btm03 Member


  • My kids can be picky too, but they do like string cheese, apples with peanut butter, fruit and yogurt smoothies, popcorn, applesauce (no sugar) with cinnamon, greek yogurt, triscuits, rice cakes with pb and jelly or pb and honey, caterpillar's (I made these up, but it gets them to eat bananas...cut the peel off 3/4 of the…
  • I drink it...but I am no fitness expert by any means, I just read several places that it works. Plus, I am not only too cheap to buy the protein powder but I can't drink half the powders out there because of the fake sugar in them; it gives me horrendous migraines.
    in chocolate milk Comment by btm03 May 2012
  • Hey there. I am a 31 year old, stay-at-home mom of 2 beautiful girls. I live in PA as well. Fee free to add me!!
  • Generally my alarm clock, but I get up because I have to drive my daughter to the bus stop! Sometimes I am up before that though because my husband gets up super early for work and then the dog pounces on the bed when my hubby leaves and tells me to start moving because he wants to play....haha!
  • Amazing job, loved how you documented the transformation on video!!
  • My favorite is pb, honey, and cinnamon. Other option I really like is brown sugar, walnuts, and raisins!
  • I am on day 2 of P90X (classic). I begun in twice before and never made it past 3 weeks. I am determined this time to get through it. I was more hesitant with the nutrition plan than with the exercise, but I am finding it not has hard as I thought it would be. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can motivate each other!
  • When they start getting brown, I either make banana bread or I cut them in pieces and throw them in a baggie in the freezer to make smoothies out of them. Hope that helps!
  • Bump :-) I would love more answers or people's thoughts. Thanks!
  • I just did my fit test, measurements, and pictures. I am going to post them on my profile (except the pics). I really want to make it to the end this time....90 days, I CAN DO IT!! I want to see results. Good luck everyone!!
  • I am starting it on Monday....third times a charm (I hope). I never got past about 3 weeks the first two times. The exercise isn't a problem, I actually think there is a lot of down time in the videos because there is so much talking. Diet is the hardest for me to follow....I LOVE SWEETS! We can motivate eachother, just…
  • Thank you everyone for your thoughts and help on this! Exercise I can do...eating right is harder for me. I generally make decent choices for my meals, but I like to snack and usually on sweets! Diet will be the hardest part of P90X for me.
  • Bump!! :-)
  • My typical breakfast is oatmeal, pb, and honey, with a piece of fruit OR 1 egg, a cup of veggies (usually peppers, onions, mushrooms), with some cottage cheese stired in and a piece of fruit. Breakfast is the easiest meal of the day for me....not only do I enjoy it but I don't eat as high of calories as I do for other…
  • For those of you using the 40/30/30 ratio, how much fiber are you supposed to get a day? I've been looking for this answer and can't find it. Thanks!
  • My husband was in the Marine Corps. I've been through two L-O-N-G deployments to Iraq and he was regularly gone doing training when he was "home". It's been 6 years since he got out, but I am always willing to support others! Feel free to add me to your list. Stay'll be back together soon, it may seem like…
  • I would seriously be eating 750 calories a day, plus exercise calories, which is usually 200 calories a day that I earn. I don't think my body would survive on between 750-950 calories per day. Not everyone on here has a huge amount to lose so I'm not sure that would work for everyone.
  • Bump...looking for more opinions and someone to check my calculations.
  • Thank you for your post. I've had 2 children and never quite lost my motherly figure (including the belly pouch)! I was doing cardio only until I thought more about it and know that toning is my primary goal. I would however like to lose a few pounds. I was 105 lbs before children and although I'm not sure I can get there…
  • I am completely confused. My BMR is 1419, but my daily goal according to MFP is 1200. Everyone else's BMR is higher than their daily goal?!?! Someone please explain this to me and let me know what number I should be using?
  • I believe I set mine to either .5 or 1 pound a week that I would like to lose. I wouldn't even know what is appropriate, in order to set my own goals!?!?
  • I somehow came across your post. We sound very similar in regards to our size and goals. I am just under 5', currently 113 pounds and my goal is 105. I haven't seen that number in over 6 years (prior to children). Please add me as a friend!
  • I'm just under 5 feet and currently weigh about 113, my goal is 105.
  • I am 31, have 2 girls (4 and 6 years old). Currently a stay-at-home Mom. Looking to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I too am looking for friends on here for support and motivation, so anyone can feel free to add me to your list!!
  • My suggestion is to just stop drinking it all together. It may have been easier for me because caffeine causes me horrid migraines and I knew it effected me that way, but didn't decide until this January (at 31 years old) to just stop drinking the crap. Why should I continue to suffer for something that isn't even good for…
  • Awesome work!!! You look amazing!
  • I just posted something yesterday regarding this. My treadmill states I burn like 2000 calories when I exercise then when I type it in to MFP it says about 200. From the responses I received, I would go with this website over the gym equipment. That way, like you said, you're not cheating yourself!
  • I did not set the goal of 24 grams, myfitnesspal did. I am not overweight, I would just like to get back to my pre-pregnancy size, my goal is 11 lbs (and that's the high end of how much I'd like to lose). So I agree that I don't want to deprive myself, I think it's crazy if I have a piece of fruit I can barely have…
  • Hi everyone! I just joined this site 3 days ago and am looking to meet some motivational people. I think this group will be very beneficial. A little about me....31 years old, I am 5'0'', 114-116 lbs depending on the day, I have a wonderful husband, and 2 beautiful daughters. I am still trying to get back to my…
    in Introduction Comment by btm03 April 2012
  • Thanks for the answers so far. I actually averaged it out today to 5 mph jog, but I do like the other idea too, it just makes it a little harder. I'm not surprised my treadmill is crazy...I did buy it at Walmart. You think they would have it calibrated somewhat correctly though.