"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 4

WEEK 4 of 9

-Week four, we want to see the sweat pour- :drinker:

Here we are in week 4 ladies and gents. I can’t believe we are down to just 5 more weeks. I hope everyone is doing well with counting their calories & exercising. How did week 3 treat you?

My week 3 went really well up until Thursday night/ Friday morning. Had to rush my 10 year old dog Toby to the Emergency Vet Hospital 45 minutes away at 3am on Friday. He had a stroke. Now we are trying to get him nurtured back to health. In which Ive put my needs behind his. Needless to say the 30 Day Shred is on hold again. I would love to do that but I cant do the intensity along with picking Toby up. My arms hurt so bad Friday. He is slowly improving. I hope hes back up to par soon. I miss my old Toby. I want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Please keep them going, hes got a long road to go yet. His left side doesn’t want to cooperate with him too well.. It hurts just watching him go thru the turmoil hes facing. Breaks my heart. All day Friday all I did was cry. Its getting better and easier.

WELCOME: To all the newbies, or those who would like to join. Everyone is welcomed. Doesn’t matter when you join, you are more than welcomed. =)

WEEK 4 (11/20) - Try Four new recipes. (This is encouragement, to get you guys looking for four healthier ways to prepare your Thanksgiving dishes. Whether its 4 healthier ways to make one of your favorite dishes, or 4 dishes made healthier.) Feel free to share your healthier dishes with us this week. (Thanks Pinky)

WEEK 4 (11/20) - I got this idea from my 30 Day Shred routine. I would like to use this weeks Challenge 2, I want to bring boxing into our challenge this week. For this week I want you to try this atleast 4 times, Rocking back and forth, one foot in front of the other, your hands in front of you, your arm with your foot furthest back punch forward and bring that leg forward with your punch. As you bring your foot back punch with your other arm. Do this for 4 minutes, increasing by 2 minutes for 4 times this week. it’s a good workout to get your heart pumping and you’ll get a good sweat out of it. I got this workout between 30 Day shred, and The Biggest Loser game for Wii.. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know how you like this exercise…

WEEK 4 (11/20) - For those who can’t move around as easily, while I was doing my 30 day Shred this week, Jillian gave me and idea for this weeks challenge 3. I want you to try (sitting or standing) boxing. With your hands in front of you alter back and forth. I want you to try this ATLEAST 4 times this week. Starting out with atleast 10 for each hand a total of 20 all together, then increasing them by 4, each day (if you can). it’s a good way to get your heart pumping. Let me know how this goes for you.

How are we feeling about the 12 pounds of Christmas challenge all together? Are we liking the weekly challenges? What would you like to change if anything? Keep up the hard work everyone. We are doing GREAT!

QUOTE OF THE WEEK (11/20) - “The best helping hand that you will ever receive, is the one at the end of your own arm” - Fred Dehner

To go along with the quote of the week, I want to say… don’t expect the help of others, if you cant take the time to help yourself. Remember you are the key to your own happiness.

ATTENTION: Keep in mind that we have just 5 weeks to go and we will be needing a new challenge in 5 weeks. So what kind of challenge would we like? Tie it in with new years some how, but have it go until Valentines day? Or spring break? Let me know. I wanna keep the H20 Challenges going! I want to thank you all for all that you do to help this group succeed..

CONGRATULATIONS: are in order for BRU, She has made it to her half way point in her weight loss journey. She is an inspiration.. Keep up the good work Bru.. =)

Well I hope we make it thru week 4, not eating too much of the temptations that we will have over the holiday coming up in a few days. Lets keep up the hard work everyone. WE are worth it. Look at what weve all done soo far.

Here’s to week four, as we watch the sweat pour.. - :drinker:


  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Wow, just 5 weeks left!! Oy!! Where does the time go!

    April, I'm glad to hear your beloved fur-baby is improving, even if it's slowly, it's better than the other! And thank you also for starting and keeping the challenge going!! You are doing awesome, keep it up chica!!

