ceri1980 Member


  • I'm the same, i'm really focused for a while then have an off week which completely throws me off track. Just had one of those weeks and have gained 4lbs.....anyway, back on track today so hoping to lose that over the next week or so. Ill send you a friend request but if anyone is able to give me support to your friend…
  • Firend request on its way x
    in friends :) Comment by ceri1980 May 2011
  • Hiya, Seen this recipe below yesterday on MFP and thought it sounded nice for not too many calories? Chicken Tikka & Rice 450g Chicken, chopped into chunks 150g Fat Free Greek Yoghurt 2tbsp Tikka Masala Curry Paste Fry Light or other Spray Oil 1 Red Onion, sliced finely 1tsp ‘Fresh’ Ginger (can be out of a jar which is…
  • Back in September I started using Herbalife and would recommend it to anyone wanting to lose weight and increase their overall well being. Not only have i lost weight but i lost inches....and quite quickly! The shakes are really enjoyable and you can add fruit or yoghurt into them to adjust the tast to suit you. the other…
  • Good Morning Katherine, think I can say that my weekend was successful so just have to follow that through until Friday. Im actually looking forward to weighing! x
  • My starting weigtht this morning was 188lbs.....would love to be 186 by next friday....maybe even 185 :) x
  • Katherine I am in :) Havent lost anything for a month so this will be a challenge but i am definatley up for it.....where do i sign?!
  • The thought of this scares me!!
  • Ive upped my worksouts of late, pushed myself that bit further and still nothing! They do spinning at my local gym, maybe i'll give it a try....thankyou for your help.
  • I'm training for a half marathon in October, although i dont feel like im makeing any progress at the moment! Would love some tips off anyone who wants to share any?! Im up to 5k in around 30 mins at the moment but just cat seem to get my distance up.
  • I have started OHR this week, tonight will be my 2nd 30 minute run :) Monday's run wasnt too bad, still need to find a steady pace though. I've signed up for the Cardiff Half Marathon in October so i am using this porgramme to help me out......Good luck to everyone else who is trying this!! Ceri
  • I have started OHR this week, tonight will be my 2nd 30 minute run :) Monday's run wasnt too bad, still need to find a steady pace though. I've signed up for the Cardiff Half Marathon in October so i am using this porgramme to help me out......Good luck to everyone else who is trying this!! Ceri
  • Hello from UK......Wales to be exact! Friend request on its way to you, good luck with your journey :) Anyone else feel free to add me too......always happy to help/support/motivate others x
  • Welcome to MFP! I think this site makes you more aware of the food choices you make.....good luck with losing the weight x
  • Hello from Cardiff!! Ive sent you a friend request :)
  • I am in exactly the same position. Im watching and logging everything i eat, exercising well and still no movement on the scales. This will be the 3rd week now.....Its so deflating :( Someone suggested upping my calorie intake but im scared to do this as i dont want to gain weight. Im going to have lots of fruit and…
  • I wouldn't weigh on Friday I would weigh next week instead. With TOM and your body adjusting to your new eating habits you may be happier with next weeks result! Good Luck!
  • Hello from Cardiff - Friend request sent x
  • Hiya, Im from Cardiff so will send you a friend request x
  • Hello and welcome! Best thing you can do it purchase a heart rate monitor and create your own zumba exercise so that your calories are accurate :)
    in New Comment by ceri1980 May 2011
  • I tried Lipotrim a while ago and it does help you lose weight quite quickly but the shakes are awful :( If your looking for something more long term where you can continue to eat a nice healthy meal I would strongly recommend trying Herbalife. You basically replace two meals a day with a shake then eat a healthy evening…
    in LIPOTRIM Comment by ceri1980 May 2011
  • I'm still waiting for my 30DS to be delivered! Keep us updated with your progress/results :)
  • Yhe best thing to do would be to buy a heart rate monitor and measure how many calories you burn, that way you know the calories that you are adding are accurate x
  • Hello and welcome to MFP.... It will take your body a few weeks to adjust to your new eating habits but you will find that your stomach will shrink a bit and you will start to feel fuller sooner. Try and eat foods that keep you fuller for longer, i find weetabix or porrifge for breakfast keeps me going until lunchtime then…
    in Help Comment by ceri1980 May 2011
  • Welcome to MFP! Good luck on your weight loss journey....have sent you a request x
    in I am new Comment by ceri1980 May 2011
  • I am from Cardiff, will send you a friend request! Anyone Feel free to add me if your looking for support :) x
  • I want to join but im still waiting for my 30DS to be delivered! i'm hoping it will come today, ive been waiting 2 weeks now :(
  • I actually wrote what mine would be in 5 weeks down so im interested to see how accurate this figure is. .....judging by what ive eaten this weekend i wont be anywhere near it!!
  • Excellant thought of the day!! x
  • Going back 2 years i lost nearly 5 stone doing SW although since leaving the class i gained 3 of that easily!! they used to use red and green days which were simple to follow but they now have a bew system thats called extra easy which basically means you can eat most things. I just cant seem to get my head around this…