"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 4



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    It isnt my weigh day, but I had a peek and my god do I wish I hadnt. Its claiming I have put on three lb :O
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    @Bru - Thank you. Im so relieved that Toby is doing well too. Its a slow process, but I guess its faster than it would be for a person. Your welcome for recognizing you. Keep up the good work. We understand that life has you busy right now. I hope everything does get better for you. Thanks for all the encouragement to all of us..

    @Pinky - Yes, time has flown by, yet again. And Im glad you want to see the challenges of H20 continuing. Suggestions are welcomed again! Your absence is ok. We realize you have a lot going on. :smile: Checking in once in a while is all it takes. Hope your “business” is going well.

    @AprilD - Thank you.. Toby is slowly getting better. I hope I can get him active again. Because if not my mom said shes going to have him put down if he cant get around on his own. And that will kill me. Im happy you like the idea of the new challenges, and that you are still using some of the past ones. That’s good to hear. Im glad you like the Challenges.. And I will keep them going. :smile: They keep me going as well. Suggestions are welcomed at any time..

    @Sasperilla - You bet, Ill keep this going. I know its helped A LOT of ladies. :smile: Valentines day sounds like a good finish line for the next goal. Many have agreed to it.

    @CMC - Glad you like the Challenges.. I will keep them a coming.. :smile: Suggestions are welcomed, if there is a challenge youd like to see. Even if it’s a repeat one, just a little more vigorous.

    @Summer - Were all bound to have a gain here and there. But remember you are doing soo well. I think Valentines day will be the goal. Just gotta figure out what we want the goal to be.. WE will definitely keep this going.

    @Sereney - Happy to hear you did well with last weeks challenge, an that you are excited about this weeks challenge. Thanks, Toby is slowly improving. Hes resting as I get caught up on here quickly. Gonna get him back up and moving soon.

    @Casey - Staying the same is better than going up. Thanks, Toby seems like he will be ok. Hes himself other than the lack of moving around. It stormed last night and he made his way to my moms room which is normal for when it storms. Other than he didn’t whine any. Hope you have a good week.. :smile:

    @ Nursee - Thanks.. Hes slowly getting there. Its been a struggle, but im making him work harder at walking. Hes kinda frustrated with me today, but making him move is only gonna make him better.

    @jsecret - Way to go. Keep up the good work.. Nice progress. Im thinking Valentines will be the next goal.. Just gotta get it figured out the rest of the way. Any suggestions you may have are welcomed. Just message me if you have anything.

    @Molly - Way to go. Keep up the good work. Congrats on the 2 in front instead of the 3.. It always feels great. I know I feel great not seeing the 3 in front. :smile: Thank you, toby is getting better. He is the dog in my profile picture. Hes my baby. Hes slowly getting there. Just gotta get his one front paw to work with him to coordinate his balance a little more. Hopefully within the next couple days. Hes a 10 year old mixed terrier..

    @Katt - I know it sucks you didn’t lose but you maintained.. ARE you keeping up with your H20? Are you still weighing yourself every day? You can find just 5 minutes for some kind of exercise I know you can. Ive gotten a lot with my dog being down. Between lifting him an getting him to get up and moving.

    @Carmen - Thank you. Toby is pulling through and slowly improving. I hope he only gets better. Way to go on the working out. :smile: Sorry about your stressful situation that turned out to be ok. Just try to keep calm and collected. :smile: Glad you seem to like the new challenges.

    I want to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Hope you all have a great week..

    UPDATE ON TOBY: Hes doing really well. Ive had him up every half hour to hour today walking. Hes getting frustrated with me but I know its helping. His balance seems to be a little more in tact. I havent been tracking over the past couple days my calories. I know hes helping me burn some, all of the lifting, moving, and helping maneuver him. Just glad hes slowly getting better.. :smile: Thanks for all your concerns.. I will continue to keep you updated. Trying to atleast keep eating somewhat healthy thru all of this. Instead of turning to food for comforting Ive been turning elsewhere for once.. :smile: Which is an improvement for me.

    Happy Monday everyone!! Whew! All caught up now! :drinker:
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    It's been a crazy busy week for me. I'm so sorry I haven't been on guys! Know that I miss you guys and I'm totally cheering for you (though you can't hear me lol).

    @ April - I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. I hope he gets well soon. I know it's hard when a beloved pet gets ill - especially one we've had for years.. Stay strong, sweetie. :)

    @ Bru - Congratulations on reaching your half way milestone! Awesome work, hun! That's great news!

