Swopkin Member


  • That's very inspirational. Congrats on reaching your goal weight. My goal weight is about the same and you are absolutely right; I have been losing inches consistently, but weight only once in a while.
  • Week 1: 20 miles Week 2: 23 miles Week 3: 25 miles Week 4: 28 miles Week 5: 30 miles Week 6: 35 miles Let's hope I make it. At the moment I've got gigantic blisters on my footsoles so not planning to run the first two days, but after that I'm back 'in the running'.
  • ^This. But have you tried a support bandage. I have weak ankles and a knee that's acting up from time to time. I use the bandages because my ligaments are too flexible and it limits their range. I also try to run only on bouncy grounds like earth or the running track (which has a sort of rubber [?] as a surface).
  • Alright, I phrased it the wrong way. "On the brighter note!".
  • Let's not be pessimistic. I believe that awareness about healthy food is being raised. In Britain, for instance, doctors are rooting for a ban on all advertising related to fast food or soda. Just like a ban against cigarette comercials was raised in the 70s (?). I sincerely hope they win the battle and the trend will…
  • Wasn't it Kate Moss who said "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels?"
  • I hate weekends for exactly this reason. Normally, I don't have a swimming training on Sunday's so I don't have the exercise calories I can eat. Luckily, I've got great MFP friends. ^_^
  • Congrats! Such a cutie too!
  • I tap my tummy when I'm bored or I feel I should get off my *kitten* to do some sports. It seems to get less wobbly every week. ^_^
  • Wouldn't worry too much about the sugar intake from fruit or vegetables. They generally don't spike your blood sugar and they aren't bad for you in any way.
  • You look absolutely gorgeous! I love your running outfit.
  • Vegan here. Feel free to add me.
  • I lost my father almost two years ago. He was very sick, but since no euthanasia was possible he decided to kill himself. My mother, my brothers and I knew nothing of his plans and on the first day of university, I received the news that my dad had deceased. Even though I can't really blame my weight loss on his death, I…
  • Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely try it out. Is it available in every pharmacy?
    in Cold hands Comment by Swopkin May 2012
  • My apologies. I wasn't trying to offend you or your exercise routine. I was merely relating what helped for me.
    in Cold hands Comment by Swopkin May 2012
  • I asked a similar question a while back, but didn't receive an answer. I suffer cold hands and feet which sometimes even prevent me to sleep. My guess is that we both have bad circulation; exercise seems to help, though, because when I talk a brisk walk before going to bed or when I swim a lot the symptoms seem to…
    in Cold hands Comment by Swopkin May 2012
  • First of all: do the happy dance! Secondly: I would set the food-section of MFP to 'maintenance'. As the previous poster already mentioned; eat clean and exercise at least once a day. Perhaps you should visit a fitness center nearby to ask advice there? Most of the time, they've got a skilled person who can help you with…
  • I make my own little pizzas with half pitta breads that I put in the oven for 10 minutes and later I add the tomato sauce and the vegetables. De-li-cious!
  • Could you make your diary public so we might have a look?
  • According to Joel Fuhrman, the author of Eat To Live "Saturated fat: Some naturally occuring fats are called saturated because all the carbon are single bonds. These fats are solid at room temperature and are generally recognized as a significant cause of both hearht diseas and cancer .Saturated fats are found mainly in…
    in Coconut Oil? Comment by Swopkin May 2012
  • Well, if you want to up your calories to 1700 and you burn between 600 and 900, then yes...you should eat around 2500-2700. Good luck!
  • Are you sure your HRM is accurate? And if so, how do you do it? I work out quite frequently, but I never get passed 1600 of work-out calories burnt.
  • Added you as my friend. Welcome to MFP!
    in New To MFP Comment by Swopkin May 2012
  • Almond or soy. Both have incredible properties and they taste awesome. Found this on google; http://www.askdrsears.com/topics/family-nutrition/soy/7-reasons-why-soy-so-good-you AND http://www.helium.com/items/803826-the-benefits-of-almond-milk
    in Milk wars Comment by Swopkin May 2012
  • I'm a vegan myself too and I have to say that I never really care about fats. As long as they're not trans-fats I'm happy. What's more, fat is the one thing that can up my calories so if I would try to cut that, I'd end up undereating. In short, I wouldn't bother about it too much if they're healthy non-animal fats. I've…
  • I love the transformation of your face. You've got lovely cheekbones!
  • Thank you so much, everyone. I hadn't expected so much support. This truly is an amazing community with amazing people!
  • I never drink any alcohol and I've been losing weight quite steadily. I can only support your goal!
  • Lemme be the first to reply. I'd love to be your friend. Feel free to add me.
    in Hey! Comment by Swopkin April 2012
  • I know this sounds contradictory, but whenever I exercise I am not hungry. Perhaps take a walk when you are really hungry?