"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 2



  • busybowmans
    Hi All,

    I'm new to the Challenge but not to myfitnesspal. I started using it as an app on my iphone when I started the HCG Diet Protocol on September 1st. I thought it was just for my own tracking purposes until I logged in online and found a whole online community. I love that we are all on our way to healthier futures. I'm single after 24 years of an abusive marriage and the last three years have been my path to healing. I have hopes that next year will be my best year yet but this is an awesome way to end this year!

    SW: 238lb
    CW: 212lb,
    GW: 150lb
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Summer I don't know how you fit in all of this exercise with your work schedule. You're one dedicated gal!

    I'd say, to make sure you get enough time for sleep and whatnot, that you do the 2-fer Tuesday. Keep Wednesday open and unscheduled and go with the flow. Have it in your mind that you're going to do some type of activity, but you don't have it set in stone, and see where the wind takes you. If nothing else, just get some stretching in.

    Thanks. This is the last week of football, so my schedule for the next few weeks will be much lighter, whew!! The gym I go to also offers a striptease class on Thursday nights that I'm SO thinking of going to, I think it will be totally fun. I figure if I can get 4 organized classes in a week, whatever I can do on my own is just total bonus. We'll see how this week goes, I'm gonna try and get all 4 in. See if I can walk at the football game Friday!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm new to the Challenge but not to myfitnesspal. I started using it as an app on my iphone when I started the HCG Diet Protocol on September 1st. I thought it was just for my own tracking purposes until I logged in online and found a whole online community. I love that we are all on our way to healthier futures. I'm single after 24 years of an abusive marriage and the last three years have been my path to healing. I have hopes that next year will be my best year yet but this is an awesome way to end this year!

    SW: 238lb
    CW: 212lb,
    GW: 150lb

    Yay! Welcome to the challenge! :D And congratulations for breaking away from your abusive ex. It's wonderful that you're now able to create a healthy life for yourself - physically as well as emotionally. I'm so glad you've gotten away from that toxic environment. Well done!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey everyone, I was out of town yesterday so I never got to post my week one weigh in. I had a pretty good week. I lost 2 pounds. Glad to see there were many others who had great weigh In's as well.

    Starting MFP weight: 261.5
    Starting H2O challenge: 212
    This weeks weight: 210
    For a 2 lb loss for this week.
  • kattungen
    @AprilVal I hope everything turn out okay, and that your husband gets more work. Especially now before the holidays. Thinking of you!

    @Kimmrdodge Wow, congratulations on the 2lbs loss! You're doing great!

    @busybowmans Welcome! :)

    I'm struggling with an intense need to check my weight every morning. It's probably because my scale didin't work at all last week, and because I like to be in control, but it's annoying me as well. Since Friday I've lost 1 lbs, but how do I know if it'll stay off until this Friday? That's right, I don't know. Which is why I should stop weighing myself every day.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    @AprilVal I hope everything turn out okay, and that your husband gets more work. Especially now before the holidays. Thinking of you!

    @Kimmrdodge Wow, congratulations on the 2lbs loss! You're doing great!

    @busybowmans Welcome! :)

    I'm struggling with an intense need to check my weight every morning. It's probably because my scale didin't work at all last week, and because I like to be in control, but it's annoying me as well. Since Friday I've lost 1 lbs, but how do I know if it'll stay off until this Friday? That's right, I don't know. Which is why I should stop weighing myself every day.

    Maybe make that a personal challenge hun.. Its not good for you to constantly weigh yourself. Sometimes it causes discouragement. Remember dont EVER get discouraged because the hard work is worth it because you are worth it. Lets see if we cant get that scale time to the minimum.. Maybe everytime you visit the scale do something to discipline yourself.? Just a thought!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Thanks. This is the last week of football, so my schedule for the next few weeks will be much lighter, whew!! The gym I go to also offers a striptease class on Thursday nights that I'm SO thinking of going to, I think it will be totally fun. I figure if I can get 4 organized classes in a week, whatever I can do on my own is just total bonus. We'll see how this week goes, I'm gonna try and get all 4 in. See if I can walk at the football game Friday!

