

  • Hi Kids, This past week was my first gain since going back to WW. It's ok, I'll get it back off this week. We went away for the weekend and I had a few too many beers, but I had such a good time! I did for the first time EVER get up and go for a run while on our mini-vacation! That is a HUGE success for me. In our final…
  • Hi everyone, Another good week at WW, down another 2 lbs! Getting ready for a long weekend away this weekend. It will be a challenge for sure! Camping at the races means, beer, smores, hot dogs on the fire etc, etc. I am as ready as I can be. I'm taking good snacks for me and I am taking my running gear so I can get a good…
  • Hi everyone! Good job to all the group successes that Marla shared!!!!!! Had an awful week last week emotionally, we had to send our 2 year old cat over the rainbow bridge. Work sucked and the last 24 hours our 7 month old puppy has had GI issues, vomiting, diarrhea.....back to the vet for me! With all that, I only got one…
  • I'm late! Sorry I'm late with this weeks post. Yesterday was a tough day emotionally. So WW is going really well, another 2.6 lb weight loss! Last week I did not work out. Going to get back to it. I am doing c25k in preparation for my first 5k run in July, I am doing that 3 days a week. I would like to start strength…
  • I love Leslie's Walk Away the Pounds, mine are so old I have them on VHS. I still use them when I don't feel like going out in bad weather be it extreme heat or cold. You can all laugh at me, yes I still have a working VCR!
  • I'm still here too. Just not logging my food and workouts on MFP any more, I'm using my Weight Watchers tracking tools. I'm feeling very good about my decision to return to Weight Watchers, things are going great! My meetings are Monday's so I didn't have one last week because of the holiday, so I haven't weighed on their…
  • Hi group, Had a great week last week and a good holiday weekend as well! Back on Weight Watchers and lost 3 pounds! I was even able to over indulge Saturday night at my neighbor's party. I had activity points to use plus all my weekly points allowance at the ready. I had a plan at the party and I stuck with it with the…
  • I will be ready for the weekend. I have a party to attend Saturday and I'm going to make sure I take something healthful. The good thing is the party host is on a weight loss journey too so I know she is planning good things that won't send me into an eating frenzy. I will have all my extra weekly W.W. points if I need to…
    in Big Weekend Comment by laura920 May 2013
  • Hi everyone, This week was pretty much like all my other weeks this year! I say to myself I will get this under control, I will stop sabotaging myself and I don't do anything about it. I told my bff that I felt I need to go back to Weight Watchers and that if I got a lifetime member offer to go back I was doing it. I got 2…
  • Marla, So sorry you are not feeling well, not fun on any day but not being able to enjoy Mother's Day is a bummer! Not a complete fail for week one but a partial. I did log except for Saturday, I didn't get to it until Sunday so I missed a day on MFP! Did not exercise like I wanted. Life got in the way and I was at…
  • Hi everyone, I am in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. Our claim to fame is we are the mushroom capital of the world! Kennett is about 45 minutes south and west of Philadelphia. Happy to be in another group with Marla, feel free to add me as a MFP friend! Laura
  • Hi everyone, My short term goal is to change my self sabotaging habits; I am my own worst enemy! Medium term, to finish couch 2 5k so I am ready for my first 5k in July. Long term to lose 40 lbs. Looking forward to making more MFP connections through Marla's group! Laura
  • Hi Everyone! So proud of our group! Marla, you kicked butt and reached your goal jeans whoo-hoo! I have not lost any more but I have not gained so at least I have that! I am going great with my c25k program, getting ready for my first 5k this summer! I know I have been inconsistent with my logging bur thanks to my MFP…
  • I would say I'm a combo. I am Part Type II - Agitated (by work) & Type III - Emotionally sensitive
  • Marla, Thanks for starting the group and hanging in with us! Although I haven't been the best over the last 3 weeks I have amazed myself that I have hung in as long as I did. I am not great at commitment when it comes to things that are good for me. I'm working on that too! I completed week 1 of c25k and I am really proud…
  • Hi, here it is........ 47 yrs old 5'6" SW 210 CW 205 GW 150 I lost 60 lbs 4 years ago, 40 has crept back on. I want to get it back off but I am trying not to focus on the scale but changing my body. Once I finally get to my goal weight, I'll re-evaluate the "number".
  • I JUST did week 1, day 1, c25k. Signed up for my first 5k in July. Other than that I have fizzled out on my workouts. I HAVE Nike+ trainer for xbox, Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire. I have lots of workout support but I'm good at sabotaging myself! Looking to get back into a regular routine!
  • Hi group, Well, I bailed last week! I should have taken a few minutes to check in but I let stress get the best of me! Work is awful and I spent my nights online applying to new jobs and submitting resumes. At any rate, I didn't undo any of my work but didn't make any headway. I'll count that as something to celebrate!…
  • Well, I too am hanging on by a thread but it is ok. I am still logging onto MFP and I stuck with our group which in and of itself is an accomplishment for me. I have lost another pound but I still have not been working out. It is all ok, I am still making progress little by little. IT WILL all come together at a point!…
  • I'm looking forward to making this as well! Sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing Jessica!
  • We picked up our new puppy Friday night! I forgot how exhausting a 9 week old puppy can be. Needless to say I'm fried, up a few times a night to take him outside. Lots of chasing and lots of scooping up 18 lbs to get him outside. Because he is a large breed dog he shouldn't do a lot of steps yet so I have a new built in…
  • Good for you! :smile:
  • Hi everyone, The past 10 days were really bad for me, I just didn't want to challenge myself. If it weren't for this group, I would have checked out completely! There is a bright side for me, I did not gain! I signed up for my first 5k last week so that is a great goal for me to work on. Going to start C25k program. I am…
  • I may not have lost my goal of a pound a week but I am happy with the changes I am making. Trying to find the exercise that is right for me and I will! This week I found two things. My best friend (who is a workout fanatic) knows I am struggling and sent me a link to The Blog of Impossible Tings - in particular his post…
  • I agree but I was just thinking last night as I was driving home at 5:00 that it was still light out and that made me very happy! I also agree a daily challenge might be a good help for me :happy:
  • I don't have a fitbit yet but I want to get one! I am going between a Nike fuel band or the fitbit. I have the Nike+ Trainer for xbox and the fuel band would sync with that. Need to save up a little extra cash to get it though. I really think that would help keep me motivated for sure! I am going to try small chunks as…
  • 10 pounds? Whoo-hoo!!!!!!! Good for you, that is fantastic! Keep up the hard work and positive attitude!
  • Jess, Thanks so much! It is nice to have people that don't "really" know me, give advice! I think you may have figured me out! I tend to OVER analyze everything and make things more complex than they need to be. I talked to my husband about it last night and he said basically the same thing, I am making things too…
  • Hi Group, I have to say I have surprised myself and lost 1.8 pounds since my last weigh in. I only weigh once a week (throw back to my weight watcher days) I thought for sure I screwed myself on Sunday. Although I ate junk, I did so with portion control and didn't leave the bowl of chips etc on the coffee table all night.…
  • Since I have to go upstairs to do laundry, Each load I did 3 round trips and had 3 loads.