"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 2



  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Morning All~
    Thank you for the suggestions.Had begun the meditation and it does help so much.
    Jumping rope was not possible at this time(I had broken both legs-by the ankle-5 years ago.It is funny now .I was coming down some stairs and tripped on a rolled newspaper and fell breaking my left one then a week later tripped on my cast coming down my stairs and broke the right one)So my physical therapist informed me no-but I did increase my treadmill time by 3 minutes and begun the elliptical which seems to be easier on my joints.
    I decided weigh in will be in on between monday and wednesday.Have found my beginning weight loss journey photo but even I would not want to show this off.
    Hang in there-keep up the good fight.

    Only do the things that are physically possible for you hun.. :) Anything that will help the blood flow.. If you have any suggestion for those who cant physically do some of the activities posted do share.. I will add a third challenge for that reason.. So get with me if you have ANY suggestions.. I wanna make it fun and doable for everyone!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hey y'all...I'm so excited to be some what back. I have been in bed (literally) all week due to strep and have lost more weight than normal because of my lack in eating. But I'm finally starting to feel better and hope to be back to workouts in no time. Looks like everyone is doing great so far! Congrats!!

    SW: 185.8
    CW: 181.4

    WL: 4.4 LBS (Looks good but I would have much rather been eating something other than milkshakes!)

    Good Luck This Week!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better.. Way to go on the weight loss.. Hopefully you can atleast maintain that for the next week. I know sometimes Its hard coming back from being sick. Way to go hun.. :) Keep up the good work! Happy to have you back!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Just came back on this site so gviing it a go once again!!

    SW 180.2
    GW 170 by Christmas

    Welcome back.. :) I hope you enjoy the challenges.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    SW - 173.6
    CW - 172

    loss - 1.6 lbs! :-)

    way to go.. keep up the work.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thank you Kat and Pam I fell in love with it online and it will eventually fit!

    @ Stacy - I know it sucks seeing that scale go back up. The last couple of weeks for me have been very discouraging but stick with it. You're so amazing and so dedicated, such an inspiration to us all! I'm sure those 3lbs will be gone again before you know it! *hugs* We are here for you! :)

    Love the dress hun.. Im sure youll get there in no time.. Youve done sooo well.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    SW: 194
    CW: 192.4

    loss 1.6

    Yay!! I'm totally happy with that, I was stuck in the 194s for several weeks. That was hte kick I needed.

    Yay! For getting out of the 194 range.. Im soooooooo happy for you hun..
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    OK so I found it and will weigh myself tomorrow! I was gonna weigh today but my batteries disappeared in my scale! LOL I suppose that is what happens when you have 5 kids with all sorts of toys!

    Yay!! Im happy to see you joined!! :) Hopefully you find your Batteries hun..
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Wow week one DID fly by!!

    H20 SW- 172
    Christmas H20 SW- 154
    CW- 152

    Two pounds! I am proud that I am off to a good start!

    Yay for the 2 pound weight loss.. Im soo happy for you hun.. Keep up the good work.. Im sure youll blow the 12 pounds out of the water!! :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    SW 156
    CW 157.2

    I took some time off as I mentioned, and I'm not feeling well. Insanity will be here tomorrow so i'll be back in gear.

    How do I get the H2O image in my signature block? If I save it too photo-bucket will it still move the way it does?

    hope youre feeling better.. Atleast the small gain was for a good reason hun.. Im sure you needed the rest. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Here ya go :) [ img ]http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l120/AprilVWhitaker/1823185f7oi8od3ll22.gif[ /img ] just delete the spaces around the img on both sides :)

    Thanks Bru!! :) You always come to my rescue.. By the way Im happy to hear you are in ONEderland!! :) Soo happy for you.. Hope you had a decent weekend considering. <3
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Way to go everyone!! Im soooooo happy at the turnout of this Challenge thus far.. Way to go everyone!! Keep up the good work.. Feel free to invite your friends over to the challenge.. Its never too late to join in. Hope you all had a good weekend.

