oilphins Member


  • Well said. I find if I take any time off and do a hard workout, I'm really sore the next day. The more you workout regularly, the less sore you will be. I run 4 days a week and box two days a week. If I miss a boxing workout even once, I end up being sore the next day.
  • Not familiar with Jawbone but it sounds like it's way off. Depending on your pace when you run will make a difference though. My nike app is very close to what mfp says for running. I run at about a 7.0mph pace when I run and for a 10k run, it tells me I've burnt about 680 calories and for a half marathon it tells me I've…
  • I think once your body fat % goes down with your proper eating, you will notice them more. I box three times a week along with being an avid runner and I find planking is a great core exercise. Try doing them while doing splits or mountain climbers. Really good for your core. And the more you do them, you'll be surprised…
  • Totally agree, any metal that's fast, Metallica, Megadeth, Primal fear, and Disturbed are my fav's.
  • The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You can do more reps with a lighter weight if you want to tone or slowly with heavier weight to get bigger but in 20 years of working out and doing weights, I can't say I've ever seen that before. Good way to possibly tear your bicep muscle. If you see this guy again, don't take…
  • It's really hard to say but I'd say it's pretty close. When I do a 10k run on my treadmill it says I've burned about 1000 calories at about 7.6 mph. When I do my 10k run outside my nike app says it's closer to about 830. Mfp says about the same as my app. So I'm assuming they both aren't way off. I knew 1000 was a bit much…
  • This is perfectly said. If your body fat % isn't low enough, you can do 1000 situps a day and you won't see them. I also find planking is one of the best ab exercises especially if you add mountain climbers and splits with them. Good luck to you.
  • Thanks so much scar, great tips and I will take everything into consideration.
  • Scarmack I do have a question for you. The days I don't run I box at a club with lots of intense cardio and a lot of core work. At 165 my abs are coming in a little bit but having a tough time getting them more defined. I have more like a four pack than six pack. Any suggestions on how to keep the weight off and calories…
  • No but thanks for the idea. Maybe wind sprints would help?
  • I got 2 words for ya: Diet.[/quote] Hey buddy I'm 5'11 and 165 pounds and running is how I keep my weight off eating 1700 calories a day. 5-6 days a week with a minimum run of 10k. So don't tell me to diet. What do you do, bike to the store and back? (lol) Always someone here at mfp with a typical smart a** comment. I'm…
  • I've always had small calves my whole life and use to do calf exercises twice a week at the gym to try to get them bigger. I've been running avidly now for 6 years, 5-6 days a week with every run being at least 10k and still can't get them bigger. I wish I had your problem (lol).
  • I'm so jealous of you guys who can keep weight off without doing cardio. I run 5 days a week and box the other 2 which is all cardio. I'd probably put 5 pounds on a week if all I did was weights. Lucky you.
  • Such an idiot. Watch he'll probably check back to see if anyone else has commented because he needs to make an *kitten* out himself again with his ridiculous so called knowledge.
  • I'll never understand why when people read posts like this clown, they make it a point to post a negative comment. If you think it's a dumb question, then move on. Your negativity is not helping so keep them to yourself. And yes it's true fact women burn 3-500 calories a day breastfeeding. Look it up next time before you…
  • Yes you will always be sore if you take any time off, especially if your doing something different from a regular routine. It might feel a bit better to do a light workout like linovitz says. You can workout everyday and you'll never be sore but it really only takes about a week to be sore again. I use to do legs at the…
  • Yes this you should do for sure. I run about 60k a week and if you do a lot of running, even if your runners still feel good, you should replace them about every 6-7 months is what I have been told by numerous avid runners here in my city who have won full and half marathons.
  • There are so many exercises you can do without anything. You can do pushups, squats, jumping jacks running on the spot with high knees and also try planking and add mountain climbers or splits with the plank, and one of the best exercises to do are burpees. Do between 10 and 15 to start and you will get your heart rate up…
  • No please go on. I insist. Have a nice day and don't forget to reply to this (lol). Get lots of sleep tonight. You are so missing the point I was trying to get across to him. This post isn't about you or me, OMG let it go already. Can't believe you spent time looking these up because I could care less.
  • Ok your right and I'm wrong. I guess my brother in law who has been a bodybuilder for 22 years doesn't know what he's talking about. Wouldn't want you to lose sleep tonight (lol).
  • If he chooses to do one or two body parts, it is supersetting. I was trying to get the point across about not taking breaks. Yes it is a full body circuit, but it's still supersetting. And btw poon, just ignore all the negative comments. There are people here trying to help you and don't dwell on all the bad apples.…
  • Very true and yes I find my treadmill is always telling me I've burned more than I actually have. When I do a 10k run at about a 7.5 mile pace, my treadmill says I've burned about 1000 calories, but when I run outside my nike app and mfp says it's closer to about 830 which I think is more accurate.
  • If your looking to see how many calories you've burned, just maybe estimate it. I box regularly twice a week and just put 'boxing,sparring'. I'm sure it's close to what we want.
    in Boxfit Comment by oilphins October 2015
  • This is what I do as well. Seems to work but do whats best for you. I usually run 5 days in a row and then box on the other day.
  • Just remember not to do the same body parts back to back. It takes 36 to 48 hours technically for your muscles to grow. If you doing say bi's and tri's on a Monday, make sure you don't do them again until Wednesday or Thursday. Same with whatever other body parts you choose to do on a particular day. So say chest and…
  • Do a lot of super setting. Pick five or six exercises for each body part and do them all at once with no break. So for example do 10 to 15 reps of bicep curls, then immediately say shoulder press, then squats, etc. Do about 5 to seven sets of that. I use to superset at the gym all the time when I was looking for a change…
  • Good for you, that's a good time for a 5k. And at 6mph pace? What a great pace to keep up. Keep it up and you'll see how much faster you can get over time if that's your goal. I ran a half marathon two years ago in 1:33:20 and is my fastest time to date. Very proud of that which for me at 45 is not bad. Still looking to…
  • [/quote] Not trying to pile on you at all here, but I do think it's important to point out that activities like cleaning house, washing cars, etc. are simply part of our daily activities of living and usually shouldn't be logged as exercise. I'm saying this for the benefit of others/newcomers who may be reading this thread…
  • Sorry but if your exhausted from washing a car, you really need to start doing something to get your cardio up. This doesn't sound to healthy to me. If you don't mind me asking, are you really obese? Hopefully your cholesterol isn't high because this is a heart attack waiting to happen, and this is NO JOKE! Nobody should…
  • I disagree somewhat here. I have a cheat meal every week on Saturdays only, usually pizza or a burger but there are times I've gone over my calorie intake during the week by eating healthy. Just because you've gone over your calorie intake doesn't mean you cheated that day. I need my calcium everyday and two glasses of…