    Yay for football being over! The striptease class sounds like a lot of fun, you should definitely go for it.
  • kattungen

    I'm struggling with an intense need to check my weight every morning. It's probably because my scale didin't work at all last week, and because I like to be in control, but it's annoying me as well. Since Friday I've lost 1 lbs, but how do I know if it'll stay off until this Friday? That's right, I don't know. Which is why I should stop weighing myself every day.

    Maybe make that a personal challenge hun.. Its not good for you to constantly weigh yourself. Sometimes it causes discouragement. Remember dont EVER get discouraged because the hard work is worth it because you are worth it. Lets see if we cant get that scale time to the minimum.. Maybe everytime you visit the scale do something to discipline yourself.? Just a thought!

    @AprilVal - I should probably do something like that, I'm sort of obsessed :p Sometimes I can go three or four days without checking the scale, other times I have to check each morning. It's insane, really :p My official weigh-in day is Fridays though, so I shouldn't check too often :(
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member

    I'm struggling with an intense need to check my weight every morning. It's probably because my scale didin't work at all last week, and because I like to be in control, but it's annoying me as well. Since Friday I've lost 1 lbs, but how do I know if it'll stay off until this Friday? That's right, I don't know. Which is why I should stop weighing myself every day.

    Maybe make that a personal challenge hun.. Its not good for you to constantly weigh yourself. Sometimes it causes discouragement. Remember dont EVER get discouraged because the hard work is worth it because you are worth it. Lets see if we cant get that scale time to the minimum.. Maybe everytime you visit the scale do something to discipline yourself.? Just a thought!

    @AprilVal - I should probably do something like that, I'm sort of obsessed :p Sometimes I can go three or four days without checking the scale, other times I have to check each morning. It's insane, really :p My official weigh-in day is Fridays though, so I shouldn't check too often :(

    You can do it hun.. and still be in control... I try to always remember its no the number on the scale reflecting my hard work.. Do you feel good at the end of the day after your food and exercise? if not there has to he something that can be changed.. thats what i try to look at.
  • kattungen

    @AprilVal - I should probably do something like that, I'm sort of obsessed :p Sometimes I can go three or four days without checking the scale, other times I have to check each morning. It's insane, really :p My official weigh-in day is Fridays though, so I shouldn't check too often :(

    You can do it hun.. and still be in control... I try to always remember its no the number on the scale reflecting my hard work.. Do you feel good at the end of the day after your food and exercise? if not there has to he something that can be changed.. thats what i try to look at.

    I still feel good, as long as I track calories and exercise-cals :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    kattungen, I have a hard time not hopping on the scale all of the time too. One thing that's helped me is that I keep the scale in a not-so-easy to reach place. Along the lines of you putting it in the closet, mine's in the bathroom but has a couple of other things sitting on top of it. So when I want to use it I have to move the other things, and then take it to the spot in the house where I weigh (the bathroom floor is a little tricky...).

    It is such a gorgeous day today! I hope everyone is enjoying today, and that nobody has a case of the Mondays.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    kattungen, I have a hard time not hopping on the scale all of the time too. One thing that's helped me is that I keep the scale in a not-so-easy to reach place. Along the lines of you putting it in the closet, mine's in the bathroom but has a couple of other things sitting on top of it. So when I want to use it I have to move the other things, and then take it to the spot in the house where I weigh (the bathroom floor is a little tricky...).

    It is such a gorgeous day today! I hope everyone is enjoying today, and that nobody has a case of the Mondays.

    I spent the beautiful day inside.. Between cleaning and being frustrated.. Went for a drive to drop off the rent, well what i have of the rent money, and thats all ive done. I hope our finances straighten out soon.. Along with my other stresses at the moment. No matter what I do today all I want to do is cry.. Im soo tired from all the crying.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Oh my God, please let this past month be a horrible dream! I don't know how much more we can take. We laid Nick's Grandma to rest Saturday, here it is Monday and we now have to do the same for Nick's Grandpa this weekend. He was in ICU when his kidneys failed. Please keep us in your thoughts. I don't know how much more we can take. I'm at a loss of words.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Oh my God, please let this past month be a horrible dream! I don't know how much more we can take. We laid Nick's Grandma to rest Saturday, here it is Monday and we now have to do the same for Nick's Grandpa this weekend. He was in ICU when his kidneys failed. Please keep us in your thoughts. I don't know how much more we can take. I'm at a loss of words.

    hugs.. im thinking of you & your hubby... Im here if you need me..
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Ok...last week was a bust for me...never did get the pic up. I decided it was time to quit screwing around and get back on this thing. So, I will put my weigh in tomorrow...as well as pics. Will be gone all day...nursing seminar. bringing my lunch so to avoid the fast food pitfalls. I am enjoying the moment of meditation...it really is soothing. Working on the other challenges as well....I think I might have a suggestion for a future challenge...I will find it and let you know.
    Have a great evening everyone.