    Ive been a little stressed out about our money situation lately. My hubbys work has been slow since his boss passed away 2 weeks ago. Its just taking a toll on me right now... I hope we can get past it fast so we can get caught up for the holidays.. :)

    Hope everyones week 2 is starting out great.. :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I would love to join this thread if I could. I'm having knee surgery tomorrow, so I won't be able to participate in the exercise challenge, but I definately need to challenge myself with 2 minutes of meditation. It gets hard to stop moving with my 4 small children.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I would love to join this thread if I could. I'm having knee surgery tomorrow, so I won't be able to participate in the exercise challenge, but I definately need to challenge myself with 2 minutes of meditation. It gets hard to stop moving with my 4 small children.

    you are more than welcomed to join.. :) Wed be happy to have you as apart of our group of ladies and gents.. :)

    if you have any suggestions for challenges that would work well.. with you having knee surgery let me know.. Im trying to find some challenges that help the ones that arent currently physically capable of some of the others.. because of surgery, of being sick.. or for whatever reason.. :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Weigh in day tomorrow!! Been a good week, much better than the past few! Planning on getting back to the gym this coming week, our house is finally sick-free!! I'm thinking of adding an evening Zumba class to my routine, just trying to figure out where ot fit it in. My morning class is tues/thurs at 5am (i know...) and the zumba is tues/weds at 8pm. SO the question is, do I do a 2-fer on tuesdays, or work out 9 hours apart weds to thurs am? I'm thinking a 2fer on tuesdays might be the way to go. Get something light in on wednesday, and back to killer on thursday. Opinions?

    Summer I don't know how you fit in all of this exercise with your work schedule. You're one dedicated gal!

    I'd say, to make sure you get enough time for sleep and whatnot, that you do the 2-fer Tuesday. Keep Wednesday open and unscheduled and go with the flow. Have it in your mind that you're going to do some type of activity, but you don't have it set in stone, and see where the wind takes you. If nothing else, just get some stretching in.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I have to say that I'm so amazed at everyone's dedication. I love seeing the support going on in here. This place is just hopping with energy!

    To help with the 2 minute meditation challenge, here are a couple youtube videos...they are 2 minutes worth of calming sounds. See if they help you out!


    If you like a harder challenge, here's a 4 minute meditation track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8QZPcko9ao

    April, I hope things even out for your hubby's business. Finances are the worst. :frown:
  • Hi ladies!

    I'd like to join the challenge for this week. I have been off the wagon for the past few months and want to get back to eating healthy and losing weight!

  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I'd like to join the challenge for this week. I have been off the wagon for the past few months and want to get back to eating healthy and losing weight!


    Welcome to the Challenge Bridget.. were here to help you where ever we can.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I have to say that I'm so amazed at everyone's dedication. I love seeing the support going on in here. This place is just hopping with energy!

    To help with the 2 minute meditation challenge, here are a couple youtube videos...they are 2 minutes worth of calming sounds. See if they help you out!


    If you like a harder challenge, here's a 4 minute meditation track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8QZPcko9ao

    April, I hope things even out for your hubby's business. Finances are the worst. :frown:

    Thanks Pinky.. :) I hope things get better really soon.. At the rate its going after our cupboards are empty dunno what were gonna do.. haven't been spending ANY money at all.. :( Dont have any to spend.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    @ kattungen - Thanks, hun! Yeah, I'm not sure it's water weight. Water weight usually leaves me within 3 days or so, this has been on me for six days now. But then again my sodium levels have been really high lately. So yeah, I guess it could be. Either way, as of this morning, I'm definitely still 2 lbs heavier - I was three but that dropped off over night. Water weight or not, I'm just going to keep drinking plenty of water and hope it goes back down. Thank you for the support, hun! You're a sweetie!

    @ cenedria235 - Awww! Thanks, sweetie. :) It's great that others can find inspiration with me. Sometimes that's all that seems to keep me going. That, and the cute size medium shirt hanging in my closet. lol I've not been able to wear a medium of anything - ever. lol I'm going to wait until tomorrow and hope that the rest of the weight drops back down to at least my Christmas Challenge starting weight. lol If not, either way I'll weigh in tomorrow. Thanks again for the sweet words, my friend!

    @ AprilVal - Sweet! I'll definitely weigh in tomorrow then. Thanks, hun. I'm really sorry you're having financial troubles right now. If the cupboards get too bare you might try and contact a couple of local churches. Often times they have "open pantries" with donated food for families that are struggling. It's not easy to swallow your pride and turn to others for help, but I've had to do it in the past and know what it's like. Sometimes we just have to ask for help. My thoughts and prayers are with you, April. *hugs*

    @ pink_and_shiny - Yeah, I'm looking forward to doing meditation challenge! That's such a great idea! Thanks a lot for the youtube links. I'll check those out! :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Thanks Pinky.. :) I hope things get better really soon.. At the rate its going after our cupboards are empty dunno what were gonna do.. haven't been spending ANY money at all.. :( Dont have any to spend.

    Oh gosh that's scary! I Money is so evil. Things will work out. Snuggle with Stewie, that might help.
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