

  • NICE! I am soooo bookmarking their website as a favorite and will definitely check that out. I love thin crust pizza and there are those days that only a pizza's flavor and crunchy crustiness will cure :drinker:
  • I definitely think that your body chemistry plays a major role in your weight. So if that chemistry is tied to blood type and/or genotype wouldn't that make sense? After all, there has to be something to it when one person can eat a loaf of bread and lots of pasta and not have any negative effects, and another person who…
  • I agree with this ... I consulted a diet/fitness guru and what he told me was that asparagus is a natural diuretic. He had me eat 1 cup steamed 3 times a day for a week along with the other foods that he planned out for me and I lost a LOT of water weight. Once I was able to drop a few pounds that way, it was not only a…
  • There are kits you can get or you can get it typed for free by any place that does the blood donation drive. Go donate blood at the Red Cross and they will tell you your blood type.
  • Dr. D'Adamo is noted in his field, but what most supports this for me, is that I will go by the scientific evidence of my own body and how I feel when I follow the program and when I don't.
  • It takes some doing, depends on what you have available at work as far as a microwave, fridge, etc. Considering your schedule, you might find it easier to pack something for yourself the night before. For example if you have a toaster at work, you can toast up some essene bread, a couple hard boiled eggs and a banana or…
  • THAT is called BOREDOM!! :yawn:
  • I almost never reach my sodium limit for the day, usually way under. I think the biggest thing is that I very rarely will use boxed mixes or bottled dressings, don't eat much in the way of canned goods, cook mostly everything fresh from raw ingredients. Cold cuts, especially ham, are terrible with sodium. Sneaky places for…
  • Artificial sweeteners will end up making your sweet cravings and hunger pangs worse. Try to avoid them...I say ditto on the above posts on the need for protein and fiber. Sliced almonds are a good way to add crunch factor to any salad. Crunch factor is one of my major needs to help me feel like I've really had something to…
  • I follow the blood type diet for the most part. I definitely can tell the difference when I eat the stuff they say I should avoid. I tend to have tummy troubles, bloating and weight gain. If I follow the rules, then I usually feel better and have less intestinal problems. Of course, just like with anything, you can still…
  • Oh sure and now I have to peel my eyeballs from the screen and roll my tongue back into my head and go off to work.....but thank you for a hunky start to my day!!
  • I looked at your diary and I don't see the sodium being tracked so that part is hard to tell. And I agree, you are eating a lot of processed foods. But I also noticed you are taking pre-natal vitamins, soooooo ..... could it be that you are losing YOUR weight but gaining BABY weight?
  • I used to be a waitress and bartender and I've worked in various kinds of restaurants from fast food chicken place to upscale hoity toity. I tend to be very watchful and I notice currently how lax employers are about their staff's hygiene. I've seen staff handle raw and cooked food without gloves, I've seen girls(and guys)…
  • Nothing dorky about it! You've worked hard and isn't it awesome to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel?!
  • OMG! Brag! Brag! Brag! You deserve it!
  • I love Oil of Olay products. My mother uses them and now I use them. They are, imho, by far the best products for the best prices.
  • Welcome and good luck in reaching your goals. I am new too and want to lose at least 20lbs by this summer. I'm not getting married but hoping to at least catch a prospective groom ;) When it comes to using MFP, all I can advise you is to be really honest with your food and exercise tracking. If you don't, well, the only…
  • LOL! Gorgeous, awesome, babe and beautiful are fine, it's just stating fact.....
  • I am the Imelda Marcos of sandals......for those younguns who don't know who she is, Google it.....
  • One thing you said - she remembered your name and remembered having chatted with you on POF. That tells me she definitely did have some interest somewhere along the way, since I can honestly say, if a guy doesn't strike my fancy, he becomes what's-his-name? very quickly. So give her a break and meet up for a nice casual…
  • Get some (don't laugh) Smooth Move tea. It's an herbal laxative tea that you drink at night and then the next morning you will "move". I found it in Walgreen's in the laxative area. And it definitely works, sometimes a little too well!
  • Yeah! What Hotch said!
  • try a plate of spaghetti squash with pesto sauce for dinner instead of the peanut butter sandwich. peanut butter can have a lot of hidden sugars, depends on what kind you buy.
  • I know this post thread is a couple months old, but I just joined MFP and did a post search about this diet to see what other people thought about it. I happen to like it a lot and it has really helped me just to feel better and have less gastric/dietary issues. I do believe that people have different body chemistries and…
  • We should've read the fine print.......
    in HCG Comment by hklaquadra February 2012
  • I wish there was a like button, Gibson76 :)
    in HCG Comment by hklaquadra February 2012
  • Thank you SOOO much for this recipe! Now I know what to do with all the zucchinis I have growing in my veggie garden :happy:
  •! Unfortunately, the statistics are only as good as the programmer's formula. You have to be the one to look at the bigger picture and you know that you are stuck. So unstick yourself by changing things up your workout routine, in your meals. I know that I will get so distracted by all kinds of…
  • I prefer an unflavored no-artifical sweetener protein powder, I like it as natural as possible. I use GNC 100% whey protein powder. Most of the time, I just put a few ice cubes in a drink bottle, plain water and a scoop of powder. I don't have a sweet tooth so that works best for me. But the beauty of an unflavored,…
  • Oh yeah, I forgot spaghetti squash....use your favorite sauce, it's healthy and filling but better than pasta