    And please....send all your prayers Bru's way...her and her family really need it. God Bless.

  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh Bru I'm so incredibly sorry. Your family hasn't had any time to heal from the loss of your grandma...and now grandpa... :(
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Oh my God, please let this past month be a horrible dream! I don't know how much more we can take. We laid Nick's Grandma to rest Saturday, here it is Monday and we now have to do the same for Nick's Grandpa this weekend. He was in ICU when his kidneys failed. Please keep us in your thoughts. I don't know how much more we can take. I'm at a loss of words.

    Wow, Bru, that's terrible! I'm really sorry for your loss, sweetie. Please, know that you, Nick and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I know, that's not much consolation. I'm truly sorry for the pain you and your family are going through. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know. *big warm hugs*
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Ok, weigh-in day for me:

    Challenge Starting Weight - 323.4 lbs
    Current Weight - 322.6 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight - 311.4 lbs (hopefully less lol)

    Lost so far - .8 lbs - bleh. I need to step it up. On the plus side though, those three pounds that had come back on the scale over the past week managed to go away. I lost one of them yesterday and dropped 2 of them today. Thank, GOD! I busted my butt too! Thank you Couch to 5K! lol I SO didn't want to have a weight gain, so I'm jazzed I was able to drop those three pounds. It really sucks having to lose pounds that you had already lost once. I never want to do that again! lol

    I hope you're all having a successful week so far. Please pray for Bru (BrunetteWife) and her family as they have had two losses in the family this month. :(
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Terrible start for me... What a week! I was doing good for over 30 days... and last week it was so hard...I had so many cravings for dessert, chips, candies....
    It was also snowing or raining everyday and there was so much wind it was crazy!!! I did not exercice at all... did not walk,,, did not follow any of my rules I had set-up earlier in september....

    OMG What a week!

    So I gained 3 lbs... so I'm up to 326.4...

    On the bright side, I started back today with a nice walk... I will definitely go back tomorrow!

    I'm happy to see everyone are doing good! I feel like I'm not alone anymore... you are all there with the same goal... to lose weight...and you are all struggling with similar issues.

    Thanks you are all an inspiration for me!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Im finally starting to feel better, Looks like after a couple more weeks we may be caught back up. I think Im so stressed because its our first set of holidays on our own and I want it to be perfect. And the way its going Im afraid they will be ruined. I am nervous because we arent ahead like we were a month ago. Just had WAY too much happen over the past month.. Both expected and not expected.

    My hubby came home, and woke me up from my mini nap, and I got to spend some time with him.. FINALLY.. He told me how he likes my new found curve.. From losing my weight.. All the weight Ive lost have been up around my rib cage and bust area.. So thats a compliment and I will accept it. I told him I was going to get rid of my nails and he told me just to go ahead and get them done again. So I guess Im keeping the acrylic nails. Over the next two days Im going to try to (1) get the house back in order, (2) get a menu in order for the next week, if not next two weeks. Going to do some research to find some cheap healthier meals. Going to try to find things that are healthier for when I have my late nights. That will be quick and easy for me and my husband. Gotta work at getting this stuff in order.. Planning on a walk before work tomorrow.. Maybe some kind of aerobic exercise? Maybe do part of 30 day shred.. Dunno yet.. Hoping for something good..

    Hope everyones week is starting out good.. Mines hopefully getting better, Im feeling more hopeful than I have been,..,

    Everyone.. Pleases Keep Bru and her Family in your thoughts and prayers. Shes going to need it to get thru her loss. Im sorry Bru.. We are all here if you need to talk, vent... We love you! :)

    Lets hope were in for another good week.. Im prolly gonna play hell.. TOM is finally gone.. Always have issues shortly afterwards... Hoping for another 2 to 3 pounds to come off... Good night all.. Im signing off!