Im New, From the UK and Have Around 30lbs to Loose :)

Hi everyone :)

Ok so technically im not totally new, I tried this at the beginning of the year but it only lasted around a month, this time I mean it!
Our couple of weeks of sunshine made me see just how out of shape I am, trying on my summer clothes nearly had me in tears!

So, yes im still having the odd slip up, but Ive started running and slowly these changes will have an effect!

Anyone from the UK in the same boat as me? Im hoping to get lots of support on here :) so feel free to add me!


  • mapinkerton
    mapinkerton Posts: 147
    You CAN do it! You just have to set your mind to it and make it a priority.

    Good Luck!

  • miss_dreamer
    miss_dreamer Posts: 50 Member
    I'm also from the UK, though currently living in Japan. I'm hoping to lose around 30-40lbs and fit into my summer wardrobe once more. :) Shall send a friend request.
  • suediet55
    suediet55 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Hun, I'm from the uk too - not been on here long but liking the fact that exercise gives me more calories to play with. My down fall is that I like to have a drink at weekend, so weight loss is very slow - may have to become tea total for a
  • tracey2710
    tracey2710 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi and welcome! Also UK here with 19lbs to lose!
  • ldando
    ldando Posts: 8
    Hi there :)

    I'm also in the UK, and have about 28lbs still to loose. I've been on here a couple of months now. Find it so helpful with keeping track of everything and realising the exercise I do allows me to have that bit of chocolate or a glass of wine! :) I still have my slip ups, had on at the weekend took the kids to McDonalds! (bad mistake) I wasn't going to have anything but caved in :( It happens to the best of us, but the best thing to do is not to think sod it but carry on being healthy the rest of the time and the weight will still come off :)
    Will send you a request. Having friends on here helps keep you motivated, even just seeing how well they're doing makes you want to do the same! :)
  • jenreb1
    jenreb1 Posts: 10
    Lots of support on these forums (as I am finding out!!) ... you can do it !! We have similar goals and I am CLOSE to the UP - I am in WI .. lol - well ok not THAT close!! Stay focused and when you need some help I'll send you some 'skinny vibes' !
  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello from UK......Wales to be exact!

    Friend request on its way to you, good luck with your journey :)

    Anyone else feel free to add me too......always happy to help/support/motivate others x