I want Abs, Help!



  • oilphins
    oilphins Posts: 240 Member
    edited October 2015
    I think once your body fat % goes down with your proper eating, you will notice them more. I box three times a week along with being an avid runner and I find planking is a great core exercise. Try doing them while doing splits or mountain climbers. Really good for your core. And the more you do them, you'll be surprised how strong your core will get over time. We did a five minute plank last month at my boxing club and managed to do it along with a lot of shaking arms but once your core gets stronger, Challenge yourself and try to do a five minute plank and see how far you can get.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    edited October 2015
    Pushups & Squats, maybe throw in some Burpee Pushups too.
    I did a move from P90X called the Prison Cell Push Up, and those kicked my rear.

    All should be effective at building muscle, hence burning the fat around your midsection, hence displaying what abs you have.

    Pushups help your midsection, I thought that was for your arms

    If done correctly (and on your toes, not your knees, back straight), pushups are probably one of the better total body exercises that require no equipment.
    Yes, the obvious muscles being worked are your shoulders, triceps, and chest. Bear in mind that in its most basic form, a pushup is a form of a plank that moves up and down, so the core engagement is there. Again, if done on the toes, you are also engaging your glutes and thighs. (some big muscle groups).

    So, you're engaging your core, and with all of the other muscles you are working and developing, and those developing muscles burning fat, eventually the fat that is covering those glorious abs is going burn off.......assuming your diet is good as well. Stop thinking of ab work as just planks, situps, and crunches, and think of ab work as working all major muscle groups as a whole. I could do 100-200 situps a day, every day for a month.......would I have nice abs, maybe, but if I'm not working anything else and have a crappy diet, nobody would know because there will likely still be fat covering them.