TiffyChick Member


  • Google "Red wine burns fat". Lots of information on the benefits of drinking red wine. I still drink it, but not everyday. Usually drink it 2-3 days in a row, then take a 4 day break or so. : )
  • Thanks so much, everyone...I'm feeling so loved and supported by all of you! :*)
  • My results pale in comparison to others - everyone's dedication and triumphs keep me going - including yours! :smile:
  • Thank you so much, everyone! I was already a vocal supporter of the EM2WL concept with all my friends...now I will be even more annoying about it! LOL :wink: It's great to be able to say that you're maintaining while increasing your calories, but SO much better to be able to say that you're LOSING while increasing…
  • YOU are awesome!!! Thank you SO much for starting this forum and giving people their life and their health back! These are all for you!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Dewgirl, this is for you! :flowerforyou: You've been so helpful and encouraging - every time I look at your profile picture and checkout your "guns", that's a TON of motivation for me! : ) I have DEFINITELY changed my outlook, but couldn't have done it without having EM2WL as an option for healthy weight loss. As far as…
  • I just have to add that 6 weeks ago when I got my stats at the gym, I cried. :cry: I was so broken over how I had let myself slip so badly. Today, I wanted to cry tears of joy over taking my health back. I settled for jumping up and down, though...crying in the gym - as I've discovered - just isn't considered "cool".…
  • From everything I understand, it's somewhat counterproductive to do weight training while doing heavy cardio or other endurance training (marathon training, triathlon training) as you burn up the muscle you've just worked so hard to increase. NROLFW seems to only advocate HIIT, and not an intense amount, either. I was…
  • OP...I, for one, am grateful to how found a way to lose weight without losing my sanity! ; ) I tried the 1200 calorie diet for 3 weeks and though I was losing I was MISERABLE and felt so unhealthy. I was eating far below my TDEE. I am so grateful to have found this group. I definitely made these EM2WL boards my home base…
  • Thanks so much!!! I have been doing this for almost 5 weeks and just don't want to mess anything up...the assistance you two provided makes me feel much better! Gratitude, here. ; )
  • Swiss army knife of knowledge - LOL!!! Love it! :laugh:
  • I fell into the grasp of the evil 1200 calorie diet when I signed up on mfp. Honestly, I think those "automatic" goal calculators are from the hell itself! LOL. Fortunately I only was on that low intake for less than a month before I found the EM2WL forums. I instantly knew in my heart that *this* was the right path. I had…
  • LOVE! Honestly, I'm 4 weeks in and have yet to weigh myself. The more involved I get in eating at TDEE-15% and following NROL4W, the more I question why the scale is even important. Why do we place SO much importance on that number when measurements, body fat percentage and how our clothes are fitting are much truer…
  • Thanks, guys! I will have the gym trainer check my form - I so don't want to alter my program. : )
  • I was just noticing tonight that my hands are getting calloused. Def. need to get myself some gloves! : )
  • THat is how it's DONE! Fabulous progress!!!
  • ^^^^^ LOVE THIS!!! ^^^^ I'm still on the fence about possibly doing a "full reset" myself. I jumped up to TDEE -15%, but never did TDEE. I only did VLCD for about 3 weeks, so didn't feel I needed it (but I spent years "skipping meals accidentally" or eating at times that were FAR too spaced out - rarely eating…
  • Thanks, everybody. I tried it out today, doing the stationary bike. I did 1 minute keeping my heart rate between 150-160, followed by 2-3 minutes at 135-140. I did five intervals. It took me 20 minutes. It was hard at first but easier by the end. It was great to get cardio done so quickly. I hope I was doing it right. LOL!…
    in HIIT??? Comment by TiffyChick May 2012
  • Dewgirl - I am usually ravenous for 2, sometimes three days. I think I'll allow myself an extra 250 calories if I feel I need it. I also do well with a glass of red wine in the evening to help with the cramps and sort of "calm" my cravings. I'm going to do it if I feel it will "get me through". I'm also going to take your…
  • These results are so awesome! Not only do I love reading them for myself, but I also love having this information to share with others who want to get healthy and are heading down that "low-cal" road. This way of eating literally changes your LIFE! It's emotional and mental health improvements, not just physical, which is…
  • Thank you - good to know I'm doing it right! : )
  • I so relate to this! about 9 years ago I journaled everything I ate and felt guilty if I ate too much - I was trying to attain that "stick-thin" look because of pressure from my ex-husband who held that up as a standard of beauty. The problem was that I was so deprived that I would BINGE! I would go to the store by myself,…
  • That is so funny! Only because I, too, thought my Thyroid was "bad" (my mom has low thyroid, just like her mom and my sister has hashimoto's disease, as did my aunt, so it DOES run in the family). I found that eating the proper calories took those fears away, so I'm totally in the same boat as you! : )
  • I've been doing EM2WL for about the same amount of time...but didn't *really* get on-board and organized with it (meeting macro's better, meeting calories better, eating often enough, etc.) until about 3 weeks ago. I'm totally okay with waiting. In fact, I promised myself to stay off a scale for at LEAST 2 months after…
  • Realrayne - I had to pull back on doing the stationary bike. My muscles just couldn't handle it on top of the lifting. I've actually been able to do it again in the second week. Also, the reminder that stage 1 is all about getting acquainted with lifting is a good one! I'll remind myself of that. : ) Dmcw - I have had some…
  • Dewgirl - Thank you for that info - I am going to look for stimulant-free pre-workout supplements just as you suggested. I am excited - this is all so new to me but I am LOVING that there are so many ways to support your bodies needs through supplements. : )
  • Meshasha - No pain in the joints, it's all in the muscles. I don't have a gym with a whirpool or showers - it's just a simple box gym. I live 5 minutes away...could I do that at home? I have a roman tub with seperate shower in the same bathroom. Or do I need to do it immediately after lifting. If I went home it would be…
  • Cclancaster - Thank you! I'm def. going to check that out. Chocolate Milk = YUM!!! : )
  • Meshashesha - I am really good at hitting my macro's, including my protein (150 grams/day). My caloric intake based upon my tdee (set at moderate activity), with the 15% cut is 2000/day. I am def. planning on getting a Bodymedia Fit Link so I can accurately know without a doubt what my TDEE is. : )