Finding time to work out

Ok, so I have been having some trouble with this so maybe someone can offer some suggestions. I have a job that requires me to work shift work. Every four months I switch from nights to days ( 6pm to 6am and 6 am to 6pm). When I am on days I have no problems working out, I get up at 4 am and workout before work using the Power 90 program. However when I am on nights I cant find time. i have a wife and two kids who demand time. Any suggestions?!?


  • CristinaMunoz
    I have always been on shift work and I find it easier to work out immediately after work when I am on night shift. I don't know what kind of occupation your wife has or the ages of your children but depending on your scheduled days if you are on nights then they will probably still be sleeping if you get off at six and get in a 2 hr workout. That should give you plenty of time with them and I am sure above all else that your wife can understand that you are changing your lifestyle not just for you but for your family life.
  • jlmainer
    Thanks Cristina, I will give it a try and see how it goes. My better half definitely welcomes the life change. my kids are young and usually wake up as soon as I get home. but my workout only takes about 40 minutes. maybe I can get them to workout with me!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    looks like your a police officer.

    cant you get one of the buggers to just RUN once a night?? then you would have to chase them and get your cardio in!!

    Only joshing. I think it is wonderful that you are taking charge of your body at such a young age, that you love your wife and kids and want to spend time with them:love::love:

    Good luck to you!!

    I think the right after work-out would be good. But dont forget to eat about an hour before!!

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Yeah, I don't miss those twelve-hour nights. I remember still being pretty pumped right after work and not able to sleep for a couple hours anyway, so I agree that's probably the best time for a workout.

    Good on you being considerate of your family and making sure you spend time with them!:flowerforyou:
  • MattySparky
    Make time... explain to your DEMANDING wife that you DEMAND her support on this because it's important to you. All you need is a half hour... not even... 20 minutes of running. Work it out.
  • jlmainer
    Thanks guys and gals! All this advice is awesome and thanks for all the support. Yes I am in law enforcement ( guess the picture of the blue and red lights gave it away) and I know every time I see a over weight officer, it makes me sick ( including myself, every time I look in the mirror) so I decided it was time to make a change. Its a struggle/battle Ive attempted before and always given in to my food cravings. So this time I have decided I have to stick with it. Hope everybody has a safe and blessed day!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Can you work out on your way home?
  • jlmainer
    I was going to start trying to hit the gym in the morning before heading home. Have a huge gym at the office. The only hard part is I usually take the kids to school or help get the kids ready. Ive started working out every day. its not always first thing in the morning but its usually at some time during the day, whenever I can squeeze it in.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I was going to start trying to hit the gym in the morning before heading home. Have a huge gym at the office. The only hard part is I usually take the kids to school or help get the kids ready. Ive started working out every day. its not always first thing in the morning but its usually at some time during the day, whenever I can squeeze it in.
    Well, another choice might be to take the kids to school, and when you get home you should have some privacy to workout?
  • jlmainer
    yeah, I think thats gonna work the best when they start back to school. Right now they havent started yet and it been a balancing act, just trying to squeeze the workout in wherever I can find time. I figure doing it some time during the day is better then not doing it at all
  • jlmainer
    Ok, so I know its been a while since I posted but I am making progress. Ive lost 23 pounds, but reducing my carbohydrate and overall intake and jogging 1 mile every morning, I have been jogging about three days now and I am feeling better and more energized for the day. I felt so good this morning I almost wanted to jog two miles, but it was pretty chilly out. Anyway, I'll try to update more! Thanks everyone for your ongoing support and advice.:happy: