"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 4



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Its a good day I lost all the weight I put on and an extra 1lb.

    SW 162
    CW 159

    Yaaaaay for being in the 150's :D
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Wanted to wish everyone a late Happy Thanksgiving. I am definitely thankful for this group!

    @April-I'm sorry to hear about your Toby but happy to hear he is doing better!

    @Bru- Congrats you are doing so Awesome!!

    Vacation was great, I indulged but managed to maintain and had a great surprise of a 3lb loss the day after I got back! so YAY! finally! *does a happy dance*

    SW 219.8
    CW 216.4
    3.4 of 12 gone!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    @ bjshooter - yay!! That's AWESOME! I knew you'd get those added pounds back off! Great job, sweetie! :D

    @ cenedria235 - Girl you LOST 3 pounds on your vacation!? That's amazing! Well done!!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Challenge SW - 323.4
    Current Weight - 316.2

    So 7.2 out of 12 - Sweet!

    Over the past two days I've lost 1.8 pounds - I consider that pretty damned good considering it's the two days after Thanksgiving! :D lol

    I hope you all are doing great - I noticed that the site's activity and the forums have slowed down A LOT! I really hope there aren't a lot of people discouraged about holiday weight gain and throwing in the towel. :( It breaks my heart to see people quit. In the past 5 or 6 months on this site I've seen a lot of people give up. Gaining a few pounds over the holidays is definitely not something that should be viewed as "ruining" anything - or a reason to quit and throw away all their hard work.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Well, I've managed to do Thanksgiving twice and NOT overdo it! That's huge for me. I had 1/2 piece of 2 different pies the other day and today I'm bypassing pie altogether for nonfat chocolate pudding. Mmmmmm. :)

    I'm down to 242! YAY! So...I'll have to check but I think that's 3 pounds since I started in week 3? Or 2? Either way, it's awesome.

    This week I'm going to try to double my walks. Either do it 6 days or do 2 loops instead of 1. I really think it will be something I can do, so I won't feel like I've failed at something else, and also I think it will make me feel all around better. I'm excited! Bring on week 4! :happy:

    I checked.
    SW: 245
    CW: 242
    GW for the challenge: 233

    So, 9lbs to go! I can do it!!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    @ Ashley - I think doubling your walk sounds like an awesome idea! You can do it! :D
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Weigh In Stats

    H20 Xmas SW = 239.6
    H20 Xmas GW = 227
    H20 Xmas Weight Lost = 4.8/12

    Week 1 Weight = 237.9 (-1.7 lbs)
    Week 2 Weight = 234.4 (- 3.5 lbs)
    Week 3 Weight = 236.3 (+1.9 lbs)
    Week 4 Weight = 234.8 (-1.5 lbs)

    It turned out that I did have a reason for the unexpected weight gain last week. TOM finally decided to show her head.....Phew, cause I was really beating myself up about it.

    I tried the most delicious recipe today. I found it on here (Do a search for Celebration Cake WW). WOW!!! It was awesome and I was thrilled that it used natural sources of liquid (apple sauce & mandarin oranges) instead of oil & water, etc. I do have to do an actual calculation on the calories, but I've been told a slice makes 1 WW point (which I think is usually just over 100 cals)....Did I mention it was DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE!!!! Choco heaven. TOtallly freezing what is left for chocolate cravings.

    Didn't get to aquafit this week. Apparently the pool is closed for renovations this week and next, which is actually fine. Time for bed though. Will read through and comment tomorrow - too tired today....it's after midnight here and I need my beauty sleep :wink:
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 84 Member
    I lost 1lb this week.

    Starting Challenge Weight = 158
    Current Weight = 154
    Challenge Weight Loss = 4lb :smile:
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Ok, I'm not surfe if this is week 5 weigh in or not, lol.

