"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 2



  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    @cmc, good on you for not getting discouraged and getting right back out there for a good walk!

    @AprilVal, glad you and hubby got some good time in together. ;) Let me know if you come up with some good menu items - I'm so bad at planning meals that when I go to the store I'll have an idea for one or two days in advance, but more than that, all up in the air!

    @nursee, I love that you took your walking shoes with you to the seminar. Great planning ahead!

    @Bru - *hugs*, and I wish I could send you to the spa. Hell, I wish I was a lottery winner and could arrange an H20 field trip/vacay to a spa. How fun would that be?!

    @Summer, how was Zumba?

    @cenedria...start chugging vitamin C! Get some Emergen-C packets and get those in your system NOW. Where's vacay at?

    @certified_femail, congrats on the pound lost! This place is definitely full of encouragement, and in many different forms.

    @brat, nice job getting in the great yoga and meditation time!

    @Stacy, I didn't even think about requesting a room near the gym when staying in hotels. D'oh! StacySmarty strikes again.

    @looby, TOM water-gain is so frustrating. Keep plugging along!

    @mommaski, yay for the loss! And FANTASTIC job with all that running! I applaud you!

    @molly, you'll be going back in the right direction next week. :)

    @aprildauer, hope your daughter feels better soon!

    Today's my weigh-in day, and I'm at 177.6. So far, so good with this challenge! :D
  • kattungen
    I am still fighting with my scale and the need to check in every day. *sigh*
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    hahah! Pink! I Love how you respond to everyone! How on earth do you keep it all straight!? You're a rockstar, girl! :D

    I've lost another 1.6 lbs as of this morning - so I'm down 2.4 lbs since the start of the Challenge! yay! :D

    Challenge SW - 323.4
    CW - 321

    Oh wow, I can't believe I only have 22 lbs before I'm out of the 3's forever! In 21 lbs I'll be as small as when I was in high school! hahah ~! I know that's not saying much since I was 300 lbs by the time I was a freshman but, DANG it's pretty great news to me! :D

    @ Kattugen - Have you thought about only weighing in once a week? Or does that not work for you. I have to weigh myself every day, but other people find once a week or even once every two weeks better for them.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I am with Stacy....pink...how do you do it?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    So, I decided to see if I could expand our H20 onto another weight loss website ive been on off and on for the past year or so.. Its called buddy slim.. It looks like it could be a success yet again.. :) Which Im excited!! We are doing an 8 week program there since I started it a week later.. :)
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Pink, Zumba was a no-go. Traffic was awful, got home late, wouldn't have had time to eat, and get there without being sick from just eating. I'm gonna see how I feel tomorrow, maybe do it then. But I did the bike at lunch today, yay!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    @Stacy and Nursee, well here's the secret...I opened up Note Pad (the simplest little word processor/note jotter on the computer) and wrote down what I wanted to say to everyone as I went through the pages. Then, copied and pasted. Ta-da! :happy:

    @April, Buddy Slim sounds like a rap song. :laugh: Good luck with H20 over there!

    @Summer, at least you got the bike in! I bet the mixture of high winds and the freeways in your area makes the traffic c-r-azy! Nighttime out there always seems to get windy, but in these high wind warnings? Egadz!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    @April, Buddy Slim sounds like a rap song. :laugh: Good luck with H20 over there!

    Lol, you are funny Pinky!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I started a new nightly ritual last night. Before Bed Im doing 25 "crunches/situps" Hoping to eventually be full situps.. And 40 Leg Lifts. hoping to eventually be able to do both at the same time.. where I bend them in.. :) My butt still hurts from last nights. haha.. I forced myself to sit up a little higher tonight.. Didnt stress anything, but felt more of a workout from it. Next week, I am going to increase it by 5 or 10, and keep doing it.. I feel better since Im doing that. I am having issues with my belly, so I figured a small nightly ritual would do me some good in that area... Ive noticed weight loss in my face, upper body, bust, arms, hands.. ect.. cant wait to notice it in other places.. :)

    Hows everyones workouts going?
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I started a new nightly ritual last night. Before Bed Im doing 25 "crunches/situps" Hoping to eventually be full situps.. And 40 Leg Lifts. hoping to eventually be able to do both at the same time.. where I bend them in.. :) My butt still hurts from last nights. haha.. I forced myself to sit up a little higher tonight.. Didnt stress anything, but felt more of a workout from it. Next week, I am going to increase it by 5 or 10, and keep doing it.. I feel better since Im doing that. I am having issues with my belly, so I figured a small nightly ritual would do me some good in that area... Ive noticed weight loss in my face, upper body, bust, arms, hands.. ect.. cant wait to notice it in other places.. :)

    Hows everyones workouts going?

    That sounds great! Well done, April! It's great to see those changes in our faces and bodies! It just feels good, doesn't it? :) You're going strong! Great job!
  • kattungen
    hahah! Pink! I Love how you respond to everyone! How on earth do you keep it all straight!? You're a rockstar, girl! :D

    I've lost another 1.6 lbs as of this morning - so I'm down 2.4 lbs since the start of the Challenge! yay! :D

    Challenge SW - 323.4
    CW - 321

    Oh wow, I can't believe I only have 22 lbs before I'm out of the 3's forever! In 21 lbs I'll be as small as when I was in high school! hahah ~! I know that's not saying much since I was 300 lbs by the time I was a freshman but, DANG it's pretty great news to me! :D

    @ Kattugen - Have you thought about only weighing in once a week? Or does that not work for you. I have to weigh myself every day, but other people find once a week or even once every two weeks better for them.

