

  • Sobe lean green tea - 15 calories a bottle
  • Good luck!! My husband and I are both in the military and both deployed right now. We are coming up on our 5th month separated, let me know if you need any support. I know it can get rough.:smile:
  • My husband LOVES to eat his sweets, bread, pasta..........all the bad stuff. My only advice is to man up a bit. I was gaining weight eating like/with him and I said enough is enough. Make him realize the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. It may take some convincing but if I can get my husband to eat healthier , you can…
  • If you have a ROSS that is the place to go........... separates are definitely good. Darker pants and nice shirts, not to short of sleeves though. a place i worked before had a sleeve requirement like it had to be to my elbow, so I would make sure they don't have a dress code as some places do. You could even find shoes at…
  • I would say number four, Garlic is always healthy and since you know you are going out plan wisely with the food you eat throughout the day so you don't feel bad if you indulge a little.
  • i agree that user went over board but who is to say maybe that wasn't the cherry on her cake today, you know what i mean? Everyone gets the benefit of the doubt once but after that you are done. It is a shame that people can be so ungrateful, oh well................:grumble:
  • Muscle need time to recouperate just like anythin else. i think there is a 2 day rule. I would ask a trainer at the gym what a good rest/work cycle for the same muscle group is.
  • my grandma used to use empty gallon jugs with the lids and jog in place but hold the jugs in her hands under water pushing them while she ran for resistance. I tried it once, it actually is quite a workout!!
  • wow! My dad was a body builder my whole life and has always tried to talk me into fitness competing. I am very curious to what your diet.exercise plans are. I hope you keep me posted. The more research I do on fitness competitions the more enticing it sounds. Good Luck and I hope you win!!!:bigsmile:
  • yes i dont know what this squash drink you speak of is....:huh: I think cold turkey is the only option. I did it once a few years ago and lasted about 6 mths and then had one soda and it was disgusting but i kept drinking it and now i like it again. Vicious cycle i tell you!:devil:
  • yes small steps=progress!!! like anything else.
  • i meant to say connecting and short! i cant type and think.:laugh:
  • I tend to get this same feeling after my PT test or when doing crunches for stamina( fast). I think it may just be like an irritation from the floating ribs connectinf with the muscle or hips depending on how hort your torso is. I have never been to the doctor for it. I always just kind of wait it out and all seems to be…
  • Thanks for the advice! The funny thing is i drink green tea and a lot of water and occasionally coffee. I think my habit more than my want is the devil here. Just need to get a grip on my determination and all will be well. At least I kicked the hard stuff( regular pepsi) lol! Any start is better than non, right?
  • How do these work? I have read a lot of posts but I guess just havent done the research can anyone give me the quick version? Thanks!:bigsmile:
  • Thanks everybody! I really needed a little boost, I am at the point that I have to convince myself to go to the gym, etc. I think it may just be a speed bump but anywho I have been on the site faithfully since the end of June and I love it!!!:heart:
  • If you are unfamiliar with strength training I would get one session with a trainer at your gym and have them show you the basics to prevent any injuries. they will probably also be able to tell you what best suits your needs at this point.
  • The best part about workout songs is that you can play all those ridiculous songs that maybe you wouldnt play with people in the car like Michael Jackson and everyone at the gym just thinks you are really pumped. :laugh:
  • Congrats!!! :drinker:
  • Try taking a multi vitamin or just a b-complex for natural energy.
  • I was always under the impression that jump rope was a good exercise because athletes use it in there workout routines, i.e. boxers.
  • Try to use a vanilla soy milk for consistency, it has a ton of protein and no dairy. Then berries, banana and ice....... delicious!!! you can always add more protein powder too if you like.
  • Make a dip similar to hummus!! There are a ton of recipes on the internet for those.:happy:
  • I have always been on shift work and I find it easier to work out immediately after work when I am on night shift. I don't know what kind of occupation your wife has or the ages of your children but depending on your scheduled days if you are on nights then they will probably still be sleeping if you get off at six and get…