McButtski Member


  • Well, some people prefer to weigh in daily.. I used to do that but found the up/down/up/down movement would really put me off so at least weighing once a week, there's a good chance that, even with water, you'll show a loss if you've earned it!! I've had a few wobbly weeks with water gain etc but I haven't worked hard…
  • So anyone weigh in today?? I did.. down 1.4lbs (that's over the last two weeks...) although again, I think I'm retaining water and my TOM isn't quite finished yet so will go by next week's weigh in for sure (haha.. I'm going to keep doing that until I get the loss I want.. this one doesn't count.. next week's the one…
  • *just* one pound?? That's fantastic.. well done!!! Sure I felt and looked leaner last week and I was up.. retaining water.. sometimes it's better to go by the mirror / how you feel than the scales, but still, 1lb is brilliant, don't be discouraged :drinker:
  • Woohoo! Well done to everyone who's down some weight!! Heading in the right direction :drinker: Best of luck jchenks - fingers crossed for you!! I haven't weighed in again since my mini-fluctuation last week.. currently TOM so will weigh in on Friday as usual and hopefully the scales will be on my side.. :happy:
  • That's not so bad sullycc!! Onwards and downwards!! So, scratch my earlier post.. I weighed in again about 20 minutes after I wrote that and I was down nearly 2.5lbs... still up slightly from last week but with periods due, I'm happy that I didn't actually put on weight.. So there you go.. I won't lie - it was a tough 20…
  • Well done fshaw!! Good result :happy: So.. seems I'm UP three pounds this week :noway: I'm not tooo discouraged though because I know there's no way I've eaten 10,500 calories in excess this week.. I'm also due my periods in the next few days.. and.. I just look slimmer than last week! ha :bigsmile: My next weigh in will…
  • Sounds fantastic - apparently they run classes in my gym so I might wander in one day for a nosey.. did you go back this week?
  • Heya Carriesund! That's very interesting re: the calorie burning!! Have never gone to a pole fitness class.. I only really do two cardio classes per week (step and HIIT) and then the other days are all weight training which I'm really liking, no idea what sort of calories each session burns though! I had to up my calories…
  • Don't know how to describe my week this week... food wise, I've been pretty off track.. probably eating enough to maintain so am hoping the exercise will see the weight go in a downwards direction... hopefully!! I always do this! If I lose weight during a period that I don't think I should really have been down - I'll mess…
  • Drivel. Of course it is better to be healthy as apposed to unhealthy. So, obviously it is better to be a healthy weight as apposed to being over-weight or obese. It's better to be a non-smoker than a smoker. Better to drink moderately than be an alcoholic. That blog is nonsense and I can live happily in my eye rolling…
  • Ah I would, yep, sure you'd have to.
  • A woman recently died here because of this mindset - an nonviable fetus was given more rights than she. I'm shocked that this is being discussed here too.. makes me a little warier of who I befriend.
  • Well done Jamie and fshaw on your weight losses!! Brilliant!! We haven't long to go! Anyone else weigh in? Up or down? Had never even heard of Bikram yoga although have just wiki'd it there and see it's what 'hot yoga' is supposed to be called.. have never done hot yoga either though!! Let us know what you think of it…
  • Wow. I'm a not a better person after reading this thread. Any anti-abortionists I have met have been fairly obvious wack jobs with little or no education in the subject.. I've never had to actively associate with them.. and yet here they are - among us. Better to stay quiet and let people think you're stupid than to…
  • Dresses!!! My goal is currently a 10lb one and am on a shopping ban until I reach target... 6lbs left to go until I get one!!! yay!
  • 'Losing respect for the human race' isn't a sentence I use lightly.. certainly not with regards to bad animal owners or the way people choose to vote, personality traits or their little quirks. I have lost a lot of respect for global society recently unfortunately I lost some when I heard of Yue Yue, the two year old…
  • This is a very valid point.. the fact that you didn't tell him to f&ck the f&ck off when he initially brought it up speaks volumes about your willingness to put up with this treatment.
  • OH ME GOD, you're soooo right. OP - forget about yourself COMPLETELY!!! It's all about him and how he's feeling, don't you get that? Don't you understand?? He wants to hold hands and run together!!! Just stop being stressed about your job, right this instant.. and stop the emotional eating, k.. stick on some lipstick, some…
  • Not dissing your attempt but really? that's all the funny we can do? Scr&w it. So...... What ya wearing? :wink: Lol.. I'm joking..don't tell me! I like to guess :wink: Joking again, I apologise :frown:
  • Just on this point - It would be the norm to go out with somebody for a number of years before getting engaged where I'm from.. and in the UK where I assume the OP is from given her reference to UK clothes size. To the OP: He sounds like a controlling knob. Lose weight for you, not him.
  • Reporting! Married with a bus load of kids :happy: Bet this thread isn't as much fun as the others though Quick, someone say something funny.
  • How do you know???? Are you smiling at your *kitten* in a mirror? That's just weird. It is. yup.
  • I usually know the calorie content of what I'm eating before trying to enter it in the diary.. it's hard work to read the packet or indeed, google but hey, I'm a trooper. Agree with whoever said to just enter your own food.. it will fix the problem.. and your blood pressure.:wink:
  • Thanks for taking the time to reply - those with open diaries, you're really very helpful!! Like I said previously, I've enough fats in my diet so don't need help there :laugh: ... and as for those who aren't reading through the thread yet continue to harp on about the 'low fat' in the title - it's time's like this I miss…
  • Whooop!! I'm down! Down 2.8lbs to be exact... DEEE-lighted :happy: It's the first time I've properly logged in ages and it really does work - although I went way over during Easter, I probably still ate less than I would have usually... I'm a demon for giving the kids their food.. taking a bite - giving them a treat..…
  • Sweet-gurl, not far off at all! Jason, I would have said 35ish only I saw you reply on another thread saying that you were 'older'... SO.. I'm going to say 45!
  • Great to have some more people on the same mission!! farahomer.. I need to cut down on the coffee (I drink ridiculous amounts.. with artificial sweetener.. I'm not even telling you how much, it's ridiculous..) and I need to 'UP' the green tea.. can never drink too much of that :happy: Great loss Kaperlinger! Well done!!…
  • :happy: You've reminded me that I never count the calories in fish oil supplements... and that pop tarts are still popular (I didn't think they still existed!). Your lunches sound fabulous too! Leighann, thanks, I know where you're coming from.... but I don't need ideas on the crap food - I have that well covered!! :happy:…