befor i know its helped me at times to do it for the next day. . its harder right now i think with all the food in the air lol. also theres alot of candy n stuff gonna be floating. make your mind up the day befor like you have today and say…
  • hummmm i was so concerned with calories and fat and carbs and my iron cuz of my amemia i didnt even think about that. i will check that out also jb. its all a balancing act......like a unicycle....juggeling plates, or eggs lol,
  • APRIL, I cant imagine what your going through with your dog. I am so sorry. Its hear wrenching isnt is. :brokenheart: I have 4 dogs and i have one that is as old as the hills and she falls sometimes cuz her back legs are so weak. When the young ones run by her and bump her its hard for her and she get all mad lol. The…
  • :( was super excited to report my weight loss until I saw there was no week 5 to report it on... so doo tell did you lose????? jsecret
  • snif sniff i can figure it out stacy, I found one with IMG and made it img but it didnt work i actually tried all the links from photobucket weird.
  • TESTING TESTING DO I SEE YOU CHRIS? UH O I CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO ADD A LITTLE ANIMATED GUY TO MY SIGNATURE CAN YOU HELP ME? STACY? CAN YOU tell me what link form to copy and where to i add it at so it shows every time i leave a message in here? I would appreciate it....thanks
  • Well yur doing good even without the internet in hanging in its hard to not be logging every day. Good for you BRAT
  • Well i felt i wasnt being stricked enough with myself I had a day i pigged out a bit. It made me feel kinda like is this worth not losing weight? I decided it wasnt. I just felt i was kind of weak if there was a chance to eat bad. So i just kept remembering what someone had said, SKINNY TASTE BETTER THEN FOOD, so i kinda…
  • wow Bru i was reading about the gaming thing. I was hooked on spades and hearts on msn gaming for awhile but i work full time and did it after work. I have not gotten into the facebook games. I have several friends whos farmville stuff kept going on my news feed and Im thinking it must be a fun one. I havent been able to…
  • thanks for posting the link pink. I do get lost sometimes. I had to announce i have lost 4 more lbs. Im sorry i dont weiigh every week usually every 2. I was so excited you all must feel my joy lol. Cuz when you all lose i look at the weight tags keep getting higher and higher its so awesome and i get excited for us…
  • gosh i had not even thought of this subject. I mean someone going in and doing it on purpose. Maybe its not on purpose,, but i find myself double checking on packages off and on and compare and so far things have been pretty acurate. I have learned to recognise 3 and 4 oz of meat after i weighed it once. I am trying to get…
  • Yea I know what you mean about being discouraged. All I know is that you may lose inches and no pounds at times. I try to weigh over a week because of that reason. But i find latley i am wanting that week to be over fast so i can see the scale go down more. Just dont worry if it does not go down. One week mine didnt and i…
  • hummm I dont know how to work it backwards. I seee the pants folded waiting for me so they are my finish line. The thought of going backwards makes me ill lol. I guess cuz im already backwards lol. Maybe I need to understand what it means. I know for myself I have been so faithful to this website in enetering my food and…
  • Hi everyone, I weighed in today because i have ti use scales out of the house i dont own a scale lol. Me no likey scales. Anyways im very pleased that i have lost 1 more pound. it was more like 1 1/2 but im gonna go with the 1. I can not believe how I just keep plugging along. 3 more lbs and i will be at half way to my…