    Congratulations hon! I'm so proud of you!! :)

    I am trying to only weigh in every Friday, but it's so easy to check in every morning. The official weigh-in is on Fridays though :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I started a new nightly ritual last night. Before Bed Im doing 25 "crunches/situps" Hoping to eventually be full situps.. And 40 Leg Lifts. hoping to eventually be able to do both at the same time.. where I bend them in.. :) My butt still hurts from last nights. haha.. I forced myself to sit up a little higher tonight.. Didnt stress anything, but felt more of a workout from it. Next week, I am going to increase it by 5 or 10, and keep doing it.. I feel better since Im doing that. I am having issues with my belly, so I figured a small nightly ritual would do me some good in that area... Ive noticed weight loss in my face, upper body, bust, arms, hands.. ect.. cant wait to notice it in other places.. :)

    Hows everyones workouts going?

    That sounds great! Well done, April! It's great to see those changes in our faces and bodies! It just feels good, doesn't it? :) You're going strong! Great job!

    Oh yes.. Ive seen some differences in me off and on.. But lately Ive been trying to see them more so.. And I love it.. :) Trying to encourage myself a little more..
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Good morning everyone! Today is Day 6 of week 2. Hope everyones week is going strong. :flowerforyou:

    Last night, I got week 3 prepared in my Word, just got to decide if I need to add anything before I post it on Saturday Morning.. :) Woo hoo.. Im rocking this week. Im ahead for once!! :)

    Hoping I do as good this week as last week.. Since TOM is gone. Im a little nervous. I gotta get around soo and go grocery shopping. Got a little bit of cleaning to do.. And I wanna go for a walk today. Its beautiful outside again. Im hoping to start training for a marathon I would like to be about to run/jog in one by next summer.. :)

    Hoping to start up Zumba soon.. Might look at the workout videos when I go to walmart later see if they have one. Zumba looks like soo much fun.. I would also like to get Just Dance for Wii.. Looks and sounds like fun.. :) Trying to get some ways to workout that will be fun and so that I dont get bored with it..

    Hope everyones weeks going well :drinker:
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    A friend/coworker told me something interesting today. She has recently lost about 60 lbs...so very proud of her. Anyways...she said visualize yourself at the finish line of your goal and work backwards.
    For instance...if you want to complete a 5K...visualize yourself at the finish line...how does it feel? Go back from there. It didn't make sense at first, but now I see. Think about where you want to be...so that is what I am doing.
  • Certified_Femail
    Certified_Femail Posts: 75 Member
    hummm I dont know how to work it backwards. I seee the pants folded waiting for me so they are my finish line. The thought of going backwards makes me ill lol. I guess cuz im already backwards lol. Maybe I need to understand what it means. I know for myself I have been so faithful to this website in enetering my food and it has amazed me so much im so determined to move ahead. My will power has stayed strong. Ofcourse the few days I ate what I wanted. I only once felt I was losing my self disapline and it really scared me so I ship shaped up and said to my self.....self, dont go back where you were your doing so well. So i listened to self and so far so good. Everyone in here is so nice and we all keep plugging along da dum da dum da dum lol.

    Some one told me something horrible yesterday at work. She said a friend of hers takes some sort of hormone pill under his tongue and it kills his apitite and hes lost 13 lbs the first week. He has his friend that did it and has lost 60 over a very short amount of time. I told her about starvation mode. She agreed myfitnesspal is the way to go, its slow and steady.

    Thank you for listening lol da dum da dum da dum da dum:flowerforyou:
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I am thinking that going backwards...you see more of the success because you know what is at the finish line. Then you don't get as discouraged when you don't lose a pound one week...or feel like you are stuck. At least that is how I am looking at it. I get easily discouraged if I don't show progress...I also can get lazy. So, if I visualize the end and how good it feels...maybe I will work harder to get that feeling.
  • Certified_Femail
    Certified_Femail Posts: 75 Member
    Yea I know what you mean about being discouraged. All I know is that you may lose inches and no pounds at times. I try to weigh over a week because of that reason. But i find latley i am wanting that week to be over fast so i can see the scale go down more.
    Just dont worry if it does not go down. One week mine didnt and i punished that scale for 2 weeks and didnt look at it. It was really pissed off at me when i walked by. So needless to say after that 2 weeks i wass O so happy. So hang in there im here with ya:heart:
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I'm down 2.8 lbs over the past two days! I so needed that! lol

    The Couch to 5K program is a huge help and I've also started weight training this week (from home). The Sweetie found some of his old dumbbells and is letting me use them. Yay! :D I'm glad about that since I don't have a gym membership.

    I've been super tired the past couple of days and am not sure what the reasons are. I feel like I just want to sleep and sleep. It's very odd for me. I just have no energy. I hope I'm getting enough calories. I really DON'T want to start eating more as the scale is FINALLY moving again.

    @ kattungen - Thank you, hun! :D Weighing in on Fridays does sound like a good idea. I'm thinking about maybe doing that too. Or at least weighing myself only one day a week and stop getting on the scale every day. I don't know if I CAN only weigh myself once a week - and that kind of scares me. I shouldn't feel like I have to get on the scale every day. Oh well, it's something I'm going to have to give some serious thought to.

    Anyway, it sounds like most of you are doing good - I'm very glad about that! Stay strong, guys! *hugs*
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Nice job Stacy!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    @Mommaski4 Thanks! I'm getting better and should be good for my vacation.

    @Pink-I've been taking airborne, dayquil/nyquil and a ton of this great organic tea I found. I'm feeling somewhat better so Yay! I'm going to Arizona for a tiny scifi/fantasy Con my fave author Jim Butcher is gonna be at and then to visit my best friend in Phoenix. She's getting married in April and I'm a bridesmaid so we're going to be girls and try on dresses. I'm also going to go with her to her gym and talk to her trainer. It's my first time talking to one so we shall see how it goes O.O

    @April-That's an awesome idea. I need to get some core strength a quick little session each night may just help me out!