weight loss shakes BEST

hey guys

wanting a meal replacement diet consisting of shakes... any tried and tested??
stories? HELP

thanks all



  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Shakeology is the only way to go. All other do not compare! Plus other ones like slim fast, atkins and other meal replacement shakes are full of Chemicals, tons of sugar or artificalsweetners. If you eat clean healthy nutritious foods you will loose weight.
  • bridetobe310711
    Shakeology is the only way to go. All other do not compare! Plus other ones like slim fast, atkins and other meal replacement shakes are full of Chemicals, tons of sugar or artificalsweetners. If you eat clean healthy nutritious foods you will loose weight.

    thanks...i know i noticed they had a lot of sugar in them so looking for one with less sugar

  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I'm curiously why you want to use meal replacement shakes at all. Not a criticism, just plain curiosity. I could never survive on that I think I'd gnaw my own arm off in hunger!
  • bridetobe310711
    I'm curiously why you want to use meal replacement shakes at all. Not a criticism, just plain curiosity. I could never survive on that I think I'd gnaw my own arm off in hunger!

    i am an all or nothing girl.... and need to lose weight quick!!! wedding in July! x
  • music_lover_103
    ive tried slimfast before, and i think they taste yummy. they also keep me full from breakfast to lunch, though ive never used them for anything other than a quick breakfast.
  • nlhawthorne
    nlhawthorne Posts: 34
    Not sure where you're from. In the UK there is LighterLife, which I did and lost over 100lb. The meal replacement packs were pretty nice and are medically approved as being nutritionally balanced. It's a bit expensive though (over £70 a week now I think) but the best part was the group counselling that came with it. If LighterLife isn't available where you are and you're dead set on trying a meal replacement diet, aim for ones that put your body into ketosis if possible, as this will suppress your appetite and keep your energy levels up. Although be careful if you've ever had any problems with your kidneys etc - maybe best to consult your doctor if that's the case.

    I think you'll find a lot of people on here telling you not to waste your time on a quick fix like meal replacement diets and that you'll put it all back on again eventually, slow and steady wins the race, your health is the most important thing, etc etc. However you're an adult and it's your life and your decision - things like this do work for some people. It worked for me because I manage my food issues best within set boundaries, for example. Just make sure that if you do go on something this extreme that you've done your research and you know how to ease yourself off the shakes again when you reach your goal so that you don't instantly start gaining weight back again - this especially happens in diets where your body has depleted its store of glycogen in the liver so when you start eating "normal" food again, a lot of the "weight" you gain back is simply glycogen storing itself up in the liver again, not fat.
  • bridetobe310711
    Not sure where you're from. In the UK there is LighterLife, which I did and lost over 100lb. The meal replacement packs were pretty nice and are medically approved as being nutritionally balanced. It's a bit expensive though (over £70 a week now I think) but the best part was the group counselling that came with it. If LighterLife isn't available where you are and you're dead set on trying a meal replacement diet, aim for ones that put your body into ketosis if possible, as this will suppress your appetite and keep your energy levels up. Although be careful if you've ever had any problems with your kidneys etc - maybe best to consult your doctor if that's the case.

    I think you'll find a lot of people on here telling you not to waste your time on a quick fix like meal replacement diets and that you'll put it all back on again eventually, slow and steady wins the race, your health is the most important thing, etc etc. However you're an adult and it's your life and your decision - things like this do work for some people. It worked for me because I manage my food issues best within set boundaries, for example. Just make sure that if you do go on something this extreme that you've done your research and you know how to ease yourself off the shakes again when you reach your goal so that you don't instantly start gaining weight back again - this especially happens in diets where your body has depleted its store of glycogen in the liver so when you start eating "normal" food again, a lot of the "weight" you gain back is simply glycogen storing itself up in the liver again, not fat.

    thanks... i am on Lipotrim at the moment which puts your body int ketosis... jut wondered which was the best

    thanks for your help
  • cherrydietcoke1

    I agree with nlhawthorne that its up to you- I lost about 2 stone with slimfast when I was about 20, I loved it but got so much aggro of people- work colleagues etc even people I was buying it from in boots!!

    I even ended up not putting them in the staffroom fridge and taking a walk at lunch cause of people telling me about how I'll pile it all back on again as soon as I stop.

    I still keep a few at home now for quick breakfasts if I'm in a hurry rushing out of the house.

    I tried celebrity slim once as it is supposed to keep you more satisfied but it was really watery.

    another point that most people make is slimfast and prob most of these shakes is they do contain so much suger- you get a big sugar rush, then your body tries to correct it and you have a slump and feel crap. I prefer porridge these days for my lunch at work ;)

  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    Back in September I started using Herbalife and would recommend it to anyone wanting to lose weight and increase their overall well being.

    Not only have i lost weight but i lost inches....and quite quickly!

    The shakes are really enjoyable and you can add fruit or yoghurt into them to adjust the tast to suit you. the other thing i liked was that it is not overly expensive which puts most people off.

    Ceri x
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    I'm curiously why you want to use meal replacement shakes at all. Not a criticism, just plain curiosity. I could never survive on that I think I'd gnaw my own arm off in hunger!

    I use the shakes mostly for breakfast, I don't feel like eating till around 11 so more a case of getting something into my body without having to force it down, not sure it'd be enough for some of my meds tho so have started forcing myself to eat a banana as my gp said that would be enough
  • boobear00
    boobear00 Posts: 53 Member
    I also use Herbalife. I don't have a lot of time and the shakes make things so easy. I've lost lbs and inches, but I also feel better than I have in years. If it's something your interested in or would like more info feel free to pm me and I can send you some info as far as what the eating plan looks like, cost, etc. No matter what you choose, good luck! I got married last July so I know the feeling of wanting to look your best. BTW Congratulations!
  • bridetobe310711