"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 2



  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Bad bad week for me. I'm pretty sure I somehow gained 3 lbs over the past week. I'm praying it's just water weight. I guess we'll see in a few days whether it drops off as fast as it came on or if it stays.

    Anyway, I need to go back to the original post and find out what my first day was so I know what day to "weigh in". I'm totally scared to weigh in this week. If I've gained weight it will be the first actual gain since starting my weight loss journey over 6 months ago. I'm really really hoping it's just water weight. I've stayed under my calories most days and the couple days I went over it was by 100 or less. Not enough to make me put on weight. So I don't know what's going on. :(
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    On a positive note - I've been busting my booty with the Couch To 5K program (I downloaded the podcast). I'm almost done with week one and I can't believe it but I'm actually JOGGING now! I can't do it very long but dang it, it's still a major leap forward for me! I actually didn't think at my weight that I'd be able to jog, but I've been doing it for three days and so far so good! :D I'm one more step closer to someday being a runner!
  • @Stacy - I'm sure it's just water weight. I've seen in myself that after working out more than I usually do, my body retains water in my semi-sore muscles, but I lose the water-weight just as quickly (thankfully). You're doing so good on the C25K, congratulations on the jogging!

    @Cenedria - That's a LOVELY dress!
  • SW: 186
    CW: 183.8
    GW: 174

    2.2 pounds lost :smile:

    So, I started up the nasty habit of weighing myself everyday. I literally just threw my scale into the back of my closet so I will stop. See, I lost those 2.2. pounds after the first 2 days and have been weighing myself every morning since to see if I lost anymore. By this morning I was feeling quite defeated, even though I know I went out to dinner on Friday night and out to lunch yesterday (which always effects my weight whether I make healthy choices or not). But then, I looked back at my actual starting weight for this challenge and realized, I still lost 2.2 pounds in one week! And that's awesome!!! Now that scale is staying in the back of my closet until next Sunday.

    And by the way, I love the challenge for this week! I always want to meditate but can't find the time. 2 minutes is a perfect start!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Hi everyone!

    SW 298.9
    CW 296.6 (my official weigh ins are Mondays so my current ticker doesn't reflect this)

    I had a pretty good week. Started Power 90 and I think now I'm retaining some water (had a 2.5 lb gain in 2 days, down 1 lb this morning, we'll see after this rest day what tomorrow's is). My clothes are fitting a bit better though...almost 9 lbs so far!
  • Wow, congrats Sknnyby29 and Sasperilla, you're doing great! :D
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Morning All~
    Thank you for the suggestions.Had begun the meditation and it does help so much.
    Jumping rope was not possible at this time(I had broken both legs-by the ankle-5 years ago.It is funny now .I was coming down some stairs and tripped on a rolled newspaper and fell breaking my left one then a week later tripped on my cast coming down my stairs and broke the right one)So my physical therapist informed me no-but I did increase my treadmill time by 3 minutes and begun the elliptical which seems to be easier on my joints.
    I decided weigh in will be in on between monday and wednesday.Have found my beginning weight loss journey photo but even I would not want to show this off.
    Hang in there-keep up the good fight.
  • Hey y'all...I'm so excited to be some what back. I have been in bed (literally) all week due to strep and have lost more weight than normal because of my lack in eating. But I'm finally starting to feel better and hope to be back to workouts in no time. Looks like everyone is doing great so far! Congrats!!

    SW: 185.8
    CW: 181.4

    WL: 4.4 LBS (Looks good but I would have much rather been eating something other than milkshakes!)

    Good Luck This Week!
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    SW - 173.6
    CW - 172

    loss - 1.6 lbs! :-)
  • Just came back on this site so gviing it a go once again!!

    SW 180.2
    GW 170 by Christmas
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Thank you Kat and Pam I fell in love with it online and it will eventually fit!

    @ Stacy - I know it sucks seeing that scale go back up. The last couple of weeks for me have been very discouraging but stick with it. You're so amazing and so dedicated, such an inspiration to us all! I'm sure those 3lbs will be gone again before you know it! *hugs* We are here for you! :)
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    SW: 194
    CW: 192.4

    loss 1.6

    Yay!! I'm totally happy with that, I was stuck in the 194s for several weeks. That was hte kick I needed.
  • red5
    red5 Posts: 56 Member
    OK so I found it and will weigh myself tomorrow! I was gonna weigh today but my batteries disappeared in my scale! LOL I suppose that is what happens when you have 5 kids with all sorts of toys!
  • cstibbe
    cstibbe Posts: 47 Member
    Wow week one DID fly by!!

    H20 SW- 172
    Christmas H20 SW- 154
    CW- 152

    Two pounds! I am proud that I am off to a good start!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    SW 156
    CW 157.2

    I took some time off as I mentioned, and I'm not feeling well. Insanity will be here tomorrow so i'll be back in gear.

    How do I get the H2O image in my signature block? If I save it too photo-bucket will it still move the way it does?
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Here ya go :) [ img ]http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l120/AprilVWhitaker/1823185f7oi8od3ll22.gif[ /img ] just delete the spaces around the img on both sides :)
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Here ya go :) [ img ]http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l120/AprilVWhitaker/1823185f7oi8od3ll22.gif[ /img ] just delete the spaces around the img on both sides :)

    uuummm try again---
    Thanks Bru!!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Bad bad week for me. I'm pretty sure I somehow gained 3 lbs over the past week. I'm praying it's just water weight. I guess we'll see in a few days whether it drops off as fast as it came on or if it stays.

    Anyway, I need to go back to the original post and find out what my first day was so I know what day to "weigh in". I'm totally scared to weigh in this week. If I've gained weight it will be the first actual gain since starting my weight loss journey over 6 months ago. I'm really really hoping it's just water weight. I've stayed under my calories most days and the couple days I went over it was by 100 or less. Not enough to make me put on weight. So I don't know what's going on. :(

    You can choose your weigh in day Stacy. As long as its between Saturday and friday.. Im not picky.. i dont make the challenges impossible. I just like to have fun along the way hun.. Lets hope its water weight. It will be ok Stacy.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    SW: 186
    CW: 183.8
    GW: 174

    2.2 pounds lost :smile:

    So, I started up the nasty habit of weighing myself everyday. I literally just threw my scale into the back of my closet so I will stop. See, I lost those 2.2. pounds after the first 2 days and have been weighing myself every morning since to see if I lost anymore. By this morning I was feeling quite defeated, even though I know I went out to dinner on Friday night and out to lunch yesterday (which always effects my weight whether I make healthy choices or not). But then, I looked back at my actual starting weight for this challenge and realized, I still lost 2.2 pounds in one week! And that's awesome!!! Now that scale is staying in the back of my closet until next Sunday.

    And by the way, I love the challenge for this week! I always want to meditate but can't find the time. 2 minutes is a perfect start!

    2.2 is a great loss hun.. :) Try not to weigh yourself everyday.. I know its hard because you want to see the numbers. But remember your weight loss doesnt always reflect with the numbers you see on the scale. Keep up the good work. Happy to hear you like the challenge.. :) Always remember if you have any suggestion for challenges feel free to share.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hi everyone!

    SW 298.9
    CW 296.6 (my official weigh ins are Mondays so my current ticker doesn't reflect this)

    I had a pretty good week. Started Power 90 and I think now I'm retaining some water (had a 2.5 lb gain in 2 days, down 1 lb this morning, we'll see after this rest day what tomorrow's is). My clothes are fitting a bit better though...almost 9 lbs so far!

    Way to go.. keep up all the good work hun.. :) Youre doing soo well.. :)
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