LianaG1115 Member


  • It's not the "toxins" pushing out of your face that makes NO sense most toxins are released by urination and through the bowels. The thing that makes the most sense is the fact that you're exercising with makeup on and that you might want to consider taking it off before you work out and exfoliate the skin post workout to…
  • When I was dying after walking up a flight of about 20 stairs!! OMG I thought I was either having a heart attack or an asthma attack!! Didn't want to face the reality that I was out of shape and morbidly obese!! Reality check right there!!
  • I use Fit and Fresh lunch boxes with the containers that have little ice packs that fit into the container tops and also have the rectangular thin ice pack that fits inside too. Amazon shopping rocks for this stuff!!
  • First off, 30lbs is a BIG DEAL!! In a world where we are inundated and saturated with fats and sugars, that is commendable for someone your age!! It's hard to drop even 10lbs so take that and embrace every damn pound you lost so far and celebrate those moments with each continued step!! Secondly, you are absolutely…
  • I use 3 egg whites and usually saute up either kale or spinach and add that to the egg whites along with 1/4 cup of feta cheese. Sometimes I'll add sauteed mushrooms or sprinkle some franks hot sauce on the top. One of the best omelets to eat and loaded with proteins!!
  • Take a gym bag to work and when you are ready to leave make a pit stop at the bathroom and change into your gym clothes. I swear the minute I put them on, I get mentally ready. While in the car eat a small snack so that you can sustain a workout without exhaustion. I usually have a handful of nuts or a banana on hand, I…
  • C-4
  • :( I feel so outta shape or old with some of these numbers but hey for a 43 year old fat chick who's never exercised a day in her life up until about a year and a half ago, I'll proudly say I can squat 110lbs and climbing!! :o)
  • I think she had said they found she has 15 gallstones??
  • find a general surgeon, don't need a hospital to get scheduled for surgery
  • I have had gallstones and have had my gallbladder removed because of them. I can only tell you from my own experiences that rapid weight loss can cause stones. I can also tell you that I totally FEEL your pain with the attacks you're having and I would strongly encourage you to seek medical help, even a surgeon to remove…
  • My boyfriend thinks this whereas I DO NOT believe it is up to the men to lower the seat, women need to be mindful too!! Hmpft...don't cry for equality and expect this! LOL
  • Gum smackers, loud chewers, people who spit into a bottle (OMG EW!!!), bare feet, people who don't use deo, people who sweat all over the gym stuff and don't wipe it down (DOUBLE EW!!), eyebrow, lip, facial piercings in general (if you're not under the age of 21 take that *kitten* out!!), the sound of yarn when its chewed…
  • I use Syntha 6 protein powder (I think there's dairy in it though). I get a big container at the Vitamin Shoppe. Visit a Vitamin Shoppe and ask them to help you out if you don't know what to get. (don't go to GNC, they'll pimp you a GNC product)
  • [/quote] My question is based behind the question: If I'm paying their hourly fee, why tip them extra? Why not just have them charge a higher hourly fee? [/quote] My trainer fees are paid to the gym, who skims off the top of that cost he then gets a fee for each person he trains, there isn't an hourly rate. So if he has a…
  • I tip my massage therapist $10-15 each visit, but if it was something billed through my insurance probably not.
  • Thank you!! Coming from a personal trainer, I take it you've gotten gifts then. I thought of a stopwatch but he doesn't use one. Thought of money, its kinda ok but I don't know how much to give, and then we talked about gift my hubby said to put it here and see what others think.
  • THANK YOU!! I was also taught to tip for personal services, whether that tip is monetary or a gift this is why I'm asking.
  • I would make homemade fettucini alfredo with texas toast garlic bread!! And have seconds!!! I would also eat a whole Jim's Steakout Steak Hoagie Deluxe and either fries or deep fried mushrooms, I can't believe I engorged on so much!!! I get I was 275lbs but I still can't get that I ate that much!!!
  • The little fishies will swim anywhere if they want, gravity has nothing to do with their own motivation to meet their own goal! Its the same idea as those who stand on their heads to get knocked up if it happens, it hapens!! hahahaha
  • Crunchy weird sensations...Ew Yuck
  • It's always hard to get back on the wagon after falling off. Two weeks of clean eating and diligent menu preparations with strict adherence to the plan also incorporating some exercise into your daily routine will get you back on track!! With the renewed energy and motivation you won't be the hip grandma, you'll be a…
  • Why you drinking that stuff anyways?? The stuff is toxic and not good for you because of the effects of asparatame. You're safer (not really but...) to drink regular soda!! Really no soda is good for you...
  • Cash Cash Surrender!!!!
  • I got a couple today!! My pants were falling down while Christmas shopping, so today I wore a belt and I've moved a notch tighter!! And I leg pressed 180lbs today!!! whoot whoot!! LOVE NSVs!!!!!!!
  • I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk, a scoop of Syntha6 vanilla protein powder and some ice. Can also add a half a banana or some glutamine post workout. MMMMmmm I swear by the Syntha and most Vitamin Shoppes have them. SO far I've had the peanut butter cookie flavor and now vanilla, would not wrong you in telling you…
  • It isn't the coffee, it's the stuff that goes into it!! The cream, the sugar, the flavoring..OH do I miss Starbucks!! LOL But as a former coffee drive thru addict, and a pot of coffee at home, I have to have a morning cup of coffee just to avoid the migraines I got from withdrawals. So it's all up to you what you do with…
  • That was my dessert for thanksgiving while the whole family mowed down apple pie...I was jealous!!
  • Paula's donuts!!! these babies are so filled that they weigh a 1/2lb per donut!!! NO LIE I weighed one!!