    SW: 194
    CW: 194.2

    Been a BAD BAD 2 weeks. So this actually isn't as horrible as I had feared. Now I just need to work my tail off until Christmas to make our loss goal!
  • francesstewart1
    So weigh in at gym this morn was 141 pounds - think that is up from last weigh in :( I cant remember. How do we see the table of results?
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    @ Stacy- YES! I was soooo happy when I saw that Tuesday morning since I had been having trouble for a while before vacation. I did get a lot of exercise on vacation though. Did tons of walking, some hiking (which was awesome!, gotta find some hiking trails I can do close by on my days off) AND I actually got to go to a real gym and surprisingly I LOVED it. I'm hooked and now I just have to find an affordable one here to go to. Sadly Davis is rather limited but I will find one because I loved being able to go work out an a couple different machines for just over an hour and burn 1000+ calories.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I PROMISE, I will get week 5 up sometime today.. Ive been busy over the past few days. Im sooo wore out from the holiday rush at work. The joys of working in retail.. :) Hope all is going well for everyone.. Gonna jump on the scale tomorrow to see the damage Ive done over the past week and a half. Ive put myself on the back burner again. :( I hate when I do that. I just was concerned about my dog. :( I guess I should take care of myself too, right?
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh my you guys, I'm so sorry I've been slacking with the chart/website! I need to plug in the Week 3 AND Week 4 scores! I'm hoping once I get alone time tomorrow that I can get stuff done. Thanksgiving took over the last couple days, and then I released a new line of necklaces, so I've been a busy little beaver!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    @ cenedria235 - It's really awesome to be able work out at a gym! Wow, if I had access to a gym I would love it - but then again, I'm always afraid to work out in front of other people. I wish I could work out somewhere where there was only a couple of other people around - or better yet, NO ONE around. lol I've had some bad experiences with gyms and the way I've been treated by other people there. But yeah, the machines and the treadmills - Gah - I LOVE it and miss it a lot! I hope you're able to get a great gym and a good price!

    @ April - You should TOTALLY put yourself at the top of the list. After all, if you don't take care of yourself who's going to be able to take care of all that you care about? Putting yourself last isn't an option, hun. Taking care of yourself and putting your health and fitness as a priority is going to help you to not only have the energy and drive to be able to take care of others, but it's also likely extend your life and help you be around for a lot longer. After all, don't you want to be able to do all the things that are important to you? You won't be able to if you don't take care of yourself, hun. *hugs*

    @Pink - We understand. The holidays are busy for everyone. I look forward to seeing the scores. :D Oh, and where can I check out your necklaces?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    PROBLEM.. I lost all my Challenge suggestions that BRU & PINKY sent me because they were in email and I didn't realize that they got deleted after 1 month.. blah.. So Suggestions are needed for week 5.. Ill get to week 5 ASAP,,
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Silly MFP...I had NO idea there was an expiration date on the private messages. That's so sneaky. :(
  • Certified_Femail
    Certified_Femail Posts: 75 Member
    UH O I CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO ADD A LITTLE ANIMATED GUY TO MY SIGNATURE CAN YOU HELP ME? STACY? CAN YOU tell me what link form to copy and where to i add it at so it shows every time i leave a message in here? I would appreciate it....thanks
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    UH O I CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO ADD A LITTLE ANIMATED GUY TO MY SIGNATURE CAN YOU HELP ME? STACY? CAN YOU tell me what link form to copy and where to i add it at so it shows every time i leave a message in here? I would appreciate it....thanks

    If you go up top of the page right under the advertisement it will say "Home" "Recent Posts" "My Topics" "Signature" - Click on the "Signature" then you can copy and past your graphic into your signature. The graphic code should look something like this:


    But with and lower case. I hope that helps, hun! :)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    PROBLEM.. I lost all my Challenge suggestions that BRU & PINKY sent me because they were in email and I didn't realize that they got deleted after 1 month.. blah.. So Suggestions are needed for week 5.. Ill get to week 5 ASAP,,

    My suggestions:

    Walk for at least a mile a day for a total of AT LEAST seven miles for the week. *Even at the slowest pace a mile only takes about 20-30 minutes - surely everyone has at least 20 minutes out of the day they can spend walking.*

    Try a new healthy food this week. Something you've NEVER HAD BEFORE. Look up a recipe online on how to cook it if need be. :)

    If we do the new food challenge I think I'm going to try Lentils. I've never had them before and I found a great looking recipe for them on the food network: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/lentil-soup-recipe/index.html
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I like Stacy's ideas! I need to get back on track. This week a week of senseless eating and not watching what I eat. Not this week...I hope! I had a gain of 0.6....I miss ONEderland...