    I'll do my best on the challenges, shouldn't be a problem on the exercise, but as for the four new recipes..that will be hard to do. I'm not cooking Thanksgiving yet, so off to my mom and MIL's on Thursday. They both said they'd yell at me if I bring anything..lol. If I had better funds, I'd go out and buy things needed for the new recipes throughout the week, but until I get a job, only the bare minimums are allowed.

    Oh, and thanks for the shout out!! I can't wait to shred these final 46ish pounds :D

    You all are doing fantastic. You all are making great choices and I hope we can all keep it going throughout the holidays. Remember, you can all eat on Thanksgiving, just portion everything I bit and you will be just fine!! Don't forget to drink your water throughout the day to help with sodium issues.

    And again, I'm sorry I haven't been posting much. I'm still on the search for a job and a home loan and it's not going too well at the moment. I'm trying to just take it day by day, but, it's better said than done. I've also been trying to stay away from the computer as best as I can as I still have much training to start (again) for my 5k's coming up. One in Jan and another in March followed by the big one in June (Race for the Cure in STL). I'm still around, just not as active on here as I was.

    Hope you all have a wonderful week and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! And don't Gobble til you Wobble, lol.

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Well done Bru on your half way point :D
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yay Week 4! Amazing how the time flies. We've got such a great group here, I agree April, we need to keep H20 going!!
  • aprildauer
    I cant believe that there is only 5 weeks left in this challenge. It seems just yesterday we were finishing up the first challenge.

    April- Glad your dog is getting better little by little.

    Bru- Awesome job meeting your halfway point.

    I will do the new exercises this week and I'm still going to do the water from last week. I didn't make that work last week so it is my goal again this week. I don't think I will make the new recipes challenge, I already did my shopping for the next 2 weeks and not much money left to do extra shopping. Ill see if maybe I have something that I can change up but not promising anything.

    I agree with keeping the challenges going. I love these challenges and don't think I would be still going if it wasn't for them.
  • Sasperilla124
    I can not believe we're in week 4 already! I honestly think this is the longest time I've ever stuck with any type of weight loss program/diet/exercise routine! I definitely agree that we need to keep this up! I think Valentine's Day is a good time frame to shoot for. Although, I'm going to do my own mini-challenge for my birthday, which is at the end of January.

    Congrats Bru! You are a great inspiration to me, who only started a few weeks ago!
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Good challenge again this week! Can't wait to start in the morning!

    Hope everyone will have a great week!
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    I had a 2 pound "gain" this week, putting me at 193. It isn't a real gain, as the last few days we have had visitors in town staying with us, and we've been eating food we know we shouldn't. Unfortunately, this week will not be much better, we have Disneyland on Tuesday, Thanksgiving, and then a trip to Vegas afterwards. Hopefully after this week, totally back on track! And I'm feeling better, so I will hopefully get workouts in this week too, which didn't happen last week with the flu going on.

    I hope everyone has a more MFP friendly week ahead of them!!

    And I think a Valentines challenge would be awesome. I'm all about the short term goals!!
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Evening all,
    Hope the weekend treated you well. I did well with last week's challenges, adding 3 new exercises to my routine at the gym, and added more water. I did not track my food as well this week, but work and school has been a bit crazy. Just trying to keep up with the pace of things. My own personal challenge is to track my food intake better.

    Bru- Great job
    April- Hope your dog's health continues to improve.
    Summer- Sounes like a busy week, at least with all the different places, you can get some walking exercise in : )

    I like this weeks challenges, and look forward to trying some new recipes at Thanksgiving. I would love to do another challenge after this one., I think a valentines day one would be great, as my birthday is right after. I would like to at least be half way to my goal by then :)
    Anyways, I will weigh in tomorrow morning and post it on here.
  • mikalamarie
    mikalamarie Posts: 16 Member
    i'm new on here...but really helps to track food intake and motivates me to exercise...but the main reason i am writing is to wish your doggie good health.....they are such an important part of our lives!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    i'm new on here...but really helps to track food intake and motivates me to exercise...but the main reason i am writing is to wish your doggie good health.....they are such an important part of our lives!