    Anyway. We only have about a month left, everyone, so we're all going to have to kick it in gear! But I know we can do it! :D

    Rock on!! We can DO THIS!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    ATTENTION: Keep in mind that we have just 5 weeks to go and we will be needing a new challenge in 5 weeks. So what kind of challenge would we like? Tie it in with new years some how, but have it go until Valentines day? Or spring break? Let me know. I wanna keep the H20 Challenges going! I want to thank you all for all that you do to help this group succeed..

    I totally agree that Valentines day should be our next challenge goal. Maybe start the challenge on January 1st (that will give us the time to finish up the Christmas challenge) and we'll have until Valentine's day - that will gives us 45 days (or approximately 6 1/2 weeks). If we shoot for 10 lbs I think that would be about perfect!

    Hmmm What would we name it?

    Something Direct - The "H20" 10 pound Valentine's Day Challenge?

    Something Girly - The "H20" 10 pound Sweethearts' Challenge?

    Tongue In Cheek - The "H20" Valentine Losers Challenge? LOL

    Empowering - The "H20" Valentine Victory Challenge?

    Or naughty - The "H20" Voluptuous Valentine Vixens! heheh

    Oh goodness, I'm being such a silly goose. :P
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Me being the gutter brain that I am, I'm SO voting for the naughty or tongue-in-cheek options.

    ^..^ <--devil horns
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Me being the gutter brain that I am, I'm SO voting for the naughty or tongue-in-cheek options.

    ^..^ <--devil horns

    Haha Pinky.. We still love ya!
  • aprildauer
    Found out Mondays are not a good day to weigh-in. Yesterday I went from 194 to 194.9 then this morning dropped to 193.8. No more weighing in on Mondays.

    It may have been stress or the fact that I ran all over my house to get kid out and call fire department. All I can say is make sure you clean out the whole dryer and clean the vent through the wall. Not sure what caused my dryer to catch fire but the clothes inside were on fire cause it got so hot. Lucky I was home to catch it cause it didnt do any damage to the house.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    It's a shame there isn't a little more time between Christmas and Valentine's because a "Sweet 16" challenge would have been adorable, but I don't think it's a realistic goal.... I agree 10 lbs by Valentine's day sounds good and totally attainable. We definitely have time to decide on a for sure name for it though. And the most fun part, the logo!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Ok I have a very, very silly question, when is thanksgiving/ I keep hearing everyone worried about the food they are going to be having. What kind of food is it? Like xmas dinner? How daft do I sound looool
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    lol-I love the
    The "H20" Voluptuous Valentine Vixens

    agrres with Pinky~~*nods*
  • francesstewart1
    Well done Bru!! Awesome work :)

    Im lost with the whole thanksgiving thing too!?! Its seems like a crazy holiday that everyone just overeats!! What is the point or the history behind it?:smile:
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Hi all...been really busy and haven't had time to check in with everyone. My kids and I are home all this week (thanks to the state of california our teachers have furlough days and this is the first of them)

    CW 177.5

    finally get to see a drop for this challenge so I am thrilled. Hoping to not overindulge too much on Thursday but am making some skinny mashed potatoes and will have just little bits of everything. I don't plan on denying myself but I don't plan on diving head first into the buffet table either.

    Enjoy all and Happy Thanksgiving.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Don't stress too much on your new found eating habits for Thanksgiving Day. Remember what you are thankful for, be it family or health or the new lifestyle. Indulging a bit or even a lot for one holiday dinner is not the end of the world. So please stop stressing and remember to think of what you are thankful for!! Celebrate and enjoy your family and friends and you healthy life!!

    And as for what kind of food, it varies amoung households. At both my parents and my in-laws we have (not all at one house, 2 separate houses) ham and turkey, mashed and cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, yams, rolls, cranberry stuff, stuffing, veggie tray, pumpkin and apple pie. However, I will only be having a little turkey from each house, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, roll, and a slice of apple pie with whipped cream :) My whole day ( including breakfast) is roughly 1550calories :)

    What types of food does everyone else have at Thanksgiving?
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Thanksgiving! via wikipedia :)

    Thanksgiving Day, known informally as "Turkey Day," is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Thanksgiving was a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends for which all have been blessed of material possessions and relationships. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. This holiday has since moved away from its religious roots.[1]

    In Canada, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the second Monday in October.
    In the United States, it falls on the fourth Thursday of November.

