
btm03 Posts: 38 Member
Am I really supposed to stick to 24 grams of sugar a day, that is virtually impossible?!?! I typically have a piece of fruit with breakfast which usually adds up to about half my allowance for the day. I inevitibly crave something sweet around 2 PM and again after dinner, but without going way over my limit, I can't enjoy even the smallest bit of sweets without guilt.

There is sugar in EVERYTHING. I have definitely been reading nutrition labels more than I ever have, but I am feeling incredibly deprived if I don't have a little bit of sweets after each meal. Chocolate is what I usually crave.

Any thoughts, ideas, recommendations? Do you know of sweet items that have less grams of sugar in them? Anything would be helpful. I NEED MY SWEETS....HELP!


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Why only 24g of sugars per day?

    Are you staying within your total calories? Are you diabetic?

    This whole journey is supposed to be about embracing a healthier lifestyle not a life of deprivation. If you really want something sweet make it a small portion and add some exercise to offset it if you're creeping up on the calories.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If you're eating mostly carbohydrates and foods that have added sugar (sweets, lots of dairy products), you'll see a lot of sugar in your day. Vegetables and meat have almost no sugar, that's where you should be getting most of your food. 24g is a very low goal...
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    MFP does not distinguish between naturally occurring sugar (as in fruit) and added sugar (as in a twinkie). You shouldn't have more than 24g of ADDED sugar a day. For this reason, I stopped tracking sugar on MFP. If you eat fruit at all, you will always be over. And no one can convince me that eating fruit is bad for me. Period.
  • btm03
    btm03 Posts: 38 Member
    I did not set the goal of 24 grams, myfitnesspal did. I am not overweight, I would just like to get back to my pre-pregnancy size, my goal is 11 lbs (and that's the high end of how much I'd like to lose). So I agree that I don't want to deprive myself, I think it's crazy if I have a piece of fruit I can barely have anything else sweet all day. I like the idea of possibly stop tracking my sugar all together or just not counting the sugar from natural sources! Thanks for the suggestions so far.