    Thank you.. Feel free to join our group if youd like.. :)
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 84 Member
    I've stayed the same this week.

    @ AprilVal - hope Toby is ok.

    I'm in the UK so just a regular week here, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone else :smile:
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hi everyone!
    Weigh in this am...200.6. Only a 0.8 gain. Had some out dinners over the weekend. Also did our Thanksgiving yesterday. Didn't work out much...crazy busy at work. Hoping for a better week.

    April..I hope all is trying to get better with your beloved Toby. Thinking of you.

    Bru...as always...you rock! Keep up the great work. Hope all works out on the job and home front. You too are in my thoughts.

    Have a great week everyone!

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Linking in to week 4 post :) Will check in on eveyrone later, when there is lots of time :)
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Weekly weigh in :)

    Starting weight (for this challenge): 186
    Goal weight (for this challenge): 174
    Current weight: 180.8

    5.2 down and 6.8 to go!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    ATTENTION: Keep in mind that we have just 5 weeks to go and we will be needing a new challenge in 5 weeks. So what kind of challenge would we like? Tie it in with new years some how, but have it go until Valentines day? Or spring break? Let me know. I wanna keep the H20 Challenges going! I want to thank you all for all that you do to help this group succeed..

    I think Valentines day is a great choice! Holidays seem to make good goals :) and everyone wants to look good on Valentines day :):):)
  • aprildauer
    Dang it to actually going out and having fun this weekend. Went to a party and ate tons of food and drank. So this week I gained .9 putting me at 194.9. Oh well I get my HRM tomorrow and then I can start Insanity back up. So hoping for a better week next week. But looks like I probably wont make the 12 lbs for this challenge but Ill take what I can get. I want to break out of the 190s and stay out of them.
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    wow.what great progress all across the boards here! YAY!!!
    I am loving the challenges and have begun the newer ones slowly.I,do,however like to go back to the first ones and redo-makes them auto~
    my weigh in today is 298.4
    For some reason seeing a 2 in front seems so odd to me.Has this ever happened to anyone else? Could it be because I have been so heavy for so long that tyhe loss is not visible to me? Everyone around me sees it-I do not.Okay-that's enough of that.
    Onward and upward-
    @April-love to hear more about your puppy.
    @EVERYONE!! what an awesome group!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been giving everyone the attention I had been...finally got my out-of-my-house jewelry business going and it has been a busy few days! I'll get back in here, because you guys are the reason I keep trying my hardest. You're part of the reason I've been so happy recently. So, to each and every one of you, thank you, and *group hug*.
  • kattungen
    I've maintained this week. Really sucks, but that's how it is sometimes. Had a cr*ppy week last week, no time in my scedule for exercising, and tracking calories went to h*ll. D*mn it.
  • carmen1485

    April - so glad that your dog pulled through, hope he continues to improve.

    Congrats to everyone for keeping on checking in even when progress seems slow.

    SW on challenge: 164lb
    Goal Weight: 152-153lb
    CW: 159lb
    5lb lost.

    I looked back at my week 3 post for my weight and realised I'd said I'd do my yoga DVD three times. Hmm, well I managed it once. But on the plus side I started the 30 day shred on Friday and have managed to do it every day so far so I'm really hoping for some results on the tape measure if not the scales at the weekend.

    I'm boxing on the 30 day shred so am aiming to keep that add but will definitely try and add more in as the week goes on.

    I will try new recipes this week, have already made nice soup and a rather nice fridge leftovers mix but will have to review contents of cupboard and plan a couple more.

    Had a difficult weekend with a close friend going in for tests for cancer today but I've just found out that it's not that so that is my thing to be thankful for for the whole month or possibly even year, let alone today. My tendency to fear the worst overwhelmed me and certainly overwhelmed my portion control and ability to refrain from eating far too much. I need to think about why that is and sort my head out on the subject.

    A very happy Thanksgiving to all you guys in the US.