    The precise historical origin of the holiday is disputed. Although Americans commonly believe that the first Thanksgiving happened in 1621 at Plymouth, Massachusetts, there is strong evidence for earlier celebrations in Canada (1578) and by Spanish explorers in Florida (1565)

    (basically to celebrate the coming of settlers and the dinner they had with the Native Americans)

    Usual food includes :
    Turkey (sometimes ham, chicken, cornish hen, or duck but usually turkey) lots and lots of turkey baked/fried/anyway possible
    Stuffing of various types
    Potatoes (every way imaginable), gravy, sweet potatoes
    Miscellaneous casseroles (green bean being most common)
    Corn and vegetables
    tons of miscellaneous appetizers
    Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, any kind of pie, lol
    Lots of sweets for deserts as well

    the entire day tends to revolve around the food sadly enough, and football, and occasionally nascar. But also is spent gathering ads from the hard to find newspapers for all the major store sales occuring both Thanksgiving day and the following day known as Black Friday.
  • kattungen
    @Bru - that depends. If Thanksgiving is Thursday, we're having fajitas :p
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    Hi all, I'm Joy.
    Just finishing a Thanksgiving challenge group - weighing in tomorrow.
    Goal is between 10-20 and I made 13, hoping maybe 15 tomorrow.

    Anyway, this group looks SO positive and encouraging, I'm wondering
    if I could join you for your Christmas challenge.

    Thanks and have great days!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hi all, I'm Joy.
    Just finishing a Thanksgiving challenge group - weighing in tomorrow.
    Goal is between 10-20 and I made 13, hoping maybe 15 tomorrow.

    Anyway, this group looks SO positive and encouraging, I'm wondering
    if I could join you for your Christmas challenge.

    Thanks and have great days!

    Of course you can Joy!! Welcome!! And congrats on losing 13lbs !!!
  • msjodyljones
    Count me in. I am 3 weeks behind but gonna jump in full force.

    I am Jody and I love food. Unfortunately, food loves my body and has been clinging to it since I turned 32 :( in a really bad way. We have 5 children and I am a sahm which makes it hard to diet cause I see all the food. Temptation is everywhere.

    My goal is to lose 12 lbs by Christmas. My current weight is 274lbs. I know I'm not drinking enough water and am waiting on my TurboFire to arrive (should be tomorrow). So, 10 glasses a day is what I'm shooting for .. I mean, is what I WILL DO!! and exercising daily.

    Here I go!!! Losin' it.

  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Ok I have a very, very silly question, when is thanksgiving/ I keep hearing everyone worried about the food they are going to be having. What kind of food is it? Like xmas dinner? How daft do I sound looool

    Thanksgiving is November 25th and the food tends to be like Christmas only MORE of it. lol. Christmas is usually a feast but people tend to go even more overboard at Thanksgiving. There is usually Turkey, Ham, Potatoes, Gravy, Yams, and lots of other stuff, and not to mention the deserts - Pies, Cookies, Cakes. It's a gorge-fest. lol Pretty gross actually.

    "In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies." It was to celebrate the first feast after the pilgrims landed in "the new world". The Native Americans came and ate with the pilgrims and it was a celebration of "friendship" and family. To this day we still celebrate it every year - but it's become to mean just the day of "Thanks Giving" - or giving thanks for all the blessings we have in our lives. Some families even go around the table and list all the things they are thankful for.

    But if you think about it, the whole tradition is pretty ridiculous considering over the following decades after the first Thanksgiving we proceeded to take the American Indian's land and eventually all but wipe out the American Indians all together.

    Thankfully most Americans today don't bother to try and pretend it was all great between the native americans and the white people and Thanksgiving has morphed into a time to celebrate families and all that we have in our lives to be thankful for. The past 2 Thanksgivings my boyfriend and I have forgone the traditional Thanksgiving meal and just had a regular sized dinner with maybe a piece of pumpkin pie. Who needs all the extra calories -ugh. Not to mention the "food coma" and all the guilt. I can't believe I used to eat like then, but then again, we've changed a LOT over the past 2 years. And that is REALLY something to be THANKFUL FOR! :D
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hi everyone..checking in before the holiday! We had our Thnksgiving Sunday. I am working Thanksgiving...12 hrs...so I will pack my lunch because I am sure the hospital cafeteria will not have the delectable items I want..haha. But at least I know what I will be getting.

    Welcome to the newcomers....this is really a great bunch of women...so very supportive!

    I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving...enjoy your time with family and friends. I, for one, am thankful for everyday I wake up. Everything else is an added bonus...family, friends, employment, home...yep. I am thankful for all that I have been blessed with.
